A thread of appreciation/criticism for the mods of these forums and devs of this game.

Just a post for you to share your general thoughts with the people behind this amazing game!
Either share appreciation and praise for something, or share your criticisms (please keep it civil though. I don't want people flaming them.)
I for one, want to say thank you to the mods for keeping this forum a place where all (except trolls) can share their opinions on the game. What things need changed, their thoughts on a killer, the design of the game, and so on.
And as for the devs, I want to thank you for being as vocal and open about things as you can. Alot of developers aren't, so it makes you guys feel alot more genuine and passionate that you keep the players in the loop!
Thank you for bringing together a community of people from all over the globe who share a passion for this game. I've met some wonderful people both on these forums and in the game itself.
Keep up the hard work and I'll keep on supporting you guys!
Edit: Adding @Almo in here too! Sorry I forgot you, mate!
Whoa. Can you just ping the devs like that? Is this a thing that is allowed? But uh. Peanits is cool. I watched his twitch streams a few times, and he's got a lovely voice. I've not seen anything from Pat, McLean, or Inji. Gay Myers has an excellent name, haven't seen anything from him though. MandyTalk is a nice voice of reason in certain threads. And Rizzo is well... Rizzo. Keeps the streets of the forums clean, which is nice. While I most certainly don't agree with the developers on 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 balance issues, they do seem to be nice people. Let's see if this thread gets taken down.
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I don't think it'll get taken down. I'm just wanting the moderators and devs to see that while we may have our complaints, we do still care and we appreciate what they do.
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Aha, I understand. Let us see what comes of it, then.
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Hold on, I'll contact them for you! 😁
I believe they should see this, since the developers are pretty cool and the moderators are awesome!
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Well, I appreciate all our lovely Devs coming to chat with us. I really appreciate that, I think that's something special we have. Not many other community's have this level of Dev interaction and I don't want to take it for granted.
As for our Mods, they keep the Forums clean and provide reason. I cannot thank them enough.
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Can trusted members just... do that? On a whim? Huh. Learn something new every day.
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I enjoy pure threads like these, if I were a Dev or a Mod I would love to see these, they'd make it all worth it to me XD
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You can use Discord to contact the moderators and BHVR staff, which can be found here: That's what I use.
They typically recognize me from the forums and respond really fast. 😁
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Thank you!
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Definitely, the moderators aren't on currently, but they should get the message when they get on Discord. 😁
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Ooo, one responded, I'm excited! :D
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I hope so, they deserve some positivity and good will :D
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One of the reasons I was so excited to join the mod team was because I really liked how the developers communicated and interacted with the community. It's the first online community that I got involved with, and made lots of friends, especially through Discord. I feel like if I can help people make the same connections I did, it's all worth it 😁
It can often be a thankless job, so it's nice to see positive words like this from time to time. It really does mean a lot to us. We do it to keep the community a safe and welcoming place for everyone! And thank you for using the forums!
Shhh, I'm hiding...
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I'm happy to be here! You guys deserve so much more praise than I can give!!!
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The cursed bloodline chapter is everything I want to see in the game's future. Yui Kimura and Kazan Yamaoka look awesome, and I hope the art team keeps up the amazing work! I like that the balance team tried to create interesting perks for both killer and survivor, Any Means Neccessary provides lots of diversity into how you can play survivor. The concept and execution of Breakout is so much fun, though I think it could still use a little push to be considered viable. Lucky Break is a good perk, but I think for its strength it should be infinite like how Iron Will is.
The Oni is a great killer to play with or against, since playing or countering him is 100% your decision making and knowledge of his ability which makes you truly feel like the better player. (unless auto aim snaps you to a pallet when you were about to down a survivor.) I think that killer powers on every new killer you guys create should apply buffs to the killer (The Hillbilly, The Wraith, The Huntress) instead of nerfs to the survivor (The Doctor, The Clown, The Nightmare) or at least a balanced mix of the two (The Shape, The Ghostface, The Hag) The Oni is a great example of buffing the killer with their power in a fun way.
