Sick of 5 minute games

Seriously all you need to do is make it almost useless to solo a gen in a reasonable amount of time. Survivors should need to work as a team through co op actions to outsmart the killer. This would allow killers to actually play the game. To balance this increase the speed at which gens are completed after someone dies.
Knowing when to separate to complete gens and deny the killer pressure IS them working together. "Working together" doesn't mean that people need to be in physical proximity or something.
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Do you actually time your games? Because it's so rare for me to have 5 minute games. I've had games I thought were 10-12 minutes and the stopwatch on my phone showed it was actually 20-22 minutes.
When I do have 5 minute games it's just as often due to the killer steamrolling the survivors than it is the survivors banging gens out.
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I think I never had a 5 minute game as Killer, except when I was protecting the Basement Chest as Bubba and nobody came to visit me.
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Mission accomplished. ๐
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And im sick of 30 minute games against forever freddy :D. I'd rather get gen rushed as killer then play against forever freddy as survivor
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Stop with this pressure argument! Some games it's impossible. I want this game to be where I have a chance to win no matter what killer I play or what map I get. This pressure argument is impossible to use in every scenario so just dont.
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I disagree with increasing single person gen times as the game is boring as it is holding m1. What the game needs is non-optional seconday objectives.
Almost anything would do but if i were emporer for a day I'd make it so the number gens that can be worked on is equal to the number of totems that have been broken. 2 totems should be really easy to find, 2 should be medium difficulty to find and 1 should be very hard to find.
Theyd have to completely rework noed but that should make survivors happy anyway. It would also shake up the meta quit a bit as perks like small game and toth would become more valuable
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Then make specific points about killers and their issues.
There's no point in blaming survivors for doing their objectives. As many complaints as I have about survivors, I can't fault them for literally just playing their role.
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So your saying forever freddy is fair and balanced against solos?
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That simply proves the point that tge game needs secondary objectives. Holding m1 for 80 secs is boring. Holding it for 100 is even worse
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solo queue is already a pain; not a good idea imo
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I like that idea too. I saw that tourney otz did where that was a rule and seemed pretty fair
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Then please tell me how to counter it in solo q where my teamamtes play like potatos. Oh wait thats right i cant only way to counter is to play swf but thats "op and toxic"
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"No, killer, you can't do that! It's not fair!!"
Congratulations, you're the one millionth poster to say that!
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I Never said dont do it? Play forever freddy all you want. Just because i think its op dosent mean im telling anyone they can or cant use it
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Agreed my logic was flawed i havent slept in 2 days lol.
New argument: forever freddy is op. Theres no getting gud against a good freddy playing forever freddy. He can end chases quickly while having map pressure and crazy slowdown on gens. Its a guranteed 4k unless your in a tryhard swf or the killers a rank 20
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Imagine calling "forever" Freddy OP when it only adds +6% slowdown (yellow rope + green rope) or +12% (green rope + swing chains and only if all four survivors are asleep, which is rare).
I can equip the same slowdown perks on legion with the 2 blade add ons. Does he become forever Legion?
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The only time I've had 5 minute games is when the killer (usually Ghostface) was on me as soon as the game started and the other survivors didn't come to unhook me. Doesn't happen that often.
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I do. Had a match a few weeks back, gens were done in 4:20, match was over at 5:30. Not a single prove thyself or toolbox. One of those "rare" matches where everyone was a strong looper.
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Since they nerfed ruin and nerfed his add ons, forever freddy isnt a thing anymore, i beat freddy all tge time, you have to wake yourself up. Thats all
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So you had a single match a few weeks ago but that's not rare? ๐ค
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Just one that I recorded. Had three out of ten last night.
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It's not the killer's fault you have monkeys on your team
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What you've just suggested is rubber band balancing. The worse you do, the more of boost you get as the game tries to level things out and make the match closer. It's fine in a game like Mario Kart where you're playing with a couple friends so nobody feels left out (the guy in last gets better items that jump them forward), but when it comes to a game that people like to take more seriously, it just leaves people feeling cheated. You'd basically be giving killers free kills (regardless of if they're playing well or not) and then speeding up the rest once they get their freebie. At that point the game is arbitrarily handing out wins without any regard for who's playing better.
Stopping the generators from going off is meant to be something the killer does, not something that's guaranteed by an outrageously long interaction until people start dying.
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And i didnt say it is? Just saying thats why its hard to counter forever freddy
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Weird you wouldn't mention them in the first place lol
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Not every match is 5 mins. Just saying.
