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Live Q&A: 3.5.0 PTB/Update



  • Member Posts: 9

    Would you share what you have learned from this PTB about the changes to Hex: Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 376

    If the ruin changes are not final yet, can you add a consequence to survivors cleansing similar to haunted ground? I'm thinking gens explode and instant regress 15/20/25 %

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    How are you handling chase music for the licensed killers? Myers and Demo already have their themes, but will Bubba, Pig, and Freddy get themes from their movies or completely new themes? I'm assuming GF will get a new theme :P

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    What is the reasoning behind the Snap Out of It changes?

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,639

    Please keep your posts related to the 3.5 update, thanks!

  • Member Posts: 157

    Are you making any adjustments to the Rift shard earn rate for Tome II through XP or shard gains for completing harder Level 3/Level 4 challenges?

  • Member Posts: 26

    When it comes to the new rank rest system, did you ever consider that the majority of people might end up getting stuck between red and purple ranks? (could we assume this is also a reason for prolonged queue times?)

  • Member Posts: 30
    edited January 2020

    Considering the balance "changes" lately that have been made to perks, killers, & survivors, etc...for the "fun" experience...

    What is the "goal" experience for your community collectively of the game when considering "balance" changes? Fun? Horror? Strategic?

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    First of all the new Lery's looks amazing.

    You addressed the Hex: Ruin change, without talking about that it's usually use as a way to borrow time on really large maps such as Ormont, the Asylum or the Red Forest Realm.

    Do you plan on redesign old maps or fix the unbalanced of some maps ? (map scale aswell as problematic windows you fixed on the new Lery's for example)

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    Will the old (original version) of Lerys before the rework still exist as a possible map spawn or will the reworked Lerys be the only one to exist now?

  • Member Posts: 403

    Are there any plans to make maps more consistent with size and lighting? Some maps make being a non mobile killer really difficult, due to the size (Red forest maps, azarovs, Yamaoka maps)

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    For a better understanding: Do you have stats for usage of ruin for newer players?

    Assuming equal distribution, when red ranks have a 80% usage and all ranks have 45%, there would be 36% usage for ranks 5-20. Expecting newer players to encounter ruin less likely than that.

    What would also help to get better understanding (also regarding queue times): Do you have stats regarding rank distribution along all players? (maybe along all players that play at least once a week or something)

  • Member Posts: 374

    Can u guys make the auto-regress from ruin count as Kick the generator?

    I want synergy it with Overcharge or Pop Goes The Weasel...

    The New Ruin by itself is extremedly weak for being an HEX, but even more if i can't combine it with more perks.

    And because that, because is an HEX and can be cleansed, i don't wanna hear anyone saying this make it overpower, if you think that, cleanse the totem.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Will the new Hex Ruin possibly become its own general perk based on the negative feedback regarding said perk replacing what we have now, or will you do something different?

  • Member Posts: 2

    Are you going to change the movement again? Like you cant moonwalk anymore and thats really sad because i liked to moonwalk. Id appreciate it if you'd bring it back c:

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Is there a chance killers will spawn closer to their hex totems, as survivors still spawn closer to it than killers which makes it impossible to protect.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Will the largest maps in the game (ormond, mother’s dwelling, most cold wind maps) be looked at to bring them more in line with the more balanced smaller maps now that killer pressure is going to be more important considering a lot of killers are incapable of putting enough pressure on those maps?

  • Member Posts: 203

    With the new Hex: Ruin changes sounding like they may have potential in an ideal setting, there is still a concern for it remaining as a hex perk and being broken early into the game. Have you considered perks, similar to Corrupt Intervention, that may block totems from being touched for a set amount of time in the beginning of the trial? Or even have this as a passive for killers?

  • Member Posts: 24

    With unique chase music on the rise, will we ever have the option to choose the classic chase music instead? This Poop wants options!

    Thank you!

  • Member Posts: 510
    edited January 2020

    I understand you had to do something against "pop+ruin" combo, especially for top tier killers like Spirit and Freddy that can easily kill all people with 3 left gene as soon they had 1st quick chase.

    I guess you also reworked ruin for several reasons (new players, passive power) and did not touched pop because this perk design is awesome ("you do your job as killer, you get time reward / you fail as killer, this perk does nothing for you").

    However, do you plan to add another short objective for survivors before they can start fixing generators (e.g. finding a tool, 20-30 seconds "wasting time" at start) ? Some low tier killers, especially trapper (fun to play btw), do need something like this.

