moving from xbox to pc

do you reckon the devs will implement a change over from progress to pc from xbox, if so any news if it has been discussed?, i really don't want to buy all the dlc's and cosmetics again as my financial circumstances has changed due to the whole crazy ######### happening right now in the world. i think it would be good for us a community and die hard fans of this toxic beautiful game. thank you.


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    Whilst it has been mentioned as something that is wanted to be done, nothing has been said to confirm when or even if it will happen. So nothing concrete I'm afraid.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    My guess is it'll be coming in the near future, because honestly every multi-platform game like this should have cross-progression in 2020. There's just more important issues the devs need to look at first. One step at a time, ya know?

  • countround
    countround Member Posts: 3

    would be neat if it would be make cross-platform I agree, though I use my PC as a console by now anyway 😃

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    Not likely ever going to happen. It boosts their sales when you get the game on a new console/device because you have to buy the game and all the DLC all over again.

  • Stuart1995
    Stuart1995 Member Posts: 24

    you all have made valid points, which has answered all of my questions without even asking them all, thank you guys!! lets hope they do implement the progress change over.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    It would be nice. I started DBD on PC but other games I played on console. I would buy them again if I didn't have to start over from the beginning. MHW: Iceborne being one of them. I bought Ark and overwatch twice because friends on another platform wanted to play.

  • Thiccness123
    Thiccness123 Member Posts: 16

    I always wanted to buy it on my Switch after 1500 hours and getting all the teachables on PC but I won't purchase until this is an option, would be nice if DLC carried over too but i don't know how that would work