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That's cute. 4 man swf squad comes in on coms. 4 players on 4 gens on a coldwin map. Hey, it's a wraith, he's on me, keep working on gens. Alright, he hit me and is headed towards cow tree, get off that gen now, im on the gen by shack. 3 gens pop. Crap guys, im fixing to go down, hide in the locker on the jungle gym and hit him with head on. Ok, I'm jumping in the locker, use the locker tech flashlight save that's impossible to counter. Well, the gens are done, ggez, be sure to teabag the toxic killer at the gates.
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Killers should never be nerfed just because of bad teams. That's the precise reason low-tier Killers get annihilated by the SWF death squads
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If the killer is good you will hear "Nvm guys I think he left me".... Other person: "Now he is on me I thought u said he was on you!" *gets grabbed*
Killer uses pop meanwhile 1 of the other people gets off the other gen to go for the save, so only one gen pops. Pressure created.
If you are chasing a survivor for 3 gens to pop, that is on you.
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Yes, it's well known that peak survivor play will destroy peak killer play.
Is it possible to fix that without breaking literally every other part of the game? Probably not.
Fortunately, you don't actually run into that peak play very often. Yes, you'll run into 4-man SWF groups a lot, but many of them really aren't very good.
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Legion is the worse killer in the game... Freddys is one of the best at map pressure and chases...
I've played as and against forever freddy and my opinion is the same hes op.
Thats my OPINION. You can think hes balanced but i dont and thats fine everyone has a diffrent opinion
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It's incumbent on me to stop the gens from finishing. If I cannot do that, I lose.
Sometimes the survivors are just overwhelming. It happens.
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Thats where its hard to balance the game. You balance around swfs the game becomes killer sided, you balanced around normal survivors swf becomes op.
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That's how the game should work, but with coms they always have information and can rotate. Not to mention that, with the amount of safe pallets and loops, plus second chance perks, no killer can win.
The same bs excuse. I get them all the time, not rarely. Vpn to the San Paulo servers and play at 1am cst, then tell me how rare these players are. Guarantee you will be screaming at the devs to fix this crap. I would pay good money for the balance team to play on this region for a week straight.
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I would argue that perhaps you're not playing as well as you think, if you believe that you're facing extremely high level SWF 4-mans that often.
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I think a lot of killers are Just right now pissed of because how unfair matchmaking is. Like if you are rank 20 the game feel incredibely survivor sided if you go against red ranks.
At least that is how i feel
Hopefully we will see the matchmaking changes really soon.
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I would never recommend to a friend that they pick up the game and try killer right now.
Survivor, maybe. But not killer.
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Define playing well. Mind games, moonwalking into a 180 swing, switching targets, hit and run, slugging, not breaking unsafe pallets, not chasing sprint burst, and using strong perks are all in my playbook. 7 times out of 10, I enter a match with 4 players already waiting in the lobby.
But ok, let's assume that I'm a bad killer. Why exactly does matchmaking keep placing me against these people? Why am I not facing players of my own skill level and rank?
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That's exactly what this aims to solve:
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6 months and counting, actually more like 8 months and counting because it was broke for a while before that announcement. Is it going to be another 6 months before some actual progress happens? Because your link means absolutely nothing.
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I've been having three minute games...
as a survivor.
Honestly, solo que is insane these teammates are laughable.
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Look, matchmaking is weird.
We all know it.
I hate it sometimes, too.
I don't know that players harping about it day in and day out on the forums is gonna help, though.
(And be honest, you know full well that as a killer you also have games where you utterly destroy a team of survivors that run straight for dead zones when they see you and drop shack pallet if you cough in their direction. The other day I saw a survivor at shack, and the moment I walked toward her she instantly dropped the pallet and teabagged. Like...uh...did you think that was a good thing to do? ๐)
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Gens are fine. Learn how and when to apply pressure and you'll do fine. The only times gens fly for me is when I play badly and allow them to.
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Those are the rare games for me. Maybe 10% of my games are potatoes, 20% are decent matches in my own rank and hours, the rest are strong teams.
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When do you plan on releasing this? We've been waiting a while now
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The thing i dont understand about the new matchmaking is: how Will this make a difference then the matchmaking now?
If there are way less killers then you can change the matchmaking all you want, but it wont help. Now the devs Just make the mmr hidden so the people dont know you get screwed over by the matchmaking.
Am I wrong? Because i feel this is the case.
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I hear a lot about a shortage of killers, and I figure it's probably accurate since my queues are faster than lighting sometimes, even though the resulting matches make absolutely no sense.
The role can be frustrating, but I guess I like it. I can't say what I'd do to make more people try it, though. Not something as crude as buffing killers, certainly. It's easy to feel like the community just resents you and the devs don't think you're a "real" player.
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What forever Freddy? They nerfed him months ago. Geez...