Discordance 3 and 1 will this ever be addressed

I know it's been mentioned before, have the devs @Peanits @not_Queen ever mentioned if they're looking into fixing Discordance 1 being better than 3.
They spend months looking into anything. Behaviour is not agile, even with small things like this.
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I kinda like Tier 3 Discordance more because I'd rather the noise notification not be as frequent (gets a bit annoying).
Besides, doesn't the perk stay lit up once it activates? That's really all the notification you need.
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Peanits once said that they don't plan on changing it from what I believe.
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Always sucks when bloodwebs force higher level discordance on you. It really is silly that the perk gets worse with levels.
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We've mentioned it in the past, but yes, we are aware, although there's no single right answer. Some people prefer 1, some people prefer 3. 1 gives you more regular updates, but 3 gives you less loud noise notification spam. I'm more of a tier 3 guy myself; I don't need a loud noise constantly going off in a chase, and I've never found the 4 second difference to be a game changer.
If you like tier 1, that's totally fine, you do you. If you prefer 3, that's okay as well.
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The devs don't seem to like loud noise notifications. You get more of those with tier 1, so I think a change is unlikely. I think that might have actually been the reason they added the cooldown to Spies from the Shadows.
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Okay, I prefer tier 1, but I was forced to accept tier 3 in the early bloodweb levels when I P3'ed some of my killers. There's no way for me to go back. It'd be nice if I could choose to run tier 1 even though I'm now permanently stuck with tier 3.
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How about: make the noise less annoying?
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I prefer tier 3, i dont get hit with as much noise and tge yellow aura lasts longer. It actually suprised me when I saw people saying tier 1 was better.
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+1, I prefer tier 1 too, but bloodweb ...
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IMO they should make all tiers a flat 10 seconds then give survivors performing cooperative a 30/60/90% chance to have an off center skill check similar to Doc. Normalize the aura read and add some very small slowdown effect.
And before someone says "well now they know you have Discordance" it's pretty easy to tell a killer has it now anyway. If you so much as touch a gen someone else is working on and the killer suddenly comes to your gen, sometimes even stopping a chase for it, then they have Discordance. As a killer I don't give a flying ######### if they know I have it because it's not actually going to stop them from teaming up on the gens. I'd rather have something to mess with them a bit before I get there.
Also the secondary effect makes sense with the word "Discordance".
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This is largely due to the long production lead times on stuff. A new Killer gets started on many months before the release. It is the immensely long-term planning required to create new content that causes seemingly small updates so long to appear. Just as one example, the Doctor update was first designed in July of 2019, and didn't ship until January of 2020. The delay was because the resources needed to produce that update were already committed to other content that released between those two dates.
Some small updates do get slotted in faster, but it's a matter of priorities. Discordance isn't so hideously busted that it warrants bumping other things out of the pipeline for it.
Post edited by Almo on5 -
This would be ideal, there are times I would like to run a lower level Whispers (I know crazy) as well but I get that it's not high priority stuff.
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Thanks, understandable and you're right the few seconds isn't gamebreaking by any means.
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They could just add an option to use any tier at or lower than what you've unlocked for a perk. So if you want level 1 or level 3 you can choose so everybody's happy
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you're right, Premonition is an example of a perk that has a unique sound that pairs well with the theme of the perk
Maybe Discordance could be changed to have a specific sound to convey that gens are being repaired quickly from far away
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As a Premonition user, I'd prefer the notifications as often as possible!
Please can Discordance 1&3 be reversed?
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THAT long ago? Damnnn, if you guys knew what to do from even back then, then I have hope for the game.
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How about taking a break on DLCs finally? It h hurts to see it
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Bad idea new characters to learn keep the game fresh. People would get bored and quit over time without constant dlcs.
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Hey! I just realized I got confused on the dates. They were July 2019 and January 2020 respectively. My apologies. I have edited the post in question to be correct.
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Seriously just add an option to "deconstruct" a perk and reduce its tier/refund the BP cost. That way people don't have to upgrade the perk if they don't want to and if they do happen to level it up by complete accident or by being forced, or even if they figure out too late that it's a bad idea to upgrade the perk, they have an option to reset it.
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Lol, it's good. Still though, it shows that the devs are learning and designing more well rounded yet balanced killers. Keep guys guys!
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The single right answer is to give players the ability to choose which tiers they want to use for any given perks. ;)
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That's a ton of UI work for how many perks this is helpful for. Costs outweight the benefits.
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Well, players for a long time have been asking to be able to sell the unwanted items/add-ons/offerings in their inventories. I have a ton of map and reagent offerings I'd love to sell, even at a huge loss, just to recoup some BP. It could include unwanted perks, as well. The perks then reappear on the Bloodweb and the player can re-purchase them at tier 1. It could be a nice bonus for having Prestige 3'd a character.
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Wouldn't it be a lot less UI perk if you only did it for the 3-4 perks that people would actually consider doing this to.
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Doing it for 3-4 perks is pretty much the same as doing it for all perks in terms of production time and interface design.
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My only gripe with this logic is if the bloodweb force feeds you it. From levels 1-15 (roughly) you have to or almost have to take the perk it gives you. If it keeps throwing Discordance at you, you have no choice, and the only "fix" for that is to prestige the killer. If this is your P3 run through the web...you're now stuck with it forever. In this one instance, I don't feel like it's fair to those who prefer 1 over 3. Otherwise I'm totally in agreement with you.
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i prefer 3 over 1, as there is no noisespam.
imo it'd be nice though if 3 would immediately let the gen turn red once the 2nd survivor has left it, so the info you get is just as accurate as the info 1 gives you.