A thread of appreciation/criticism for the mods of these forums and devs of this game.
Do I get a nickname? :D
I gave you one so you have to give me one! 😁
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Lil Nicky?
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Nicki Kinzi!
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It would actually me awhile to learn that the censor just doesn't work sometimes and im expected to self censor....and this is all on a forum about a serial killing game. Also a word you can say on TV so I think its pretty silly to expect people to know how sensitive the rules are about profanity here.
But no matter what this is what im talking about, I didn't break any rules because theres no rule holding me responsible for self censoring, just one saying dont try to by pass the filter, which I didn't. It seems like all the modding I see is like that while there are many posts basically telling the mods, or killers, or survivors to go ######### themselves and theyre only selectively moderated
Post edited by Mandy on1 -
Yeah, ok.
Cool art team. Music is meh as that gets on my nerves during a chase. I am not a total bunny boiler
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At the end of the day, we have to keep in mind that the devs are people too. Negativity can affect mental and physical states.
Most times we only post about the negative, because the negative experiences we have hold more weight than the positive ones. I know I've been guilty of it.
I do appreciate the devs for all that they do and for this game in general 🤘🤘🤘
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All I have to say is that they've done a PRETTY GOOD JOB SO FAR. That fairly describes the state of the game, it has problems, but it's waaaay better than what it used to be.
As a software developer, I know that the user (in this case, the player) only focus on the bad things and take the good things for granted. So thanks for the state of the game now, but keep fixing, not only the bugs, but also balance issues and the 5-minutes-matches. Something has to be done ASAP please.
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Honestly even though it's far from perfect, it could be worse
Post edited by Mandy on0 -
I really appreciate the mods and their work & effort! They are not the ones who are responsible if something goes wrong, but they have to handle all the negative feedback. You need a thick skin for that.
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Man I saw your comment and was like what the ######### lol, I thought they jailed me again. But yeah that's what im saying if they just treated everybody equal this would be a place where you couldn't really express your opinion. Because like reddit and ######### that's really just memes and then theres twitter but that's like urg. So even though the mods are crazy on here its still the best place t talk about dbd with a "community". Like I dont know yall ######### but we are all part of this "community".
But I dont think we should settle on "hey people are tolerating it so its not THAT bad" as the standard for this forum just like I dont think we should settle for that on the actual game. Why dont the devs listen to feedback on the moderation of the fourm even tho its a place FOR the "Community" shouldn't it be "community" run? Like would we really all vote to keep swear words censored? Or for bans to be given out so freely?
Im not saying the mods are bad people at all im sure they think theyre doing a great job by their standards but all im saying is I wish it was "our" standard you know? Not against them as a mod but WITH them as part of the "community" if that makes any sense.
And if these forums were better the whole "COMMUNTIY" could get so much better because there are a lot of toxic #########, and a lot of people that side with toxic ######### because they feel they got to doing everything to bring up their "side" survivor/killer. If this forum has the possibility to be that, where you could make a post talking about nerfing something on the killer side and not a single biased person would interject. We would all just has a discussion about it and not look through it as "Will this benefit my tribe?" Maybe that's too much to ask of people and not matter how democratic the forums are well always be the most toxic "community". But I think its at least worth a shot?
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Not trying to start anything here, but effort means nothing, results are what matter. Imagine you go to a restaurant and every time they bring your meal, they mess it up. You send it back and the first complaint is fixed, but they screwed something else up. Then they take their best selling dish and change it, ignoring their customers entirely.
This goes on for years. Do you really care about the cooks grinding hard, or do you just want your meal done right for once?
I'm more than happy to give credit where it's due. The doctor rework and lerys rework is outstanding. Everything else.... not so much.
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Things I appreciate about BHVR:
- Their focus to work on the game despite the negative comments that get thrown at them on a daily basis (similar vibes to No Man's Sky)
- The balls to go through with certain decisions knowing they will receive heavy backlash (Self-care, DS, Ruin, etc)
- Their efforts to explain changes/goals to the community (regardless of their comments being good or bad)
- The licensing hoops they jump through to add licensed Killers and appeal to the horror/thriller fans
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My second point was my big one. Constructive criticism is encouraged, but childish insult are immature and disrespectful to not only the Devs, but to the rest of us for tainting our reputation.
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Exactly this @Awakey . We're always happy with constructive criticism about either the game or the forums, but when it becomes personal and insulting that crosses a big line.