Why do people face camp at high ranks?

How do killer mains ever expect to pip up. If they camp the one survivor they hook before endgame? I get out up against rank 8 or higher killer players and they just watch over you. And to top it all off you always gotta run that Noed to ensure nobidy will even risk the save...the meta is broken asf


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    They want to interact with survivors.

    Rank doesn't matter.

    Ranking up only makes playing more frustrating.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I stopped using DBD since the new year but if I was still killer maining in this new era of the game where ruin doesn't do what it used to I'd try out face camping early game myself, to reduce the threat by going against three players instead of four.

    Someone can hook up to 12 times before they "win", by which time the gens would likely be done. Face camping is a tactic, then.

    In my case I never cared about pipping, and was usually happy with maximizing points, so if go for the multiple hooks. Ruin allowed the match to last long enough to do that. If I chose to go for the 4k instead I didn't care how my gameplay would affect my rank.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Unless its endgame collapse, I never see a red rank killer camp. The occasional tunnel, yes, but camping? Not in a long time have I seen this.

    Camping is a viable tactic. I'm guessing you think people who use moris are like this too.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    It isn't a valid tactic. It is a BS play when a killer wants to ruin the game for other people. None of this "just do the gens to punish them" BS either. Being stuck on a hook whilst a killer stands there ruins the game. If a killer claims he is having fun, being skillful or employing a tactic when all he does is stand still he is talking out of his arse.

    Same goes for tunnelling. A desperate play to try and get an easy kill.

    Moris don't bother me as long as it isn't tunnel off first hook to desperately mori.

    I have never camped, never tunnelled and I am a red rank killer. Anyone who claims it is the only way they can win can't play the game. The ones who do play this way are the very same ones who come on the forums crying about DS.

    These people also lose sight of the fact that it is a game and take every match ultra serious and make up multiple excuses as to why they had to camp/tunnel. Why go out of your way to try and make someone have a bad experience by camping/tunnelling them? Why stand still in a game for minutes at a time? Just go play something else.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Camping a hook may include standing near a hook, but doesn't equals it. That's why your point is invalid. Defending a hook is also a camping tactic.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    I read the first 5 words - and I'll stop you right there. Yes it is.

    How often, as survivor, when you're doing a generator, and 4 gens get done in less than 2 minutes, do you sit and ask yourself "is this fun for the killer"?

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    I went into the game as killer up against pro SWF groups. Because I'm sick of these groups, I tunnelled the first guy till he was dead and killed a 2nd guy because I face camped him.

    I think 3 gennys was gone before the first guy died, the 2nd guy died when the gates was open.

    I'm literally tunnelling and face camping any SWF groups from now on.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    There is only one situation when I see camping as valid tactic: securing last kill with all gens popped. Or hatch right next to hook and you know there is a key in play

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    As someone who plays killer a lot. If that happens to me I take the loss and move on. I don't have a tantrum and go out of my way to ruin games for people. If you can only enjoy a game if you're winning then you're playing the wrong game.

    The other night I played a game against a tunnelling doctor with a mori. The first person dead left that game within a minute with 2500 points.

    Killers don't mind doing that do they? They don't mind games ending early when it is because the survivors are dead but if the survivors get gens done it is tantrum time. Wah wah nerf toolboxes wah wah get rid of survivor perks wah wah gen times need to be quadrupled because I'm not winning.

    I asked him why he had been such a dick with that guy from the start of the game and I got a load of ######### back about how he has only played against SWF tonight and everyone had been really toxic to him.

    Yet in our group nobody had done anything and he was a piece of ######### to the us. Don't make out like killer mains are these wonderfully fun and inclusive players. They tend to be the biggest dicks playing the game. Hence the endless complaints about SWF, survivor items, survivor addons, survivor offerings pallets, windows and perks. It is constant moaning by them about absolutely everything.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Because you have no skill to actually chase and kill anyone.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Defending a hook is the same thing. I am too scared to commit to the chase in case someone else unhooks this person so I'll just hit them and then stay near the hook. Then if they do get them off and they have BT and DS I'll rush to the forum to cry about those perks.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I can half understand why people do that but me personally even in EGC I'll hook and walk off to check the exits(if there are other survivors in the game) or if they appeared on BBQ I will head to them. I don't need a kill so desperately that I will hover around a hook. So what if they escape? It doesn't have an impact on my real life in any way. It is just a game.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    So, as a killer you just take the loss and move on. Okay, if a survivor gets camped, they need to just take the loss and move on. Your mori argument is a strawman of epic proportions. It's not representative of normal gameplay. Mori's aren't that common. Killers don't have hoards of mori offerings because they "use them all the time".

