STATS from over 100 killer matches (inc. SWF, Perks, Gens, Kills, Ruin)

Pirate Member Posts: 427
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Hey guys! I was inspired by the stats of the Devs and the experiment of Marth (Depip Squad) to create my own chart with my stats. I will tell you now something important then you are free to look trough the chart and at the bottom I will post my criticism to MYSELF and what numbers might be not very correct.

Region: EU - Germany - Frankfurt Servers - 30ms Ping

100 matches as KILLER

Start: 13th December 2019 - 25th January 2020 (most matches from 20th December - 6th January and 17th January - 25th January).

Played ONLY with green ping, Ping is always around 33ms in lobby at the 30sec mark.

Not a single Mori offering has been used.

Self criticism:

  • I am not a ruthless Killer, sometimes I let people escape by bringing them to the hatch, but in this chart all those escapes are still counted as kills. Every hatch escape that is in chart is against my will. Because of that I did not include my rank
  • I did not always try to go for the 4K but sometimes I tried to go for the 4K! Sorry for this, I should have been consequent in my decision
  • I switched around Addons and Perks on some killers, so the individual stats might be incorrect and dependend on Addons/Perks
  • Especially after the Ruin nerf I played more dirty with slugging and proxy, but again not by far not every match
  • The green-blue chart stats about ruin include killers I did not use ruin with, so I think it has no value at all
  • Ruin Nerf and Doc Change start with match 78 (red line)
  • Toxic survivor ingame: active teabagging at/behind pallets or in the exit gates, aggressive flashlight clicking or taunting
  • Toxic survivors in chat: insulting me or any teammate in chat and ggez (not the sarcastic one)
  • I can not guarantee that all numbers are 100% correct because of the amaount of data and many possibilites for mistakes.
  • DS=Decisive Strike; BT=Borrowed Time; OOO=Object of Obsession

My Killer Builds I used:

1) Hillbilly: Enduring+Spirit Fury+BBQ+Infectious Fright (In the beginning Ruin instead of Infectious Fright)

Addons: Non or Anti-Noise / In Red Ranks Primer Bulb+Homemade Muffler

2) Nurse: A Nurses Calling+Shadowborn+Infectious Fright+BBQ (In the beginning Ruin instead of Shadowborn)

Addons: Both Cooldown after few matches no Addons

3) Spirit: Stridor+BBQ+Whispers+Ruin/StBfL (after Ruin nerf)

Addons: Always different (yellow/brown), never Purple and never Prayer Beads

4) Huntress: A Nurses Calling+BBQ+Whispers+Ruin/Shadowborn (after Ruin nerf)

Addons: Exhaustion+Locker Reload

5) Trapper: BBQ+Whispers+Ruin+Haunted Grounds/Pop+Brutal (after Runi nerf)

Addons: Bag + Darkening or Fastening tools

6) Plague: Ruin+BBQ+Enderuing+Spirit Fury

Addons: always different

7) Doc: BBQ+Bamboozle+Ruin+Haunted grounds/pop+StBfL(after Ruin nerf)

Addons:Restraint+Discipline of any rarity

8) Freddy: BBQ+Enduring+Spirit Fury+Ruin/Pop (after Ruin nerf)

Addons: No Addons or slower repair speed

9) Demogorgon: Bamboozle+BBQ+StBfL+Ruin/Pop (after Ruin nerf)

Addons:_Rat Liver+Black Heart

10) Oni: BBQ-Bamboozle-Infectious Fright-Pop

Addons: Longer Fury of any rarity+random


This project took a lot of my time! For the first 20 matches I saved much more data like screen shots, perks used, items used, match time, time until ruin is gone and many more. But it was way to much work to keep on going for 100 matches (my set goal) and giving the data only after 20 matches is nothing special or representative. So I dropped it and collected only data I was insterested in, espacially the fact that devs said there are 4% (?) 4-stack SWFs and I could not believe it. Even then I dropped the project for a week because of privat stuff and the exhaustingly long profile checks after the match.

I would LOVE to see YOUR results too! It would be so much fun to see the results of a survivor main with alteast 100 matches!

I hope you liked it.

Post edited by Pirate on


  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2020

    You are crazy!

    Edit: Gut gemacht :D

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,095

    I am a big fan of the Question Mark in Line 44 for "Toxic".

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    there is a coffee stain right on the paper where I wrote it down XD and because it is maybe over 20 days ago I can only write a question mark or to falsify the chart

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Maybe i overread it but what killer rank are you? Just want to know to see how matchmaking works :) great job!

  • Shi
    Shi Member Posts: 156

    Thank you for sharing, I feel the same with your table.

    Too many toxic, and 50% D.C.

    I hope one day, Dev will change gestures to be unstoppable. (must completed animation)

    And please do something with D/C practically.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    You have inspired me to do this.

    I will do 100 matches solo survivor and swf, and do my own version for killer!

    Everything will be written down, this kind of player data is exactly what we need so we can finally shut some people up and encourage the rest!

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Cant you make a template and share it in google spreadsheets?

