Harassment Should Be a Top Priority Right Now
It's gotten out of hand. It needs to be a top priority, and harassment tickets need to start being taken more seriously in the report system. Suspensions and ban's need to start being made immediatly in instances that a player tells someone to kill themself or throws around derogatory terms.
Don't bother saying "Just close chat"
Don't bother saying "It is how it is"
Don't bother saying "Just take a break"
Those are terrible responses. The issue has become out of hand, and needs to be taken more seriously.
@Peanits @not_Queen @AnyOtherBhvrEmployeeThatTalksDrectlyToTheDevTeamOrSupportTeam
I think the problem is logistical. There's probably just too many tickets already flooding in for them to really address all of them, or even any of them. Which should tell you how widespread the problem is.
They'd probably have to hire a whole team/department of like 15 employees to keep up with it. Then you've also got a bunch of salty people getting banned etc and then they'll be asking for refunds etc.
It's a can of worms.
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Player's are literally being told to kill themselves after every match. DBD has given the word '#########' a whole new meaning. I have had so many racist slur's thrown at me in this game - I forgot I was white.
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It's laughable when people get so triggered by survivors saying ez. I just say gg and move on. Leave the lobby, mute the chat, better yet - just get off the internet if you're offended by trash talk. Obviously slurs, derogatory comments should be bannable, but I truly don't come across that too often.
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Just to make one thing clear, we already have zero tolerance for extreme insults (e.g. racism, homophobic slurs, telling people to kill themselves, etc.). These people do not get warnings, they are banned without any hesitation. We have always acted on these sorts of reports. The issue is more so that there is no feedback on the reporter's side when action is taken: You don't get a message in-game letting you know that someone you've reported was banned.
Odds are if you've reported someone for that sort of thing, they were most likely banned shortly after.
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I know you said not to say it but, whats wrong with just closing chat and moving to next game?
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"Okay Karen..."
That's most people's mindset lol
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Agreed. I haven't looked at post game chat in months, lol.
I'll call BS on that one. I've seen people conduct experiments on alt accounts, and nothing has ever happened to them after countless reports.
Even EdgarAllenBro has outright said "you can pretty much do whatever you want, just don't DC from their game".
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Will there ever be a system added to the game to notify users of the status of his report?
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I‘ll call BS on your observed experiments. And nobody cares about some streamer or whoever that is saying something.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.2
N-no, you can’t! O.o
whatever shall I do now?
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The user and all related content has been deleted.2
Harassment is apart of every game. If you dislike it so much play super mario 64 or something.
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Is there any chance a notification could be set up that would give feedback on successful reports? I've seen a lot of sites implement updates to users only when a report is found to have merit, and the community became a lot more active in reporting negative behavior, believed more in the efficiency of moderation, and had a more clear understanding of what was considered over-the-line. Every site I've seen this happen on, it's seemed to be nothing but a positive thing.
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Admins, mods don't take this the wrong way, please: I know, i feel ur pain!
Look, Online gaming is HARDCORE and all. Sometimes there are some really nasty people out there, that acted VERY scummy during a match. I've been on both ends of this conversation before and yes. I've slung my fair share of insults out. But never once was it done because the person on the other end was a saint. Sometimes bullies have to deal with a bigger bully, before they back down. Truth.
I dont know if you really want to read through 10,000 reports per day or whom did what. Here is some tips as a FORMER ADMIN from my OWN gig (when IBM Blade centers were KING to own and chewed up roughly 1200 bucks worth of electricity per month, per chassis. and Fujitsu 15k RPM SCSI ultra 320s were THEE drive to have)
simple. MUTE PENALTY. These rich folks out here can buy hundreds of steam accounts and make their money back by creating youtube videos of flaming others. Even if you set some rules up, it doesn't matter. If an admin makes a person mad. The angry party might try and DOX someone, DDOS or SWAT someone. It happens. Part of "De-escalation training is finding what makes a happy medium for parties. Both the victim and the offending person (unfortunately).
