ban times to excessive - need to be fixed
14 hours have passed since I played and the game time ban did not reset , 14 hours ago I had a 15 minutes ban for dcing from just 1 game because my internet dropped , then I tried to play the game 14 hours later and I played 1 game but dcd because I did not want to play anymore then I came back to the game 30 minutes later and I was banned for 30 minutes , and this is 14 hours after I got a 15 minute ban because my internet connection dropped without me dc'ing from the game . this needs to be fixed 14 hours is way to much not to have the timer reset , it should be 12 hours at most .
Stop DCing, and you'll stop being banned. The penalties move back one step per 24 hours without a single DC. If you can't manage that, please find another game to play.
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As has already been explained to you, penalties decay over time - we did not give out a time publicly for this decay, nor will we.
These things are always been tweeked a little but I don't feel that a 12 hour decay penalty is enough personally, as the whole point of the timeout is to discourage people from disconnecting from matches and that seems to be working very effectively as of now.
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Dc Universe Online added a penalty feature once the instances had less players in them.
The penalties are getting on my nerves a bit now. The matches are unfair and to force people to play them is kind of an insult.
Just wait the penalty out. There is going to be new match making soon.
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@MandyTalk I paid for this game so I should have the ability to play it when I want and if my internet drops due to the dbd server connection dropping or my internet cable unplugging because that happens sometimes I should not get banned for so long whoever made these ban times should fix them because they are really pathetic
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I paid for the game to that requires 4 other ppl to play so when you dc because your getting beat you screwed 4 other ppl over.stop being a quitter
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actually no because I was playing as killer the survivors still got their points so consider how I was playing the game before talking , and secondly even if I was playing survivor 1 game does not make any difference the survivors could have just found another game , and read what I wrote . I played 1 game only , and another 14 hours later and the pathetic dc penalty still did not reset so it needs to be fixed .
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Technically you didn't pay for the game, you played for the ability to play it.
Also, it's a live game in which changes can and will be made, as explained in the EULA.
When someone's internet "drops out" regularly, they are ruining the game for 4 other players, that's what's unfair - that's why DC bans are necessary and they need to be long enough and harsh enough to discourage DC'ing from matches.
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You accpeted the ToS. How about reading them once? You also stated you quitet midgame, cause you dont wanted to play this game. Thats just not how it works in multiplayer games. Also youre responsible for your own connection. If you have a poor connection, you just not met the requirements to play online games. Pathetic are just those fools like you.
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I tend to only do 2 matches a day due to a chance of Rank update error happening which surprisingly isn't Fixed yet, which is why many fair players are complaining about it.
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@MandyTalk no , "technically" I went to the shop purchased a steam voucher with the money that I got from WORKING and PURCHASED ( BOUGHT ) THIS game ( DEAD BY DAYLIGHT ) so I did pay for the game , so I expect to play the game and not be banned for no reason .
And 2 , my internet barely ever drops out and I do not know why you used quotes because it did drop out and I did get banned if not I would not have made the post requesting for these non sensical pathetic ban times to be addressed and fixed .
and to lets letsplaytogether , I did accept the terms of service when I purchased this game 1 year ago when these pathetic unfair ban times where NOT in the game . and I said that the server disconected read what I said or go back to school and learn how to read .
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Feel free to not play if you feel the DC penalties are too much. They won't be going away any time soon.