
Recently, My router restarts because of problems with it? (it restarts quite quickly, for ~10 seconds). For financial reasons and because of quarantine I can't buy a new one in near future. When it restarts, I every time get kicked from the match. However, of course, the game believes that I left intentionally and with great confidence gives me a ban which is sad. Honestly, because of this, the desire to play the game slightly decreases. However, this does not stop me from playing the game, as I get a lot of pleasure from it. This is probably my favorite multiplayer game. My poor environment does not prevent me from playing the game and I will endure such problems because i keep getting fun from the game. Actually, I do not see here a system of protection against forced departure from a match because in other games for router timeouts I am not thrown out of matches. For example: Rocket League. I lost my Internet connection a couple of times, but the game didn’t throw me out of the match, and I just lagged for a couple of seconds. At the end of lags, I could continue my experience. Most likely, the problem is in the game code and it turns out that the game destroys not only my experience, but also the experience of other players, since I can be throwed out at the beginning of the match because of this problem. However, I am sure that they will not care about my disconnect and they will continue to play, as if nothing had happened. The game does not provide the opportunity to rejoin the game, which is sad. However, I understand why developers do not do this in THIS game and they're right, it will only destroy a game. I hope the developers think about this and solve the problem somehow. I’m sure that it’s not the only one who suffers from a similar problem. That's not all actually. Internet errors is one thing, but what about errors with updating the rank? The game kicks me out of the match just like that, even if everything is normal with the Internet. "Rank Update Error" - this happens every time the game kicks me out of the match. I know many people in my country who suffer because of a similar problem, this must be fixed.
Developers must create a system so that the player does not throw out at the slightest loss of connection, and for example, if the player does not reconnect to the internet within a few seconds, he will be kicked out of the match.
To do this, you can think of a lot of things so that the system can not be abused.
I see below a bunch of the same and strange comments about the fact that I need to playing the game so that "I didn’t interfere with other players enjoyment of the game experience". Wasn’t it funny for them when they wrote this? Don't they really think that my experience of the game is ruining too? Very friendly.
Accusations in my direction that I am “ruining an experience of other players” are unfounded and very unlogical. First of all, I get the ruin of experience too and I am only concerned about it, since I bought the game in order to get a fun personally for myself, and not for others, as many players do.
So, it was just my saying, thanks for listening.
If your wifi isnt good enough, its your problem. Get better one or dont play.
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The onus is on you to have a reliable connection when playing online multiplayer games, not the developers. If you have a problem with your router, get a job and buy a new one or stop playing and ruining the experience of other players. How are they supposed to distinguish you Dcing from the match due to a crap router or you turning it off or pulling out your Ethernet cable? Should they just remove the penalties for the tiny few gamers who can't secure a good connection and let people ruin other peoples games?
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Unfortunately for you, they respect the majority of the player-base and penalise those who spontaneously leave due to poor internet conditions.
Either look to get a better internet connection or stop playing internet dependant multiplayer games. You are selfishly punishing many players for trying to play stuff beyond your router or computers capacity.
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I've said it various times....
Your first ban within 24 hours is 5 minutes.
Second ban within 24 hours is 15 minutes.
What did you do to get a 6 hour ban?
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I play from 12 to ~ 2 am. Recently, a router started to have problems, it sometimes reboots (however, quite quickly), but instead of the game preventing forced disconnection from the match at the slightest loss of connection, the game decides to immediately throw it out of the match. So it all accumulated up to 6 hours. Maybe these are my problems, but I had to speak out.
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Am i punishing people? I'm selfish? It sounds very funny. On your part, it sounds a lot more insulting and selfish towards me as a person. All people need to be respected equally, and it is very strange to divide people into those who have a normal Internet and who do not have very much. And recalling a person from playing a game because of the Internet is the same.
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I believe everyone should be entitled to a Lamborghini and people not be divided by their incomes/s.
Everyone playing this game paid for it, but similar to a club, if you’re going to cause problems you will have to leave. BHVR and the DBD community don’t want players waltzing in and using “Equality” or “I paid for this” as excuses for poor behaviour, cheating or repeatedly disconnecting for various reasons.
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If your router is faulty to the point of being banned for 6 hours due to not being able to stay in matches. I would say that's completely on you for deciding to play multiplayer games with a router that cannot handle such things. In addition to that, I hope you realise that you're worsening the experience for the other players you match with if you're constantly and consitently disconnecting.
The Ban system in place on Dead By Daylight is perfectly fine, if anything, it is a little weak in my opinion. You being banned is completely your own fault.
If you cannot obtain a better Router or if you have no other way to gain internet access, I would suggest you stick to single player games or look into ways you can improve your situation.
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If your router is the problem you can always try to dust it off, put it elsewhere as some electric/electronic devices can interfere with it. upgrade firmware
Edit: Also you can change wifi channel as it may interfere with other wifi networks.
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Sorry but the disconnect penalty is there to discourage people from ruining games for everyone else in the match and it is your responsibility to make sure that you have the required equipment to play the game. Whilst I appreciate the situation, your frequent disconnecting is ruining the game for the other players, so yes in this case the ban should still apply whilst you get time to sort out your internet issues.
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If this is consistent, then you need to just get a new router.
For the past 3 weeks, I could not play without s**t internet because my internet service provider was stretched all over the place due to the pandemic. So, each time my router crashed I got banned and I eventually gave up. Yeah, it sucks but nothing we can do about it.