    Bye, see you on twitch :)

    Post edited by gnehehe on
  • Member Posts: 3,130

    What are your plans to fix matchmaking? Right now it is a cluster of a mess. I think your nerfs to your top skillful killers and now the most popular killer perk is about to be nerfed has caused a lot of chaos around the red ranks in particular. Also, are you still planning to add crossplay between PC and console gamers?

  • Member Posts: 924

    Since use rate and matches with less experienced players are being used as the base for changes, will there be more nerfs to the meta?

  • Member Posts: 497

    Would it be possible to change the new Hex:Ruin to only activate a dull totem after 2-3 gens are completed? Or even just one gen? This will help it have a higher possibility to survive until the late game. And if not, would it be too OP?

  • Member Posts: 745

    why did you nerf ruin when it was obvious killers were using it to slow the game down and NOT because of gatekeeper?

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    Ruin was one of the only perks killers had to slow down the early game. Now that it no longer serves that purpose, will you look into buffing other perks that can serve that purpose or will you be moving away from a slower early game and towards a longer late game?

  • Member Posts: 82

    What is usually your ideal mindset when making reworks to killers and buffing them??

  • Member Posts: 742

    You did very well with Demogorgons and Onis chase music for example but tbh the Doctors one sounds quite bad compared to all the others. Will you change or improve it a bit?

  • Member Posts: 5,069
    edited January 2020

    What was the motivation to having a cooldown after hitting survivor with shock therapy? In the PTB it feeled like a poor and annoying feature.

  • Member Posts: 180

    Why was the decision to nerf ruin now? I'm curious on the timing of things and was hoping that you guys could let the community in a little on how you guys prioritize some of these decisions?

    I believe that game health and player experience dictates this but I'm curious In terms of short term and long term visions.

    Can you guys give a brief explanation on how you guys try to put this puzzle together?


  • Member Posts: 763

    Are there plans to slow down gen speed now that ruin has been changed?

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Why would you keep it so that you need to Snap Out before you Mend considering the goal is to make Doc less frustrating to play against and this is one of the most frustrating aspects of the killer?

  • Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2020

    With the ruin changes some killers with less map pressure will struggle more due to some maps being big and by the time they go across a map to find a survivor gens can be 70%-100% finished. Will you be reworking maps to be a more viable size anytime in the future or are the maps staying as is?

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    With the idea of the changes to Ruin being "ripping off the bandaid," if certain Killers ARE shown to have been reliant on Ruin for success, how quickly would we see changes on those Killers to help combat their new lack of ability to passively slow the game down?

  • Member Posts: 496

    Love the Lery's visual changes (design team has been knocking out these reworks) but the doctor chase music seems a bit lackluster. Is there any chance you will be changing it? A youtuber by the name of Mr. Envy has made music for several killers including the doc and it's really good. You should check it out and maybe get in touch with him.

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    How do you guys decide which killer (including their add-ons and perks) is up next for rework? Do you guys base it on community requests/feedback, do you base it on your own opinions about a specific killer, or a mix of both?

  • Member Posts: 55

    Are the upcoming Tomes now going to be related to 4 main characters every time? Or is there more lore related to secondary characters coming soon, too? (PS: Hoping for the return of some objective-based Events in the future!)

  • Member Posts: 5

    Why did you choose to focus the new Tome on David and Spirit mostly? Why not go through the 4 OG survivors and 3 OG killers then the rest? Is there a system behind the final decision? Also, I hope you're working on fixing the 'Dead Hardy' challenge.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    Will you guys be changing the ways gens are completed, to make it more interesting an fun for both sides? Since people have a problem with both gen times and the monotony of completing them, there should be something to address both of these.

  • Member Posts: 712

    Why keep ruin a hex totem when it's no longer has powerful effect that warrants it being able to be taken away at any point

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Will there be any way to play on the old hospital map after the update? Even if it’s only available in KYF it’d still be nice so that you could see what the map used to be like.

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited January 2020

    Now that Hex Ruin is more in line with other Hex perks in the sense that its impact is not immediate/it is a late game perk, will you do anything to make Hex totems harder to find? Most Hex perks are weak due to the high risk they get cleansed before they have impact.

    Post edited by adsads123123123123 on
  • Member Posts: 621

    do you have any plans to alter gen speed?

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