The Oni's perks aren't as good as Yui's, but they each definitely serve a purpose. Nemesis has great synergy with other obsession based perks like PWYF or STBFL, so that you can spread the pain without fear of losing stacks. Zanshin Tactics is a perk mostly for beginners, once you learn pallet and window locations it just wastes a perk slot. Blood Echo is interesting for sure, but it's not worth using without a perk that will help you quickly locate survivors after you hook so that you can make use out of the exhaustion, and mobility, if the rest of the team happens to be across the map.
The only part of the chapter I wasn't a fan of was the layout of the new map. It looks amazing, and I love the detail on the creepy moving heads. I like where the borders are, because it forces survivors to move through a small area with the killer possibly in it to avoid a three gen. The main structure is also good, because it provides high ground without being OP like Haddonfield is. But despite all this, it's still way too big and way too dark to interact with survivors a lot and avoid immersed P3 Claudettes doing all the gens without you even seeing them.
Other feedback I have is the design of Adam and Nancy. Their perks both revolve around a more stealthy and altruistic playstyle, and yet both of them have the brightest clothes known to mankind that lets the killer spot them even if a sliver of them is sticking out from behind a tree in the corner of the killer's FOV, which a Blendette would usually get away with. I also think that the balance team should not be too afraid to buff perks to the level of the meta perks. I want things like Kindred revealing the Undetectable status effect, or Vigil letting you recover 50% exhaustion while running, just so that there's some diversity in the DS/DH/BT/SB/Adrenaline meta build.
That was a lot of typing, phew. I hope the next chapter is just as good as the last.
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I want to thank all the community moderators/managers for putting up with our immature reactions to things and all the stress they endure. You guys are the best! ♥️
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😍 thank you for this thread, we all need a bit of positivity in our lives at times.
We love the Community, and I personally enjoy spending time here reading people's thoughts on the game and the memes!
@Doc_W__HOLLIDAY thank you for this thread, your words mean a lot and it's much appreciated.
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I love these kind of threads, I love the devs and mods, they really put up with a lot! <3
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I don't get on the forums much because I joined somewhat recently but when I do see the mods they're just explaining things to people that they've said several times before, likely (and in a more informative/less inflammatory way than some people on these forums.) I don't think I could have the patience to do that kind of thing in my free time so, honestly props to them for that stuff.
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I look forward to the developer update streams every time there's one. I love watching them and like that there's familiar faces, returning faces, and new faces! I'm looking forward to the one happening this Thursday!
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Thank you so much for the kind words, we do appreciate positive messages like this and they make the work we do in here even more worth it.
Personally I enjoy spending time in here, reading through people's ideas and opinions, so I try my best to do my job and keep this forum a safe and welcoming place for everyone.
Thank you again for this thread, it's heartwarming! ❤️
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Thank you for this thread and that you pinged me @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY I will always remember you as the funniest person I had to talk with due to that one incident I won't mention, but maybe you might remember me :^)
It's good to read this feedback. We do our best and I can tell you from all of us a big thank you to everyone and that we love the community. We appreciate all of you.
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Look at these nerds, y'all are awesome! 😍
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Hi I'm here :)
I'm not often on the forums but more on socials. I'm trying as hard as possible to be present on this platform. Gonna try my best to be here more often.
And thanks for the kind words everyone it feels good <3
cheers !
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People flame the Devs for absolutely no reason at all. They're doing a fine job, grinding hard at the bugs and balance issues.
And yet some children on this website feel the need to offer unhealthy feedback that does nothing but throw a wrench in the system.
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Hey, nobody thanked @Almo , which from what I see is the most active Dev with technical duties in BHVR here.
He exposes himself a lot by explaining certain balance changes / decisions, I myself criticised a few of those replies but hey, better to communicate and disagree than to shut down and... disagree anyway because people assume the worst :P.
So yeah, thanks @Almo !