Thankfully, my internet service provider finally fixed the signal box outside (2 weeks after I scheduled the appointment for them to do so -_-)
My advice is to save up and get a better router/modem unless you know that your internet problems are strictly temporary, like mine were.
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This is like saying you feel its unfair that you bought the game but cant run it on your Pentium 2 processor....
You need proper internet to play online games, its just a requirement, that is all there is to that.
Now the corona virus is not stopping you form buying a new router, get real, everyone orders that stuff online.
Financial well...time to safe up some money, you have time you wont be playing for a while anyway ;)
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Just like having the right console or needing the right hardware in your PC, you require to have a stable (enough) connection to be able to play.
The reason you get punished is because the match being thrown into disarray is still happening because of problems on your end, it has nothing to do with whether the disconnect was intentional or not.
I can understand you're in quite the pickle, but i don't think they're not gonna turn off bans for bad internet because there's a few in this exact predicament.
Of course, i could be proven wrong on that, but it hasn't happened before yet.
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You do know this is a multiplayer game correct?
Not having decent wifi for a decent online game ruins the exprience for you and others
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I'm not saying that developers should turn off the ban system for those who have internet problems. I wanted to convey that people should not be kicked out of the match at the slightest loss of connection. I repeat: in other online games I am not thrown out of matches because of the same issue. I have a problem with crashes only in Dead By Daylight.
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I have the necessary equipment to play this game. The problem is that the game kicks me out of matches at the slightest loss of connection, which does not happen in other popular multiplayer games, so the problem is most likely in the game code. Therefore, I sincerely do not believe that I should receive bans for "such things". Of course, I will fix my problems with the Internet, but I am more concerned about the experience of such players who have the same problems as mine. In fact, I noticed a couple of hours ago that in most cases with the Internet everything is ok, but the game somehow kicks me out of the match with the "rank update" problem.
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If you were not "thrown out" and had a reconnect timer of sorts to get back into a match that would become highly exploitable.
Imagine right before getting hit the survivor suddenly vanishes. Killer moves on then suddenly "poof" they are back and running away.
Sadly this game could not have such a system for reconnecting because it wouldn't work with this type of game.
Now if I am wrong in my interpretation/wording of what you said (quoted above) please correct me or if you had an idea in mind please let me know. While I get the situation is frustrating its the reality of things with the technology we have at our disposal today.
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I very much agree that a reconnect system is not needed here and it will break the game (unless of course the developers come up with something genious that will not break the game, but this most likely will not happen). If you kicked, then you kicked. I would like the game not to throw you out of the match at the slightest loss of connection, in other multiplayer games I will not be kicked out of matches about the slightest loss of connection.
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It would be great a "reconnect" feature
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Yeah well with the quarentine my entire family of 5 is at home mostly online and because of that is destroying our poor connection
So i just went to single player games for the time being untill i can get stable internet again
Which is the responsible thing to do
I know it sucks but compared to others, not being to play our favorite multiplayer game really isn't that big of a deal
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"Most likely, the problem is in the game code and it turns out that the game destroys not only my experience, but also the experience of other players, since I can be throwed out at the beginning of the match because of this problem. "
Nah, the problem is you, not the code. The problem is the guy who wants to play an Multiplayer Onlinegame while not having a good connection. The other 4 players in the game dont care if you DC intentionally or get crashed out of the game, they are either in a 3v1 from that point or the game ends completely, when you are the Killer.
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Amazon has new routers for 25 dollars. I know times are hard right now but that is not expensive at all
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nah, the problem is the code, not me. I think you haven't read all I wrote, I'll repeat: in other games, it doesn’t throw me out of matches at the slightest loss of connection. The words about the fact that I should not play online games with a poor Internet connection, however, my Internet connection is quite good, sounds very disrespectful to me, as a person. be careful with the words.
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Yeah, and in this game you get kicked when you are losing connection. So dont play this game until you did not fix your router problem. Easy as that.
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Sorry but I haven't amazon in my country
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I just got randomly kicked at the end of a match and lost a pip + got banned
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I get what you mean. Other game makers are able to find solutions around marginal internet problems. What I'm guessing is that in this case they don't have the ability to figure out how to improve the experience for players such as yourself. It might mean a bigger overhaul than we'd imagine, and focus seems to be on content and balancing instead.
Hope you have some other games in your library.
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The game kicks him out to quickly. Clearly he hasn't the same issue with other games.
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Actually, I'm not mad at the game. I still love it and will continue to play it no matter what, all games have some disadvantages and this is okay, I don't blame the developers since they trying hard to make this game good. However, it stills worth mentioning some disadvantages so that the developers can fix it.
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You can say it's the code's fault and I truly do understand what you're saying about not instantly being kicked out of the match in other games, but you still have an unreliable connection, and you're still choosing to continuously queue up for more games. Games that you know you could disconnect in and leave your team mates (or all the survivors if you're playing killer) at a disadvantage or just a straight up waste of a game.
If you ask me, that's selfish no matter what way you look at it. It's most certainly not disrespectful for other people to recommend, for the sake of everyone else, that you play something else until you can get your connection situation sorted out. You seem to know of other games that won't immediately ban you out when you have a "hiccup" so it shouldn't be a problem to find other ones to play.