DBD's Current Health: Revised!

The current system of Dead By Daylight is pretty flawed, and I wanted to make it much more fast paced and reduce the frustration from both the killer's end and survivor's end. The following are changes that I feel will help reduce the game's stress level and make it much more fun. All opinions are welcome, as long as they are constructive and respectful.
New System - Death Is Not An Escape
Each survivor has 2 lives not including when they first enter the trial. The killer can kill survivors by their own hands rather than have to hook them. After death, the killed survivor wakes up at a random location on the map that is at least 48 meters from the killer. Rather than just killing, killers can also choose to hook survivors instead, which will reduce generator repair speeds of all other survivors by 65 percent as well as an instant 20 percent regression on all non-completed generators until all survivors are no longer hooked. Hooked survivors are no longer sacrificed, but they can continually attempt to free themselves. After 15 attempts to free themselves, they are automatically freed from the hook. Struggling on the hook is no longer a random chance. If the killer is within 20 meters of the hooked survivor for a total of 10 seconds without leaving the area or entering a chase, generator repair speeds are instead doubled. Any survivor rescuing a hooked survivor cannot cancel the action, but they are also immune to damage for the next 4 seconds, the same also applies to the unhooked survivor. The killer is notified when he is too close to the hooked survivor by the color of the hooked survivor's aura. Some perks and ranking mechanics have been changed to accompany this huge overhaul.
(NOTE: One of the most frustrating things as survivor is that the game seems to come to a pause while hooked. I am solely at the mercy of both the killer and my teammates to recover, and creates frustration for both killer and survivor. Sometimes, the killer feels they can no longer reliably kill anyone, thus "forcing" them to camp the hooked survivor, while the hooked survivor feels they are being punished for playing well and making a single mistake; the only one they may have made all game. The hook system in Dead By Daylight is not a good objective, and reduces the fun both sides have very easily. The game should be a constant rush of adrenaline for both sides.)
Items/Mechanics/Perk Changes
- Devour Hope: Upon reaching 6/5/4 tokens, you may instantly put survivors into the dying state with a basic attack. Upon reaching 8/7/6 tokens, Survivors are instantly ejected from the match after death, regardless of their lives remaining. Hooks are still required to gain tokens. No longer a hex perk.
(NOTE: Devour Hope remains a very powerful threat, the removal of it's Hex requirement makes it a better perk for killers, but the downside being the lack of ability to quickly eliminate survivors normally due to the need for hook tokens. The perk can be countered by coordinated play and teamwork.)
- Slippery Meat: While hooked, the required amount of struggle attempts to free yourself is reduced by 2/4/6. Increases struggle speed by 5/10/15 percent.
(NOTE: Slippery Meat is probably one of the worst survivor perks in the game. With this change, it may find itself into use.)
- Blood Warden: Upon killing a survivor during the End Game Collapse, the exit gates are blocked for 40/50/60 seconds and all survivors have their auras revealed for 2/3/4 seconds.
(NOTE: A weaker killer perk, the removal of limited use and aura revealing may bring this perk into late game killer builds.)
- Borrowed Time: Upon successfully blinding the killer, you instantly cause survivors within 16/24/32 meters to instantly recover from the Dying State.
(NOTE: Borrowed Time was a great survivor perk, and basically meta. With these changes, the perk is still incredibly useful, especially for Altruistic/Chase build hybrids. Countered by Lightborn)
- Flashlights: While a killer is blinded or has a flashlight shining on their body, they cannot initiate the animation to kill a downed survivor. This does not work if the killer is already in the animation to kill the downed survivor. While a killer is fully blinded, they cannot attack in any way. The time required to blind a killer who is not in any kind of interaction animation is reduced by 30 percent.
(NOTE: To keep flashlights a viable way to help teammates, they needed changes since killers may not pick up survivors at all.)
- VOIP: All survivors have access to voice chat via a specified button or key. Survivor teammates can be muted in the pause menu. The killer cannot hear survivor voice chat.
(NOTE: One of the biggest flaws right now is the power gap between competent teams and solo survivors. With the use of Voice Communication for everyone, this may eliminate the gap or greatly reduce it, allowing easier balance.)