I'd SCRIPT some chat filtering. There are long lists of "banned phrases" you can look through, and even some l33t sp33k dictionaries. I did it and I didn't have to worry about someone being mad I gave them a muteban. A mute penalty works much easier. than a total ban. That way I don't have to worry about some weird emails or phone calls coming to my house.
------- Sorry im not allowed to share the scripts, breach of contract etc, but I can discuss -----
But here is the deal you can easily settup the script that checks the chat and it reads back a message:
"We are sorry the phrase or language you typed is not permitted".
3 strikes report -
"You have been reported multiple times over multiple matches for uncivilized behavior in chat. you have been muted for X number of days for your first offense.
Other truths: This is a game about extreme violence ( i'd say maybe a 7.5 of 10 for violence) And it is a competitive game. The fact that the match players can talk with the killer, kind of makes me here stumble as to WHY this would be a thing? Id say that your system could better CURTAIL problems for the company if you took the approach of hiding the killer's steam profile NAME until the match concludes. If the person choses to view the profile of the killer. They have to wait until the match concludes and then they can look at it, only after the person exits the match.
There are also those moments when the other survivor in the match decided to hose someone over. For example the meg that always pulls me down infront of the killer. I mean that right there, is 1 of the main reasons for any match to have nothing but salt afterwards.
Let me just summarize this and don't take this personally or the wrong way. The dead by daylight chat has always been a chat channel for people flaming one another. I rarely see positive messages in it. I guess to me, this chat box seams like "Bait" for grounds to ban someone for any reason.
IDK. stay safe everyone. (Thumbs up)
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Honestly? Yeah... I just keep my chat closed unless I feel like the people I played are going to be courteous.
I know it sounds a bit silly, but I can usually determine how people will react in post-game by their behavior in game. This method hasn't failed me yet, so most of my interactions are positive or at the very least neutral, because I control when I want to have them.
I understand the point OP is getting at, but I mean... I already have the tools to ignore people if I want, so personally I'm fine. I wouldn't be opposed to more active moderation, but competitive insults/trash talk/etc? it just doesn't impact me because I refuse to let it.
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I usually play with hidden chat. I don't want to read insults. But I think devs should introduce filters for bad words. It's minimum.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.2
So I’ve started reporting the folks that like to send racist or malicious messages on PlayStation to PlayStation network. They don’t play around regarding harassment. Bhvr devs don’t seem willing or able to address the spoiled kids that feel the need to say such things, thankfully Sony will bring the hammer down.
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Well, to be fair. Microsoft themselves are stated to have a No tolerance standard of these sorts of tickets. But as of now, even if you report anyone, the most you get out of it is a auto-reply saying they are looking into it and "will inform you" such and such.
I've reported slurred messages in the past. Still no idea if it's followed through.
That said, at least MS has IP Address possibilities to perma ban an account from accessing XboxLive.
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Because you don't just close your eyes and the issues go away.
These people still exist and shouldn't be here. The issue is there and if it didn't happen to you, it'll happen to someone else.
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This content has been removed.
I disagree, the aura issue needs to be too priority
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Steam itself has a system like this. If you report a profile and they act on your report you get a message saying that something was done about a profile you reported (but without telling you which profile it was). If you report multiple profiles you get a generic "action has been taken against multiple profiles you reported messages". I believe they are also sent out much longer after they acted on the reports so you can't identify which profile it was.
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Grow thicker skin, laugh that you made them saltier than mcdonalds fries, and then close chat and move on with your day. ;3
Oh and this should be a bottom priority imo, I can think of like ten other things that should be fixed or looked at instead of someone said mean things to me on the internet! Get them BHVR!
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Or you know, if you insult me I'll report you and even tho I don't care if some poor lonely sod insults me, I love the feeling of getting somebody banned and having them actually be upset because they cannot play anymore. I wish this game notified me of every ban, league of legends does it.
