Is hitting Rank 1 an actual accomplishment?

So I'm a Killer main and yesterday I hit Rank 9. When I get to like Rank 5 I want to hit Rank 1 with only Ghostface as a challenge, but is it really a challenge?
The rank system rn you can get to Rank 1 by playing the game enough and not by being skilled. I want to feel like I accomplished something by getting to the highest rank.
I just want to feel I did something most players cant. Should I just not care about getting Rank 1? If I hit Rank 1 would no one care because everyone does if they play long enough? What should I strive for if not Rank?
Ive played this game for less than month and am at Rank 9, should I feel good?
I would say no, especially after having a decent amount of play time on the game, it’s always nice when you first hit rank 1 though it just doesn’t always show high level of skill
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It is difficult but not really an accomplishment. Whether you are rank 4 or rank 1 you pretty much go against the same level opponents unless matchmaking screws up.
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I always felt Ranking never mattered. To me
Reached Rank 3 it felt like meh.
Though it was the end of the month and I was playing more than usual. 🤷♂️
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As survivor definitely not.
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For about 5 minutes until you realize how terrible queues can be the fact most survivors play worse then rank 20's.
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Not really. You don't need red ranks to prove your skill.
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- the successful achievement of a task;
- an activity that a person can do well, typically as a result of study or practice.
According to Steam only 3.8% of the players have reached rank 1 as killer. I think that does make it an accomplishment worth going for. Will it mean that you are a stellar killer and will never lose a match again? Obviously not but it shows you've put in the time to work on your skills.
Personally I measure the improvement of my skills by how well I can apply pressure and predict survivors' actions, by not making stupid mistakes and using my power to its full potential. This could result in a 4K but it doesn't need to (however, it's particularly satisfying to be underestimated and then kill everybody).
Basically the most important is your satisfaction with your skills and not other people acknowledging your ability or not.
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The only achievement is getting rank 1 as survivor. It proves that you are strong enough to put up with all the ######### your teammates do and still pip.
Killer is quite tough though unless you play a strong killer. I suggest you play a mid tier killer to feel the accomplishment.
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Hitting Rank 1 as killer is slightly harder than survivor. Hitting Rank 1 as survivor just means you've played the game a lot that month. Sure first time it feels like an accomplishment, because of the achievement, but being rank 1 does not indicate skill at all.
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I mean, you do get an achievement for it, so there's that.
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You need that to brag on forums or people don't take you seriously lol.
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I'm currently hovering around rank 4-5 on survivor (as a killer main who doesn't play survivor) while running Autodidact, empathy, botany knowledge, and solidarity, and NEVER touching gens. Like actually not doing any gen repair at all. I'd say it's not really that big of an achievement.
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The first time yes, after that its easy
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I've been red ranks for both killer and survivor for almost a year and it doesn't feel like an accomplishment. Staying at rank 1 feels like an accomplishment however.
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It is for the first time, but after that it gets easier.
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I've only solo-queue'd as Survivor on Xbox (3,969 hours), and have never reached Rank 1. Got to 3 or 4 once last month, or the month prior.
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From my experiences: If you want to be competitive with teammates and killers - I think red ranks is a good place for people.
If you want to play fun and co-operative - it does seem to be more the 10+, often a bit higher. They seem to all have more my style of fun and team work. Less competitive with each other. Although if you have one in those ranks that's aiming for red - god help that team lol. Especially true it seems of purple ranks.
That's on average what I seem to come across. I've seem the opposite of some reds and same with 10 +.
Since I'm not a competitive type, and more of a team player, I find I've been happiest in 10 +
Every time I'm in purples though - I can't wait to go back to green. :-D
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That's only on steam, but interesting none the less. that's inarguable. Does it say how often survivors reach rank 1?
