Additional “Nerf” To Pyramid Head

RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Ok so I think the two new changes are a step in the right direction with hiding cages and preventing cages being just plain camped. I do have one issue though. The cages always spawn across from the killer so they can still be walked over to and get the survivor tunneled. My idea for a fix to this is another small change to making the cage spawn completely random around the map so it’s not just straight ahead. What is your guy’s thoughts?

Edit: This was all mostly to maybe hinder tunneling players. For those that don’t tunnel like myself and others it would hurt making survivors sometimes not have to go across map to get a cage rescue. Main point was that cages are still very predictable and have a way to still be tunneled which is no fun for anyone but at the same time I don’t want them making the killer unfun with no information. So more or less take this post with a grain of salt as it’s not a perfect change idea as I am in no means a game balance designer.

Post edited by RizeAki on


  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    I'd be for this.

  • this is a good idea, the cages are very predictable

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    The choice to go patrol gens and chase survivors rather then tunnel if you didn’t know when someone is saved it makes an explosion where it happened similar to a gen popping so you will always know where the cage was but after the fact so it’s not as easy to tunnel honestly as a PH main I can’t think of anything buff wise he really needs except to add ons

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I think the cages don't give you a notification, unless that was a bug. You completely lose the information about that. Caging now only makes sense in late game, when you know that you can send the survivor into an area where gens are already done. Otherwise you simply have no clue where survivors are, even if you plan to go for the unhooker. And with 4 survivors alive you just allow quicker safes than with hooking.

    I still don't know what's the point to tunnel with cages. You waste so much time to cross the map

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Hmm I guess I never really thought of it that way you make a good point seeing how if I am caging them I usually have survivors near me is why so your right actually forcing them across map every time would probably be the best choice thank you for your comment and enlightening me on that 😊

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Honestly only few things I see having an effect buff wise we should see torment on ranged insta down on torment survivors with range but also change torment duration if that were the case add on changes for sure need to be done really my post was just more of a means to stop tunneling with him but at the same time for non tunneling players it’s nice now for making it so if survivors are near you you know they are going across the map to get a save

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    No they do it was in the last update they even put it in the patch notes of last times and I think even this one if you want to check

  • room___237
    room___237 Member Posts: 20

    exactly. I see it too many times in game playing killer. You get bombarded by survivors who are either looking for farming bloodpoints or borrowed time/decisive strike and players are on comms and know that they can unhook right in front of you before you walk away and it doesnt punish survivors for being over altruistic. Yet another reason comms are a problem. Everyone knowing each others perks and combining each others against the killer to bully them. I love the option to cage them not because i tunnel or camp, but because survivors try and exploit me playing fair by using this combination of perks and communication. It is something i wish more killers had the opportunity to do Survivors need absolutely no more hand holding as things are. There are plenty of ways already that killers can be overwhelmed by teams. It gets sickening everytime that a new killer comes out all I hear is how they need to be nerfed, all this without any real time playing against them. How long has PH been out now? I guess everyones already an expert on him now too huh?

  • Unfun_Tunnel
    Unfun_Tunnel Member Posts: 51

    Nah, pyramid didn't need a nerf before and he doesn't need it now. I personally think that surv mains cry too much sometimes just because they can't play against a killer

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Completely random?

    So they can also spawn 5 meters away from you, right?

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Wow wow wow

    Can i get a refund on this character ? Seriously is this a joke. You cant defend or find the cages they get a free escape

    Wow what is the freaking point to something so determental after trying so hard to get them tormented

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    My experience is that those who tunneled before still do it despite not seeing the cage aura, cause you can easily predict the respawn. Also teleporting the cage while the killer chases someone around the cage isnt a good thing for survivors too, cause the cage survivor could spawn so far away that a rescue gets impossible. So the only choice is to farm the survivor off the cage. Both changes didnt work out. We need some other changes to prevent PH from camping and tunneling.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Did they seriously nerf his cages? He was barely released and they took away massive amounts on information 😑😑

  • whiteixal
    whiteixal Member Posts: 23

    Lets be real though, how often do you cage someone in the game? Cause I don't, I'd rather (and I do) save that torment for the struggle phase unhook and have a ez mori. Making survivor step on torment isn't the hardest thing ever, but it's definitely not something you can expect to happen every time so you might as well think that it's a one-time thing for each survivor.