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Go for it, I'm all for using the report button. I just don't get the point of letting some salty words after a match eat at you to the point that you come to the forums to cry about it. There are plenty of options besides just reporting them. You can block them on your system of choice. You can close chat, and you can also just choose to end the game and move on with your day. I sometimes screen shot the salt and send it to my friends to laugh at how butt hurt they got over a game. But sure it would be kind of nice to see that the person you reported got banned. Though chances are the moment you left the lobby you probably will never run into them again to even be able to see if they are still playing.
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I usually bait racist stuff (saying I'm black works like a charm, no I'm not black) and then report for hatespeech, stalk their steamprofile and then have a laugh. I banned DOZENS of accounts in World of Warcraft this way until GM's started checking my chatlogs to see that I was bullshitting them to bait a response.
If I closed chat then I might as well play a singleplayergame.
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WOW REALLY? you condone people being told to commit suicide? you condone the words that have lead to the riots and protests all over the world? you condone people being told they are bad because they are not christian, not straight? this is a priority and you're dismissal is crappy at best and apathetic as well but you are an enabler.
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I know you can't tell people that there was a ban because you can't talk about what happens to other accounts, but it would be nice to get a non automated response from you stating that ACTION has been taken but not what. please understand that that feedback would help people believe their reports are taken seriously.
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Define harassment because it's really subjective. Also if they expand the definition of harassment and crack down on it and you get banned will you be happy?
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That's not what I'm saying at all, I'm saying that you are not in any physical harm what so ever. And you are choosing to let some salty brat get under your skin, instead of shrugging it off. Reporting them, ending the chat and then going about your day. Instead you are dwelling on it, and letting it control your emotions. People insult me too after the end game, I either troll them back, or I simply block and report them and move on with my life. I don't have time for some nobody who just lost a game, who is throwing a salty tantrum to have any weight on me what so ever who I can't even see, and is probably some 12 year old. Now someone in my face, insulting me, and meaning me harm is a completely different story. While you shouldn't have to deal with either, one has an easy answer to it, just a click and poof! On the other hand, in person could lead to a physical confrontation.
Also...why do the people in the DBD end game chat even know you are not a Christian, and not straight? Doesn't seem like details that would pop up normally. Not that it's really any of my business.
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Every game has shitheads, its not somethg unique to this game.
DBD, WoW, Siege, even ARMA all have toxic people, its something myself and most other are used to
Halo and MW2 lobbies were wayyy worse than DBD, it was like a rite of passage and there was 0 moderation back then
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first of all, why are they calling people various things without knowing ? I don't know because they are people that think it's cool to talk like that, and they need to LEARN that it needs to stop. trash talk is fine, but when you get into personal or advocating self harm or anything like that then it has left trash talk and become harassment and even could be considered assault and or battery. you said that you weren't saying that well by saying it should not be dealt with in a prompt and expiditious manner you are saying it should be let go and forgotten till things have gotten to someone that is not in the best of spaces mentally and ends up doing something to themselves because of someone telling them to. Talk like that is like saying hey we have an arterial bleeder and we can go fix the hang nail because it'll be a fast and easy fix, they won't bleed out before we're done.
if someone says you suck, or eat my ***.... or something like that, that's fine it's trash talk and can be ignored. but any report of harassment should be taken seriously. even in Everquest, WoW, and many other games it is taken seriously when it is reported and dealt with. if they are 12 years old, or 40 it doesn't matter. They need to know it's not accepted. IF they can no longer play without purchasing the game again (through a new steam account) maybe that'll help since they lost ALL the money they sunk into the other account or they won't be back because they don't want to spend the money again. that is the point for this, not to make it the wrong thing to do or something that does nothing.
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But... I play this game to read salty messages ....
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While I'm against racial slurs, discrimination or any extreme insults, it's definitely not out of hand. I agree this community is mostly toxic, but I rarely meet people being just straight racist or any extreme cases. Also closing chat is a perfectly valid response, because this feature was literally made, so you don't have to deal with the post game chat. If you personally encounter a lot of super toxic people, the best solution is to just close chat and move on.
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Sony will literally ban you for anything. You could call someone bad at the game and get a week ban.