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    I only do that if I'm Billy or everyone injured. I don't just let survivors free escape for no reason. That's just my competetive nature I guess.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I have had game after game after game of a mori in every game. Don't lie when you say that isn't normal. There are far too many moris and the requirements are far too lax in regards to being able to use them andmore often than not they are used in the same manner. Hook someone, pretend to leave, see unhook, tunnel, mori.

    As for survivors taking the loss. I am happy to take the loss as a survivor when the killer hasn't played in a desperately pathetic manner. Doesn't bother me. I'm there to have a game not get hooked and stare at the doctor hitting me repeatedly for a couple of minutes because he can't risk someone getting unhooked.

    Killers get to stay for the length of all games so a game never actually ends early for them and it certainly never ends in a minute like it can for a survivor.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    How do you think they reached those high ranks?

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Having played the game for over 3 years as killer I could care less about pipping now. There is no reward for attaining rank 1 every season. I can’t speak for other killers but that is how I would answer you

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    If you're getting mori's every game, I'm either going to straight up call you a liar, or say get out of yellow/brown ranks, where mori's are most common. Keys are a much bigger problem than mori's. If mori's are "every game", the killer isn't ranking up. You don't rank up with a mori. Poof, it was that easy to destroy your argument. Gone. Just like that. I'm not a liar. You're a liar.

    Either way, what you're saying is nonsense.

    Essentially all you are is a survivor main pretending to be versed, at all, in killer gameplay. As evidenced by your quite blatant double standard. Somehow it's okay in your head for a survivor to do whatever they need to in order to win, but if a killer camps someone out to get a kill which could make the difference between win and loss (especially if you and your team are boosted enough to keep trying to save instead of doing gens, which sounds like the case from your outrage KEKW), then gosh darn they are scum.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Are you sure it isn't the game putting a rank 12 killer (Level 15 with only 4 basic perks up against a 4 lobby SWF groups with prestiged survivors with all perks unlocked with thousands of hours of game play.

    If the game is that unbalanced, I'm going to tunnel and face camp from now on to combat SWF groups.

    Your sat here telling me I can't chase someone down?

    None of my killer are over level 15 and it puts me in with pro SWF groups. How is this possibly fair?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    Assuming there aren't survivors near the hook, the likely won't pip. They'll lose pretty much all of their chaser if they're camping and no survivors are nearby, and if the survivors are smart about it and do generators, they'll get hardly any points towards their other emblems too.

    So the short answer to that question is: If they are camping in red ranks, they're not going to pip unless the survivors let them.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Hit the nail on the head.

    As others have said the only time I will camp a hook if at endgame, particularly if there's only one other active survivor. At that point I will lose more from leaving the hook and potentially letting two escape than just letting one escape. I'm wiling to make a trade if the survivor really wants to try for the hook. May suck for that guy on the hook, but from a purely tactical standpoint that is the smart play.

    Survivors cry about it because they don't see it from the killer's perspective, securing a 2k/3k could be the difference between brutal killer and ruthless killer, and for someone like me that matters. Yes, I am a sweaty tryhard who likes trying to rank 1 every single month because it's the only way I really have fun is trying to win as hard as I can. I don't get mad when survivors use flashlights or body block, that's them doing everything they can to win.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Because they are boosted trash...simple answer. Save a few...very few exceptions. Had this trash...yes sorry thin skinned people but he was 100% trash...Michael Myers down me...took me to a basement and just stood there at the chest watching me...he also had insidious. Was on coms so could tell the other two I was with he was camping and do gens. The one not on comms tried to save me...he got hit and ran out. He ended the game with 14K...if you're a killer and get only 14K you are absolute trash. I can even get 14k in a game and I am the worst killer in all of DBD. He was a rank 8...obviously a boosted trash rank 8.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Why do red rank sWFs bring keys?

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    If you have to camp you are a low skill scrub and I suppose he faced a whole gaggle of survivors who didn't know how to treat him...but my point is killers who do that are basically no skill trash as was that rank 8 I faced last night. He didn't really enjoy my well intentioned post action report I sent him...not sure why really.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I've had several Killers claim face-camping is revenge for the Ruin nerf. If you do a quick search, I'm sure you can find posts on these forums of Killers saying they'll face camp until gen rushing is fixed.

    P.S. these players don't care about rank or pipping (because it doesn't matter).

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I didn't say it was every game I said I have had game after game after game of it. It isn't all the time but there are a LOT of moris being played. Always with some vague excuse:

    I always bring a mori for SWF.

    I had a streamer in the room,so I always bring a mori for a streamer.

    The previous group were toxic to me so I brought a mori.

    You wanted ruin nerfed, so get used to moris.

    Not a survivor main. I'm a red rank killer and a red rank survivor. I'm just not a baby who desperately needs to win every game otherwise I feel inadequate and cry to the devs about how the game is unfair because I'm not winning all the time.