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Is hitting Rank 1 an accomplishment
Depends on what you define as accomplishment i guess. If you ask "Am i one of the best now" i have to say Absolutly Not. The skill ceiling within rank 1 is probably as big as between rank 20 to 2 (no exaggeration). And to reach the very top is for sure harder then reaching rank 1.
For both roles by the way.
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If you want to do something nobody has ever succeeded, make your own challange.
I am positiv, even the best struggle with one of those examples:
- 100 4Ks in a row playing the Clown or Leatherface (on Rank 1 ofc)
- Getting a 4K as perkless Burgerking Myers against a Rank 1 4-Man Squad.
After you have done one of those, i bow to you.
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For survivors it's 6.3%. Other hard achievements according to Steam are the various "Adept" challenges, i.e. getting "merciless killer" match result while having only the 3 unique perks of that killer equipped.
That's a bit unrealistic imho.
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As killer you should at least be ok, but survivor a rank 1 can still be pretty bad.
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Extremly hard only a master will have a chance to do this, but not impossible. Keep in mind that people already did similar stuff (mentioning FunGoose once more, 117 4Ks in a row with Plague, no offerings no addons)
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The achievements were bugged last update I think. The percentages are much lower. Around 2% killer and 3% surv. So I think that it definitely is an achievement!
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Streak aside, it's still harder to get merciless with set perks than to 4K with a strong perk combo. I'm personally not impressed by streaks but that doesn't mean it's not a valid challenge.
Edit: I meant perks, not addons.
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It used to be. Then you find out how much ranks never really mattered.
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It's really just about how much you play. The factors that decide whether or not you pip or not are silly. Losing a pip is less common than gaining a pip. Over time, you naturally gain more than you lose.
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It's way too easy on both sides. Anyone can do it as killer or survivor (if you're not stupid).
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As survivor it depends on if you SWF or rely on perks to carry you.
As killer it depends on if you run top tier killers with NOED to carry you
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It's a testament to your mental endurance for sticking with this unrelentingly ######### game.
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I'd say your first time hitting rank 1 is an accomplishment.
Every time after that it's just playing the game, it honestly doesn't matter. Anything between ranks 8 and 1 are pretty much the same.
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Personally, it's always nice going to rank 1.
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the first time you hit rank 1 it feels accomplishing but after that, its meaningless
especially after they changed rank reset, its super easy to get to rank one now.
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Unless you got lower rank because of the rank reset, if you are a good player, you'll hit red ranks naturally. True, red ranks don't mean much. But it does indicate some level of skill achieved. Problem is too many people are in red rank, so the skill level is too disparate.
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Rank currently boils down to how much you play. Its really hard to derank unless you're a survivor getting hard-camped and then tunneled/morid every game.
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You'll hit red ranks eventually but it doesn't really show skill. It should mean something but due to the fact red ranks are full of babies it doesn't.
To answer the discussions main question, is it an accomplishment? No since you get to red ranks by playing a lot, not by being a good player.
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The thing is, this game is extremely easy. So if you play a lot, you will learn what you need to learn to get red ranks. But if you get downed in 20 seconds every chase, don't know generator spawn locations, always hide without pressuring objectives, etc as a won't get red ranks, no matter how much you play. The thing is, if you play a lot though, you learn all this stuff because of how easy this game is.
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It's an achievement if it means something to you.
I remember when I got Rank 1 I was pretty pleased with myself so yeah it was definitely an achievement for me, but there were a lot less people at Rank 1 in those days (2016), it was harder to rank up at that time and Rank Reset took you back really far each month.
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SWF definitely not but I would say as solo queue survivor then yes.
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If it was extremely easy then red rank survivors wouldn't be terrible and killers wouldn't dc because the game is "unbalanced". If red rank survivors were as good as you try to say they are then solo and swf teams wouldn't have such a massive difference.
Thing is survivors who don't last long in chases or just throw pallets immediately, hide, only 2 man gens, wait for hatch and self care do rank up to red ranks. It's unfortunate but this is true. At worst they'll black pip so they keep their rank.