Some Deathslinger tuning

minehot Member Posts: 69
edited March 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Make his terror radius slightly bigger or fix his current terror radius because something is very wrong with it and its cutting off.

Make hooked survivors scream so they can be heard when they are slinghshot.

And possibly add very small slight stun when he breaks the hook by himself. And he's good to go :)


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I’d be okay with these changes. He does need tuning.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    He's fine, he hasn't even been out a week.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340


  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    He gets nothing when he breaks his chain himself. Also, he needs to reload.

    Huntress can injure or down you, and she has build in STBFL.

    And no one likes stun. That 4 second stun + reload when survivors break free is awful enough

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited March 2020

    I disagree about the TR changes.

    I think if you get shot from the healthy state, that you are automatically put in the injured state. The fact that getting shot doesn't do that is just stupid.

    He is terrible with pallets, so making him drag survivors across them would be a good change.

    He already has a stun as long as legion's (without addons), which is the longest self stun in the game for killers...

    He reloads after every shot.

    Survivors can maneuver way too much while on the chain.

    He needs some buffs, not some nerfs, imo.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    he needs buffs not nerfs

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2020

    My break hook stun is to prevent the one shot from noed he can do. Also his tr needs to be bigger or fixed because it keeps cutting off and you can't really indicate if hes near you or not, its messed up.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    He's probably one of the most balanced killers right now. My only gripe was he can't interrupt hook saves.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    He needs buffs not nerfs

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    The only tuning we need is regarding the dedicated servers registering shots or not

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69

    Not a bait, don't bother spamming 'bait' on discussions you disagree with if you don't want to contribute in the discussion.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    There is literally no need for discussion. Your opinion is so one sided and irrational that it really IS just bait. A killer that is not only very difficult to use but is also one of the most harshly punished for making the slightest mistakes, has to wait more than 6 seconds to use his power while being HEAVILY slowed down, moves at 110%, and is completely ######### over by the way hitboxes are designed doesn't need nerfs.

    His terror radius is large enough that it requires a perk (M&A) to be mildly useful; his weapon is already loud enough notifying everyone that he's shot, any more than that is overkill; and you have to be JOKING about adding another cooldown to him. He's nurse's younger brother, being slow as ######### and having to suffer through a cooldown/stun every 2 seconds.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    1. His terror radius is fine how it is. He’s supposed to be a semi-stealth killer. You literally have a Spine Chill icon which is one of the best counters for stealth killers.
    2. Why should they scream? Is it so you know when to run in between him and the harpooned survivor to stop them being hit? Seems like a typical bullying tactic. If that isn’t the reason, can you explain? As you don’t hear survivors scream across the map from basic attacks, so I don’t see why they need to scream from this.
    3. Why should he be stunned when he releases the survivor? If they aren’t injured already, they stay that way when he breaks the chain. Seems a bit unfair for him to suffer a stun for something that’s beneficial to the survivor.
  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69

    Love it when people discard my opinin as 'one sided' when they don't agree with it, easiest way to counter argument nowadays I guess.

    I played enough games with him without M&A and had survivors complain about not being able to read where I was comming from.

    Why do you think an simple survivor scream that can be heard overmap when hooked is gonna enable bullying? Outside of SWF.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Why do you need to hear them scream across the map though? It’s such a random request. What does that actually do to make your game better? Lol. And my bullying comment was towards if you meant have them scream louder in general, because so many people love running in between you and the harpooned survivor to take a hit. So this will just make that a bigger occurrence.

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69

    Why is bodyblocking a hooked survivor considered 'bullying'? Thats one of the ways to defend an hooked survivor.

    Also it wound't really matter if you hear an overmap scream and you are far away from and slingshot survivor.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I know it’s a way to defend. But a lot of SWF play this game to just try to ‘bully’ the killer. Constantly chasing you around and taking hits for other people. The fact he can’t injure you until you’ve either broken free or been hit, makes him an easy killer to terrorise. As people can just keep denying you that hit. Also, you’ve neglected to mention why you want to hear people scream across the map? And how it makes your game experience any different?

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69

    Its just an idication to know whenever or not he is chasing someone, same way you can hear an survivor scream while being in chase with Doc.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    His terror radius isn't bugged, his music is just quiet until he actually starts the chase. You just need a better ear for his music/terror radius.

    Why should breaking the chain himself stun him? That means no matter what, even if he does use his power skillfully and successfully, he gets punished, then we have another Legion on our hands.

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69

    They definitely need to look at his TR also I am also back pedaling on the suggested hook break stun, I suggested it a small 1.5 sec stun but not the same way he gets stunned if a survivor breaks the hook, Its just that the interaction with his hook unbreak and noed making it kinda OP, but its just noed and can be taken care of.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,693

    Please be respectful, only because you don't agree with something, it doesn't mean that is automatically a bait post.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    Thats what im talking about! If you missed a shot, then survivor will be able to run to another side of a map and prepeare his position for your next shot.

    Thats because: 110% Speed, Slow after missed Shot, Slow when reload. Can't punish early pallet dropping, And gets punished for long range shots, because in most cases survivor will be able to break the chain.

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2020

    His kit feels a little awkward in a few ways to me. His GUN, which is his defining factor, has no lethality on its own. You can not kill someone with his gun. This is the same problem legion has, basically. It's hilarious that they named Legion's power KILLER INSTINCT when it literally cannot kill anyone. Think about how legion works: You get a very easy free first hit, to injure the survivor (or multiple survivors) by being super fast. So, now you have effectively readied every survivor to die in one hit. Guess what other killer does this exact same thing? Myers. And Ghostface. All three of these killers 'prime' their targets to be able to down them the next time you hit them. Except at least Ghostface has stealth to help him secure that kill. And Myers has speed to help him secure the kill. Legion has.... nothing to help him 'secure' the kill.

    Deathslinger seems to suffer from similar problems. His gun isn't nearly as hard to use as Huntress' hatchets, but his lethality suffers more than it should in exchange. I am sure that deathslinger must feel very strong and oppressive against newer/less experienced survivors. But this doesn't mean he is actually overpowered. His terror radius is small, but that only feels overpowered because you haven't learned to have proper awareness around you yet. There are plenty of killers that don't have a TR at all, and are capable of killing you in one hit. But all of these killers are considered underpowered in the highest ranks. Once you learn how to be more aware, control your character more effectively, look behind you while running, know the location of safe spots, etc; he quickly starts becoming weaker and weaker the higher up the ranks you get.

    I would have much rather them made him move even more slowly while reloading, but allow him to down survivors that he hits if they are currently debuffed with Deep Wounds. This way, if he successfully reels in a survivor on the first shot and melee hits them, they get deep wounds. He would have a slightly more punishing reload, but if he hits his second shot afterwords, they get downed immediately. By making his reload slow him a little more in exchange for making his gun a bit more deadly, you would make him effectively harder for the average user to pilot (because missing would be more punishing), but he would be more deadly in a skilled players hands who can land multiple shots in a row. This would also help with making pallets a complete ironwall defense against him, because if you are deep wounded, you can't simply drop a pallet early and camp it.