Who can tell me what "zoning" is?

So, I know what it is and so should most of you. The real reason for this thread is to bring up the fact that theres a lot of people in red ranks who clearly don't belong. A change to how that works couldnt come soon enough. I recently played a match with doc against survivors who had no clue. One in particular was a Kate I hadnt seen until I used my power and saw she was in the basement. I go down and find her in a locker. Soon as I do, instant DC. My mistake was messaging and asking why? I've been kicked randomly so i was just wondering. This guy asks me if I was the trash killer and i say well i was the killer but only 2 gens got done and nobody escaped so idk about trash. Here's where I'll get to the point. He goes on to tell me I was trash, my perks are bad, and how I missed 75% of my shocks. I try to explain I was zoning, not trying to hit the survivors all the time, but put them in bad positions when they try to avoid the shocks. This guy started making fun of me saying "LMAO ZONING IN DBD" and "God white kids are so stupid" He then says "Go back to rocket league Kyle, dbd isn't your game" and "Tell your mommy to stop letting you buy auric cells with her credit card." This guy was a rank 4. The 3rd grade insults didnt bother me. What did was this guy was a red rank survivor who had never heard of zoning yet felt like he was superior to me enough to tell me dbd isn't my game and act like I didnt know what I was talking about. This guy has no business in red ranks if rank actually mattered. In any other game your rank and skill are equal. In dbd it means nothing. Sorry I just wanted to rant for a minute. The guy was an idiot but it just made me think about how ranks are meaningless at the moment. I was gonna share the conversation but he promptly deleted it when I said I was gonna save it because it was hilarious how clueless he was.


  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    Zoning is like how to described it, forcing survivors into a bad position.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I've never heard it referred to as "Zoning" but that makes sense and I absolutely do that (even with killers who aren't the doctor).

    Any killer worth their salt should have map awareness and use their own body position to try to force survivors to go in your desired direction (generally away from pallets/windows or towards the Basement). It's probably easier with someone like The Doctor but if you're not pushing the survivors in certain directions during chase, you're not being as effective as you could be.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    Exactly. Most people who play know this. After I tried explaining that to the guy he told me I was trash if I had to use zoning to get hits lmao That's like using clowns gas to block off safe areas and someone saying you're garbage because you didnt directly hit the survivor.

  • Doultime
    Doultime Member Posts: 82

    Salty people can say the weirdest stuff zoning with doc huntress pyramid and i guess deathslinger is super common

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Forcing survivors into a position you'd want them to be is zoning.

    Also what's wrong with Rocekt League 🙁

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2020

    Here ya go...

    Jokes aside, zoning in a video game is when you control space. In DBD it can be something like holding a hatchet as Huntress to "zone" the survivor away from the pallet, as running to the pallet will guarantee a hit. It's about forcing the opponent to move how you want them to. If you successfully zone them away from a pallet then you can put the hatchet away and go for an m1. Your opponents are put into a lose-lose situation and must commit to one and hope for the best.

    Huntress, Deathslinger, and PH are active/aggresive zoners since they can completely stop you from using a pallet/window via a damage state. Demo is also an active zoner with shred, but it's way less effective than the other 3.

    Doc/Clown/Freddy are soft zoners. They can't outright stop you from using the loop but they can make it difficult. And yes, Doc can stop you from vaulting/using the pallet with a perfect shock, but the change in damage state is still not guaranteed. The survivor can still potentially dodge a swing. It's a 2 step process where active zoners is a 1 step (or 1.5 for PH)

    Trapper and Hag are passive/defensive zoners. They have to place traps ahead of time to zone an area. Both can get free zoning in areas with no traps, but it also means no damage state so. Areas with traps can give both zoning and a damage state, but it's more in the control of survivors to avoid them.

    Also you can zone with normal m1 killers like Legion or something, but only on certain tiles. Like you can force the survivor to move to the other side of the pallet before you break it and corner them in a deadzone.

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    The thread title makes me feel like I'm in class about to get called on by the teacher 😓

  • Every1poops
    Every1poops Member Posts: 63

    Honestly the practice of zoning doesn't get discussed a whole lot and it feels like only recently people have been talking about it since PH is so darn good at it.

    One of the best zoners I think people often overlook is Spirit though. You can get by just by faking your phasewalk and forcing them to slowly try and slip away from a dropped pallet.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I would've called that herding more than zoning. Zoning is more about keeping someone at a specific distance imo, like in Dota when you try to keep enemies back by harrassing them in lane.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,944

    I think with PH it's particularly strong to zone tbh. His ranged attack gives survivors a lot more chances to dodge the hit, so it makes sense for him to zone the survivors into an area where they can't dodge it. It's much harder to dodge the close range hits at loops, especially if the option is to take a window - it puts the survivors right out of position.