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Distortion & Fixated

CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596
edited April 2020 in Ask the Community

Hello again,

since Distortion removes your Scratchmarks for 10 seconds and Fixated makes them visible to you:

When I play both, will I also not see any of my own scratch marks during the 10 seconds of Distortion effect, or am I unaffected but this as a survivor and continue to see my own scratch marks? Did anyone test this out by chance?

I know thats just a detail question without any real game value, I'm just curioous there ^^.

Edit: Mixed up Discordance and Distortion AGAIN. Maybe I should just get some sleep -.-

Post edited by CaulDrohn on

Best Answers


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    I'll look into it, pretty sure it still masks the scratch marks because it's just showing you what the Killer sees, it's not it's own thing.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Ehi! Just to be sure there is no confusion here...

    I suppose you are talking about the Poised Jane Teachable Perk right? Discordance is a Killer Legion Teachable perk and doesn't remove your scratch marks.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020

    No, I think he means Distortion, he made that same error in another question.

    Distortion also plays with scratch marks, so I probably need to edit my question above since I was confused by this as well (until it was cleared up in the other post). Anyways, Distortion masks your scratch marks for 10 seconds, and Fixated shows your scratch marks when you run. So Fixated (in theory) is just showing you what the Killer sees, so it'd most likely mask the scratch marks as well for your view.

    Even if it doesn't, it doesn't really do anything for you.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    You are right! Distortion is definitely what @CaulDrohn is talking about since the name is similar to Discordance and it also affect the scratch marks!

    Can you confirm this OP?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,479

    The way it should work is that you should see your scratch marks but not the killer due to the wording of Distortion saying "to the killer" - it does not say to yourself or any other survivor.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596


    You are absolutely right, I meant distortion. I edited the post accordingly.

    Yep, thats what I'm thinking as well. Would likely be easier to implement it this way, and / or the devs may not even have thought about this connection between the perks.


    Yep, the perk explicitly states "to the killer". But when Distortion was added, Fixated didn't exist, so every scratch mark could only be seen by killers. The description just doesn't matter here. It all boils down to the actual implementation. Does Distortion only hide existing scratch "entities", or does it prevent them? It could be both, the first case could mean you see your own scratches during Distortion, the second would mean you don't. Like I said, it' just a small, irrelevant detail I'm curious about ^^.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020

    Well it's indeed a weird connection to begin with, so it's interesting to see the results.

    Post edited by FireHazard on
  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596
    edited April 2020


    Thanks for testing, but it's really no big deal. I'm feeling a little uneasy now for pointing it out, since I think the devs have more urgent things to look at than this ^^''.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,479

    @CaulDrohn no it's worth pointing things out, even if it's not an urgent issue (Fixated also didn't show my scratch marks when I was against Legion in Feral Frenzy) so it's definitely something that I need to bring up with them. They decide on the severity of things and which things need to be given more priority over others, but it's always good to let them know these things.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I'm sorry that Mandy tested it faster and you feel your effort is wasted. It totally wasn't. Like I wrote in the other thread, I'm really grateful you took your time to test this out! And I believe your screenshots display the effect quite decent. I'll add your post to "Best Answer" :).

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596


    I added your post to the answers as well, I find the scrrenshots very insightful and not wasted at all. Again let me thank you for all your effort with this and the other question, I'm really grateful for it :).

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020

    Thank you, that's very sweet.

    It's not really about who answers the question though, at least to me, it's just about getting a satisfying answer for the OP. I'm glad you were able to get some use out of it at least. If you have any questions in the future, than don't be afraid to ask them in this sub-forum.