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Back in the days of Ultima Online, EverQuest and AOL chatrooms... we got on fine without moderators. I hate the current jannie culture the world is forcing us to partake in. Internet bullying isn't real just close the chatbox.
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Because then they get away with it. It reinforces their behavior and then they think it's ok. The mindset of telling someone to kill themselves being ok needs to be crushed.
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1. Minor legal point, it is not battery and can never be battery. Battery involves actual physical contact.
2. You are arguing against your own point. What if I happen to find the phrase eat my *** extremely offensive. People will get offended by different things so who is to say where the line is.
3. If someone is at a point in there life where a troll online is telling them to hurt themselves and they actually go do it, they have bigger issues going on that they should seek help with those issues instead of allowing words sent over a screen to push them further down that path
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The riots are mostly people being childish rogues and have nothing to do with words. It's babies throwing fits cause they didn't get their way or just simply acting out knowing there are no consequences.
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well about the battery part i said MAYBE for that, still Assault is not something to sneeze at. I am not contradicting myself what so ever. Being offended about something is one thing but when that thing is bordering on racism, sexism, and the extremes something must be done to curtail it.
and your comment about people that are in a fragile state of mind, sure you are right they have more pressing concerns, but you know what? do you know the state of mind that I am in at this minute? do I know the state of mind you are in this minute? no you do not, and people that are depressed, or worse, will still play video games to try and feel better so it is possible you played with someone that is suicidal or wanting to harm themselves and the only thing they know to stop that is to play a game now someone jumps down their throat with that attack and well that's the snap and they go do it. how would you feel if you said that and they actually DID what you told them to do? You are just as callous as people who use these terms. you are part of the problem, you should want to be part of the solution. If all you want to do is use these terms then how can you even think yourself a good person.
how can you tell someone else they are not worthy to play a video game just because their mental health is bad? see you are the one that has the problem people want to include people, you wish to exclude people. GREAT WORK.
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I've played different games (Rainbow six siege is one) where if you report someone and they get banned, you get an email saying that my report helped them get banned. Is it possible to implement something similar to that?
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Way to go overboard chief. You just don't get it. What one person finds offensive might mean nothing to someone else. You want everyone to walk on eggshells around people just to make sure their feelings are not hurt.
Where did I say someone was not worthy to play a game? My point was nobody is killing themselves purely because they got their feelings hurt over a video game; they clearly had deeper issues before hand.
I find it funny how the person upset over harassment is the one attacking people's moral character. But it's ok, I know it's just words.
As others have said, the mute button is always an option. It's so easy to play the game with zero communication with the other players. If you chose to view the chat, you chose to risk being offended. If you make the latter choice, I have no sympathy if your feelings are hurt
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Very well. you continue being the bully, you continue being the one that allows conduct this way and you will forever be the bully. Closing chat is not the answer. some people like to be nice to others and they are not always the strongest people around and you will one day find out what it is like when those you bully end up fighting back. I hope no one close to you ends up hospitalized or worse because someone was just as callus as you are advocating should be allowed and accepted. I hope you do not have to attend funerals because of what someone caused to happen. go and be your self there and keep it up I will watch for your behavior and continue reporting it even if I am not the one it is put towards.
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Lol what bullying? You cannot point out one instance where I have bullied anyone not where I have outright condoned bullying. Feel free to believe otherwise. I'll sleep like a baby regardless
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you are advocating doing NOTHING! this is the same as bullying because you are ALLOWING the behavior to go on. You are ENABLING the bullying and people CAN be placed in the same categories as others when they do wrong because they stood by and let it happen. I am sad that you can't see this and till you understand it you will continue to be a bully, perhaps not in actions but in inaction. I am done with trying to reason with you. I still hope you will never feel the loss of someone dear because someone at the wrong time pushed them over the brink. GOOD BYE.
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I refuse to believe that word policing makes me the bully. Actually, the attempt to control people's speech is closer to bullying than allowing people to speak their minds. By all means, continue to believe that words spoken by immature trolls over a video game dictate your views on morality. Bye