Live Q&A: 3.5.0 PTB/Update

Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

It's Q&A time again. Next week, we'll be holding a live Q&A on Twitch and YouTube for the 3.5.0 update. Now's your chance to ask any questions you may have! We'll select some of the best questions and answer them live on stream.

We will be talking about the Hex: Ruin change at the start of the show. Your question may be included in this section.


  • Limit of one question per person.
  • Please keep your questions respectful and constructive. Rude questions will not be taken.
  • Please keep your questions on topic (related to the 3.5.0 update). Any off topic questions will be deleted.
  • This thread is only for questions. Any posts that are not questions will be removed.

EDIT: Please keep in mind that we need to read out these questions on stream. Try to keep them short and concise, or we may have to cut bits out.

Post edited by Peanits on


  • Lithuanian
    Lithuanian Member Posts: 141

    Have there been any changes done to dead hard? It feels better in the ptb

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Have you guys ever had a discussion about the tier up sound for the doctor? I a still not quite sure what sound effect you changed on him, but its made him unplayable for me either as killer or against him as survivor as after a long round 15 minutes plus or short rounds close to each other I start to get a headache.

    I do know I am not the only one that this happens to, which is frustrating because when I bought the game this was never an issue. Something changed in his sound files and started causing this problem.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Could you go over what you decide to address when updating a map? in this case Lery's?

    The visual overhaul is apparent, what about design wise though? were the loops too strong before? too weak? a lot of the loops don't look too different but I can see you have put some strong pallets in there.

    I see that the area with the bookshelves and double vault windows now has a doorway sometimes yet a vault at other times. Why is that? why was it changed if sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not?

  • Springey
    Springey Member Posts: 286

    We know original killers will get their theme eventually, do you try to be able to put in themes and chase musics to older licensed characters?

  • I think you should think about the modifications to the ruin since I think that lately the modifications of the game is to benefit the survivors instead of the killers. With the modifications of the ruin, what you are going to promote is that the survivors when they are repairing a motor with ruin do not leave the engine to pick up a hung survivor so that the engine does not lower. I think you shouldn't touch it in my opinion. I think you are encouraging the rush of engines.

    You would also have to keep in mind that the killer plays only against 4, and if the engine rush is encouraged, then the games for the killers will become unbearable and unplayable and many will stop playing killer, and that is the game without Killer? I think you should reconsider, really.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Will we ever see a rework for gideon-the game map similar to the wonderful new lery?

  • lucagarden00
    lucagarden00 Member Posts: 3

    Many people say that if ruin is getting needed because of its presence in 80% of matches, even Decisive, Borrowed, Adrenaline and so on should get the same treatment. So will you give a look at them in the future?

  • COSMIN_XD_52
    COSMIN_XD_52 Member Posts: 3

    Can we get 2,3 music/chase musics per update ? I rlly want to get faster the ones on billy and huntress :)

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    The Doctor has and probably always will be considered a mid tier killer, although with the right play style and mind set he can be a huge threat.

    Considering this, with the recent adjustments, has his average kills per game increased, decreased, or stayed around the same?

  • Mrwood204
    Mrwood204 Member Posts: 226

    Curious on the completion rate of the last rift by the playerbase.

    Also, do you have future tomes already planned and written, or is it just who's getting a rework next.

  • Gottlos
    Gottlos Member Posts: 106

    With the ruin changes, any chance of adding another objective to make gameplay a bit more dynamic, perhaps a mutual one, for survivors/killer?

    ie: An objective that speeds up or slows down progression depending on who controls it.

  • GeorgieT
    GeorgieT Member Posts: 30

    hey devs love the work you doing, my question is with implementation sub powers being broguht on to some killers such has doctors upcoming terror radius shock and freedy gen teleport will their be a possible for the older killers to recive nice little power

  • Izo_Quartz
    Izo_Quartz Member Posts: 250

    Do you have any plans to equal the amount of rewards between the free and paid section of the rift?

This discussion has been closed.