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Oh my lord! Thanks for reminding me!
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I love reading dev responses on the forum, it's my go to on all the stuff whatever the topic might be, and i can't even imagine how stressful/frustrating it must be to read some of these threads or posts. Which is why i personally almost never respond to any thread at all, people suck, and it feels like trying to communicate with literal children with one track minds, whether it's about killers or survivors.
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I certainly do remember! I was definitely embarrassed, but now I can look back at it and laugh! 😂
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Who you calling a nerd? 😡
(tee hee hee 😍 )
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I've been staying away from the game for a bit due to frustrations about balance and recent changes, but at the end of the day I cant stay away from reading the forums, checking the subreddit and daydreaming about being in the fog. I love this irritating pile of awesome that BHVR has made.
While there are flaws and, at times, decisions that I absolutely cannot understand, the Devs have created an amazing game and I believe they really do care about continuing to improve on it.
Also, their willingness to sift through all of our aggravated (and often rude) rage comments here while still consistently replying to questions is impressive and shows an initiative toward transparency and a level of customer support that most companies wouldn't bother with.
We don't always get along, but I still want the Devs to be my valentine (I don't think my wife will mind. )
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No way I never believed I'll see you here XD
Your name is literally cash 😂
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Thank you so much. We really appreciate this feedback. Its really kind of you to take a moment out of your day to show us these kind words.
I dont know what to say so I brought a baby turtle 🤗
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Easy question:
Someone who always had faith in me, never given up on me, and helped me not only improve on the forums, but as a person. 😁
That's the type of nerd you are Mandy Wandy.
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Honestly, whenever a forum post says "Mod" or "Dev" on it, I rush to that one straight away, sometimes the Dev responses on the forums can be sassy or blunt it really makes me laugh (in a good way of course), and I think they really do a good job at keeping the tone on these forums light and a constructive.
Likewise, they often have eye-opening and insightful things to say about the state of their game, and I'm often looking at my screen internally saying "THANK YOU DEVS" for talking sense when perceptions in the community get a bit out of whack (which they do from time to time).
I think the team of devs/mods we have on the forums definitely bring an injection of personality to the community, and it would surely be a far poorer place without them. In fact, I remember times when they weren't posting as much, and I thought of these forums as this place where all people do is rage, but that has really changed now, there is a lot of constructive discussion going on here :)
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Can I... Can I keep it? 😊
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Maybe I should utilize it in a certain business. If ya know what I mean. wink
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Oh please yes 😏
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Thank you so much for this! We always appreciate seeing these posts. 😍
Also @Gay Myers (Luzi), who's that monster on your pfp? 🧐
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I really gotta know. Is your pfp supposed to be Green Goblin???? If so... 10/10 I'm Spidey though.
Post edited by DocFabron on0 -
Yeah the devs while not perfect have made this game pretty amazing. Its easy for a game like this to fall out of the limelight or lose most of its playerbase but thia game has a lot of loyal fans because the work the devs put in is clear. Not every decision i agree with and more often than not it can make me mad. However for all its issues i still come back cause its an awesome game. I especially can appreciate the wide array of cosmetic items for every character in the gime on both sides. This game wouldnt be anywhere near as interesting if it werent for the variety of maps, killers, and cosmetics. Some killers lack the scare factor but other than that a good killer is terrifying. Good job devs u guys r pretty cool.
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You guessed right. It is the version fo Spectacular Spider-Man... Gobby is best.
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Hes got that super chiseled chin too. He's lookin fresh!
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You are the only person I will let call me Mandy Wandy! 😂
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Love love love love, all ze love!! <3
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Yes! just take good care of him <3
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Thank you mods and devs for your work on the forums and the game. My daughter and I have enjoyed many hours together playing this game. The end game collapse was so well designed and implemented and truly a work of art. I know its been in awhile I just never got to say great job. I don't know how you guys keep your cool on these forums but I am glad you do. Stay warm and keep up the good work.
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Thank you for staying nice when we lose our minds. <3