Dead by Daylight & Casual Play

DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

Hey all, it's me again.

So recently I noticed that some people in the forums have once again brought up the topic of adding an Unranked Mode or a Casual Mode to Dead by Daylight. Of course, what we have now is just what it is until the new Matchmaking update comes around the corner (Which I hope is soon, I'm tired of being matched with Survivors who has no sense of self preservation, as both Survivor and Killer).

And I was wondering what the community would think about a Casual Mode? And how that would look like if there ever was one.

I personally don't think it would work, mainly because a casual mode would split the playerbase and it would suck the Killers and Survivors who wants easy games out of ranked play. Yes yes, I know what we have now barely classifies as anything closed to a Ranked gamemode. But it's not exactly obsolete. It can give you a rough estimate of how skilled a player SHOULD be (not how skilled they really are).

Someone in Rank 1 obviously plays a lot, so their skills should match someone who has played a lot. Or gets a lot of easy games.

So how would a Casual Mode work in DBD? Because I think it would honestly be worse than what we have right now. Look at any thread complaining about matchmaking with the killer or survivor in White Ranks and that's basically Prototype Casual Mode right now.

No ranks, matchmaking is nonexistant, killers and survivors of all skills, perks and abilities are meshed together into one lump. But who knows, maybe if they do end up adding it I would be wrong and would be surprised at what they will come up with.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,039
    edited April 2020

    Dead by Daylight is already a casual game.

    But in general regarding more gamemodes - those would result in longer queue times. Something you dont want to have in an Onlinegame.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The problem with a casual mode is the game is in essence about the grind.

    What would a casual mode then be? No perks or items? No bloodpoints? All perks and items? No devotion or shards? The same as it is now? How would it be setup is the main issue.

    Casual mode in theory would not wield as much as ranked since that is the main mode. If it did what would really change as both modes would be the same game.

    Since it is all about the grind then why would you even play any mode which doesn’t give you as much?

    If it also split the player base too much then players would just go to where the matchmaking is better so whatever mode that is would just become what the game is now.

    Its a strange thing to ask for since DBD is already casual by design. The game is about more than just doing the objective for each side. I believe it’s more about how certain players view the game and what they wish it to be rather than accepting it for what it is.

  • NittanyBruin1719
    NittanyBruin1719 Member Posts: 46

    Like stated by others, the game feels pretty darn casual to me when I play lol. If matchmaking worked properly and we actually matched with people at our rank/skill level (as Peanits just put it) consistently, I believe it would feel that way more so.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    This might be a dumb question, but why do the Devs classify DBD as "casual"? You have the power to label the game whatever you want, but I think it is disingenuous to label DBD as casual simply because you don't want the be labeled as competetive (and therefore have balance scrutinized even more than it already is). To me, a "casual" game is a pick up/party game like Mario Party. DBD has too much depth, skill and time commitment (grind) required to label the game as casual.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I'm not really in favour of splitting the playerbase and adding a casual mode to this game. The base game is casual enough like other people said and that won't change. We all know that an MMR system simply can't work in this game anyway so I'm not sure how you'd go about making the "ranked" and "casual" modes different. And think of the queue god. What they need to do right now to matchmaking is revert the SWF matchmaking back because that system was so much better. We would see slightly longer queue times in higher ranks but as a trade-off new killers would actually get into games without waiting over 20 minutes in a queue.

  • alphralphralphr
    alphralphralphr Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2020

    I'm obviously not a Dev, but from a player standpoint I'd think that -general- balance issues aren't the only problem here. This game is casual because most people like to play it with their friends, and they generally have a voice chat or other communication that gives them an advantage. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Some games you'll go into absolutely lopsided. Killer brought a 4 Mori? Lopsided. Survivors are swf on Discord and they all brought flashlights? Lopsided. It's hard hard enough to balance the game without items and offerings, but with them?

    If anything, I'd say that the -current- mode would be the casual mode, and if they wanted to add in a competitive mode, it should be solo queue only. You always have the same loadout options (You don't have to earn them, you just have them permanently), and those loudout options are severely cut down from the current possibilities (for both sides). Also, survivors should have to lock in before killers, so if the killer sees a 4 Toolbox or 4 flashlight team they can prepare for it.

    Maybe also do a SWF competitive mode, where you go in as a 4 person SWF and the killer gets wider loadout options (and maybe the survivors get diminished ones).

    That is to say, there doesn't seem to be enough killer players to keep one game mode going, much less 3 separate ones. I'm perfectly fine with the game the way it is, but I don't take it seriously in a competitive aspect at all.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    It is casual mode right now. The game is easy as hell. Your opponents sometimes dont even try to win they just farming or screwing around doing nothing. What would i like is competitive mode where survivors actually trying to win trying to achieve the goal of the game. I would rather wait 10 mins and get good teammates \ competent opponents that what it is now.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I feel like casual in dbd refers to it not being an E-sport, energy drink slamming, sweatfest for prize money...