    But we can all agree that this was really an unnecessary change, it just doesn't even give PH any benefit as an whole.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited July 2020

    I really dont see the point of killers want to tunnel off cage.

    Its useful for early game, save you may be 10sec every hook, and up to a min in a match. At end game, just hook them then camp like any other killers if u dont want them to escape with cage. Geez, u even have range attack ready at the hook to pre-damage unhooker.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    People really think PH needs a nerf?


  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    What if (and please hear me out here peanits) facing a direction whilst sending a survivor to a cage, sent them to the furthest location within a 45 degree angle for themselves (outside of a 32-40m range?)

    this would give a degree of control to the killer in a survivors transportation to a cage and would allow manuvering survivors to portions of the map that aren't active (ie have another survivor in it) giving value to perks such as bitter murmur, etc by allowing you if you have general knowledge of where survivors are, to send a survivor to one side of a map over another, rather then completely randomly selected? That being said you still wouldn't see the cage, simply its direction relative to you (unless it can't meet conditions and must spawn randomly behind you.) it could slightly buff the tunnel aspect of him, but at the same time it would do the exact opposite. having limited control over where you can send them, allows you the choice of sending them to their friends immediately and going for multiple hook stages to speed through game progress, or you could send them off to god knows where and force survivors to slow down the game by going for saves.

    this would give a lot more value to the cages in mid to late game, as a survivor could potentially be teleported right next to an exit gate currently (had this happen to me and a friend as a survivor) whereas teleporting a survivor across the map but in an impactful way would be a very nice change.

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    I see some people won't rest until PH is worse than Legion.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    You've already taken a mid tier killer and nerfed him once without compensation, and now you want to suggest another?

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    I wanted to buy PH but i couldnt bring myself to because i figured thered be some dumb change made to him after i bought him. Lo and behold, immediate nerf

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2020

    The nerf won't affect you if you don't actively tunnel or want to facecamp. He's still great fun, I love to play him.

    Heck even if you want to tunnel, they made a sound notification when somebody gets freed out of the cage, you can still go for them if you really want to.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Oh i get that, i just dont like to spend money (even ingame money) on something that will be actively worse shortly after I buy it. Ill pick him up if i really get back into playing again.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    That's the thing tho, he's not gotten worse. You will always know where the cage approximately is anyways, you just cannot actively facecamp it anymore. It's still great to not get DS'd to hell on him and to be able to choose if you want borrowed time to affect you or not.

  • mosheon970
    mosheon970 Member Posts: 215

    with all due respect, hes too strong on loops, there is no counter play, u either get hit on a window or pallet with his ability if dropped or u get m1, i assume that lithe+medkit is his nemesis, i wonder how he would perform if his ability would make him into 4.0/4.2 movement instead of 4.4, i never lose games when i play him so far. over 3.5k here.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    But he did get worse. He lost a part of his power. It may not have been a huge change but it absolutley was a nerf

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    He can be looped just like any other killer and you can try to evade his Punishment, ofc he can still hit it. I'm gonna be honest tho, he feels like a way stronger huntress to me just with no range-pressure but the 115% ms and cages makes up for that. He's still not OP when survivors currently are this strong.

  • mosheon970
    mosheon970 Member Posts: 215

    yes he can be looped if hes not good enough, his movement speed makes him reaching good position for his powers then hes 100% getting a hit, now like i said, using lithe is the best against him, if u get hit on a window at least u run so far away from him that he will have to let u go. meaning lithe with medkit is insanely good against him. lets say u dont use it, then ur screwed, trust me mate im over 3.5k hours in this game and i played him and tested him well and i so far i have 0 loses with him. i think his power should be 4.0 or 4.2, hes still gonna be broken but at least survivors will have a little more hope in loops, and im mainly play killer mate. u can beat bad pyra heads tho, but when u verse a main head that master him, u will feel helpless in loops trust me. gl.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2020

    u should feel helpless, it's a 1v4 game. If the other survivors aren't dicking around then gens will get done against pyramid head since he is not fast enough in downing survs while also not having the neccesary mappressure. Each chase will take at least 30 seconds even if the survivor is just holding W.

    I hate using tru3 as an example but here, PH cannot down people as fast as a bubba when they run out in the open and still he got crushed because the time pressure is too much unless survs ######### up absolutely royally.