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    4 man swf "Rare" indeed, knew that claim was dubious at best.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I think it's interesting seeing the amount of DS, BT, and SWF in all these games yet were told the play rates of those are much, much lower than what we see here. These plays rates reflect my games as well.

    Granted only 100 games but it still seems telling.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    This is really good! My favorite thing is that you were transparent about your methodology and owned up to what you didn't keep consistent

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Thank you! It is very important for me to be as transparent as possible but also to stay myself ingame! If I had to do 100 matches with 4k-mercyless-tryhard attitude I simple could not do it. But sometimes people had been also so toxic I did not want to be mercyful to them.

  • ceeroover
    ceeroover Member Posts: 78

    How do you know who is SWF? Did they told you after the match?

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Doing it over 100times I learned a very nice and quick way to do it (ONLY STEAM).

    In lobby or after match you click on every name of the survivor so the steamoverlay opens with 4 tabs to the profiels of the 4 survivors. Then you go into the friendlist of any survivor and copy paste the names of the other people in the steam search function. With this technique you can check for a 4swf in 20 sec.

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    decided to do stats but for 2man swf with a friend. mainly to show how broken match time is without hex ruin. made a discussion to ask for stats to track.

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Nice!!! Please add your location (EU or NA), because I have the feeling that killer in NA face much less DS and BT then e.g. me in EU.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    As a fellow guy who wrote down way too many stats, I know the pain. XD

    Really good job. 👍

  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89

    This is was I was thinking about too! I am from Germany myself and I also love to watch Zubatlel, Scott and Umbra, but seeing their matches I have to say that they dont face nearly as much DS or BT like me or like the stats from your chart! I watched todays Zubat 24h stream a bit and he got like 3 matches in a row without any DS meanwhile I got 3 matches with all 4 DS + all 4 BT in a row. People are also not toxic to streamrs so twitch does not show the true site of DBD.

  • nick_larking
    nick_larking Member Posts: 31

    damn, almost 3persons with DS per match, not bad for a survivor DLC/Shrine perk.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    But according to the devs, DS, BT, DH, Unbreakable, and Adrenaline don't show up in 80% of games.

  • neekocheeko
    neekocheeko Member Posts: 88

    Kind of a bummer that their metric for making balance changes is popularity.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Seeing the same perk every game isn't fun for anyone.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453
    edited January 2020

    Yeah, and looking at this,

    DS: 2.86/4 = is 71.5% used in all ranks (since he started at rank 13)

    BT: 2.56/4 = 64% used in all ranks

    Looking at these numbers, they are already higher than hex:ruin, which was used in 40% in all ranks

    I wouldn't be surprised if in red ranks, DS and BT are used over 90% of the time.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    This is impressive. What are your final takeaway thoughts on state of game and balance?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    3k average...something smells like over performing.

    Inb4 legion nerf next patch

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    Did I do my math wrong?

    If we count DC's as kills then only 97 survivors escaped out of 424?

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265
    edited January 2020

    Wait is this WITH new ruin?

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461
  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    I am happy that someone asks for my opinion :D

    About myself: I do have about 600h gameplay (mostly Killer) but also a lot of hours in stream watching. I would say I am avarge red rank M1-killer, good nurse and terrible Huntress. As survivor I am NOT a runner! I do gens and I can hide (not claudette kind of hide) and I dont play SWF, mainly because everyone I know hates this game after trying it.

    My take on the killer: although I played 11 different killer in those 106 matches besides them I main Hillbilly and Nurse in about 80% of my games and do play any other killer with a daily mission. Killers like Oni, GF and Demo I tried the first time during those 106 matches. Because of that I would love to speak about Billy and Nurse a bit.

    Hillbilly: I love to play Hillbilly and I like to use weird addons like sound reducer, bumb-billy or no addons at all. But Hillbilly is to weak against red survivors! Sure I saw Zubatlel destroy red survivor teams with no addon Billy, I also did this myself, BUT then you get a monster team with OoO that never does a mistake and you dont get a single chainsaw! I remeber a match I played with no addons there was this claudette in pink (?) shirt she run me all match through 5 gen-ruin and all I could do is to hit her with M1 once! This person is the best survivor I ever played against! Not a single mistake! Not a single mindgame he lost! And he did not even tbag me in the gates. Hillbilly with the yellow recharge addon is a valuable Killer in red ranks. But hillbilly with yellow and green Addons is too strong even against red ranks. So Hillbilly is too weak and too strong at the same time.

    Nurse: I needed some time to build up confidence to play nurse without addons after her rework. The fun thing about nurse is: Nurse is stronger against good survivors then against bad survivors! Thats because good survivors do have some ambition to beat you but weak survivor just press W and are gone! You need 3 cicles of blinks to catch a survivor running just forward (no addons). Nurse cant be bullied (just like spirit and freddy) but Dead Hard is way to strong against her! If there is a top tier survivor he might be able to evade you for 2 or 3 blink cicles and when you finaly get him he uses dead hard and all your effort is gone again. Omega Nurse and Nurse with more then 2 blinks are OP. But now the nurse is in a good state! I am not a good runner as survivor but I can evade nurses for days, maybe because I main her I know what is effective against her! Thats the best tip I can give anyone: If you struggle against something then try it yourself and you will understand its weaknesses.