- Dying State: Survivors in the Dying State can no longer recover, but the time to fully heal a downed survivor is only 5 seconds, but must be completed in one instance of the interaction or progress is reset. The speed at which an injured survivor can heal themselves or be healed is reduced by 20 percent without a First Aid Kit.
(NOTE: To go hand in hand with flashlight changes, the new dying state changes will allow survivors to blind the killer and attempt an organized rescue. The killer can prevent this by damaging survivors, making this play riskier.)
- Repair Speeds: Repairing a generator alone applies a 25 percent reduction to repair speeds, while repairing with at least one teammate applies a 20 percent increase to repair speeds to all survivors working on that generator.
(NOTE: The current survivor meta revolves around splitting up and completing generators individually, causing the game's speed to be too quick and preventing killers from applying meaningful pressure.)
- Survival Menu: By holding a specified button or key as survivor, a temporary radial menu will appear with a selection of commands that can be used to spot and or mark things of interest. Marked items are revealed to all teammates for a short time by their auras or a small visual notification, items that can be marked are generators, totems, hooks, chests, or even the ground where the killer's current position may be. Marked items and areas are only revealed for 5 seconds.
(NOTE: Again addressing the lack of team communication, even survivors without voice chat can communicate effectively.)
I am just a casual not overthinking player. I don't make assumptions and cry, burning myself out with dbd changes. I am not a dbd player who before i sleep thinking about perk changes. Seems like you're that type of player.
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I just don't understand what the problem is with making ideas. They aren't hurting anyone.
Making assumptions about other people is really ignorant, but you do you.
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If I'm being honest, sometimes I'm not sure if it's really the perks we should worry about as much as the emblem system.
Reason for this: Higher ranks (red ranks) you don't really gain ranks as killer. If you don't get a 4k, you usually just get a black pip. However, the devs seem to want a balanced game to be 2 kills and 2 escapes. With this in mind, how do they expect higher rank killers to rank up?
I had a game once in purple ranks using ghost face. I killed everyone within 4-5 minutes and just got a black pip. Which is ridiculous imo.
Yes, you do need perks to help out (killer and survivors) but if one side gets a nerf/buff, there's usually a huge outrage. I don't mind new ruin, I'll still probably use it so I don't have to worry about early game gen kicking.
I will say though, you do have some rather interesting ideas about these perk changes.
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I made this idea more to address the issues of fun and frustration with DBD. The ranking system itself would definitely need new changes to work with this idea.
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I am definitely trying, Rizzo.
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I feel as though this are some unnecessarily overly-complicated changes.
While I do agree that DBD can be much more intense and balanced for both sides, the main obstacle preventing this is the map design. By making the maps smaller as well as more consistent, survivor-killer interaction is much more frequent, which ups the ante of the games.
While new game modes would be incredible, and something I'm looking forward to, I don't think that this is the way to go about it.
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Might ou have played deathgarden? They added a similiar death mechanic.
At first you had to bloodpost people
Then they made it instant kills after the redesign...
Then they added an optional recycle choice for the hunter.(respawn that survivor). Which was then patched into an obligatory 2 recycles befor you could kill them.
Survivors wont be content with an extra life, they want those infinize respawns.
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I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Dead by daylight. But I think some people like to focus heavily on perks which then turns things into meta or nonmeta. If every perk was around the same strength, I believe it'd make more diverse builds. The BT idea in itself is amazing, same with slippery meat, though I think slippery meat is the way it is due to how there was a few killers in the start.
I do want to know your idea of changing old base perks for both killers and survivors. (Non-unique perks.)
If I'm being honest, I think NOED could use a change. In the regards it isn't a one shot down for healthy survivors, rather kind of like Burgerking myers, if you get close enough and then M1, you can kill them by your hand (perhaps just give the killer a 2-3% movement speed increase.) Or perhaps if everyone is on death hook during end game, then you can kill them by your hand if you down them.
I think if they could change base perks for killers and survivors, it'll definitely make it more friendly for new players.
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To each their own!
I definitely do agree that perks need changes, though.
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Yeah, counting the fact some of them aren't that great anymore. They were just used for the old killers. But I think some people just focus on what's meta instead of fun...even at that the fun is subjective to both sides.