    Hard to swallow pill: Killer is too strong against bad survivors and too weak against good survivors.

    My take on the survivor:

    Toxicity: What killer mains forget when they play against survivors is that survivors are not an organism but 4 individuals! When a Killer says "why are you mad/toxic I only got a 3k" they tend to forget that 3 people lost the game. Survivors ARE more toxic then killers, thats a fact! But the reason for this is that they die ingame when they lose but the killer just doesnt get a kill.

    Balance: DBD is Killer sided when solo playing but Survivor sided when 4-SWF! To beat a 4-SWF you need a non bullyable killer or a Killer with OP Addons, a good map WITH a good RNG AND most important human errors from the survivors! Yesterday I played a match with Nurse on this corn map with the killer shack in the middle and I did not get a single kill! I only got 3 BBQ stacks thats it. Nurse on corn is unplayable and Nurse indoors is way to weak!

    My personal top 4 hated survivor perks:

    • Object of Obsession: This perk should not be in the game! What kind of horror game is this when you always know where the killer is? It was not balanced around SWF! Atleast one should not be able to see the killer if he is not seeing you! If I could remove just one perk, I would remove this one!
    • Borrowed Time: Nothing against Borrowed Time BUT survivor should not be able to abuse the mechanic of BT to tank a hit for the rescuing person! If they would remove the abuse of this perk it would be perfectly balanced and healthy for the game!
    • Decisive Strike: It would be balanced and pretty ok IF I would not get random DSed by a random person who I dont remeber hooking 59 sec ago! In my humble opinion the window for DS should be 20seconds but those 20 seconds should freeze if the Killer is hunting the person!
    • Dead Hard: Second most broken perk in the game! As survivor I cant use it because my ping is too good !!! I get exhaustion every time but still get downed! Dead Hard for distance is an exploit of the perk! And the fact that Dead Hard can negate a hit that is followed by a hook makes it nearly equal strong to DS! But DS is a one time use but Dead Hard is spammable on 40sec cooldown! Where is the logic?

    Balance suggestion: This game can be balanced even in THIS state if people of equal skill would be matched together EVERY game! We need a hidden score system that cant be influenzed by people so the game can match people by true skill (NOT RANK)

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Thank you! But the most important thing to me is that I might have influenced people to take notes too and I am looking forward to see survivor and 4-SWF lists!

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    really interesting stats, i would not go that far personally

    even if i dont see the real use that could be made of them, i respect the hard work behind, and may inspire myself of it

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    Wait.... Do you guys NOT consider data based on what's used? Because you say things like Dead hard, Decisive Strike, Adrenaline, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst and all the other meta perks aren't in 80% of all matches. But right here we glean data that it is used in almost 70% of all matches from rank 15 to 1, and in 90% of games in red ranks.

    That's MORE than Ruin across all ranks AND in red ranks. But you're planning on buffing more survivors perks and announced essential nerfs to killer slowdown perks when slowdown is precisely what killers need (especially in the early game).

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,533

    We have our data that shows what everyone gets combined, but we tend not to dive into what one specific person gets in their matches. I feel pretty safe in saying that I don't have the same experience when I play (maybe due to regions?), so it's fascinating to me.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    Makes me almost want to make my own list, but a) that would be boring for the most people I guess, since I am a Legion main, b) I can't imagine how many time I would need to do it and c) I have now play for ... well ... I don't know how many time dbd not and that means my rank will be somewhere or right under earth :|.

    I would like to come back, but always when I think, I have time now for dbd, some rl crap comes along. Dbd is cursed for me at the moment^^.

    Anyways thanks that you have made this list. It is for sure interesting to read.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    100 games, 61 DC's... sigh, the DC penalty system can't come out soon enough.

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Seeing specific stats from one killer (especially a main) over 100 matches would be VERY interesting! Seeing your stats while you climb would be also interesting! I would love to see it, and for sure many other too! But be warned it was not fun doing it and I also didnt play survivor meanwhile because I had no time for fun :D

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Good job, although you missed one of the bigger sets of data tracked in the depip squad experiments. Time til first Gen, time of last Gen, and time doors opened, and time when match ended. This, along with the time ruin got blown up (if at all), provide an important insight into the progression of the game. Originally, the time of every Gen getting done was tracked, but it was tedious, added too many columns, and was eventually deemed not as important as first and last. It is important to be consistent. You need to always play as hard as possible, and generally also try to stick at one rank. Last suggestion is to record all the games, play them as normal, then go back through and watch them. If you take an offset of the time when the opening spin ends, you can subtract it from the vid time and peg the time of all events, while watching it over at 2x speed.

    Again, though, good job!

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 226

    Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike averaging almost three out of four players per match.

    not overused perks, though -sticks head in sand-