When will Discordance get edited?

SheeepyVR Member Posts: 2
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Hello I have a question about Discordance since the level 1 perk is kinda more powerful than the level 3 one, shouldn't it be the otherway around?

For Example

Discordance Level 1 = Send a notification when 2 survivors are working on a gen every 8 seconds

Discordance Level 3 = Send a notification when 2 survivors are working on a gen every 12 seconds.

Swap them around so ...

Discordance Level 3 would be = Send a notifcation when 2 survivors are working on a gen every 8 seconds.

Or in general rework the perk somehow because right now its hard to see a level 1 perk is more powerful than the level 3 one.



  • SheeepyVR
    SheeepyVR Member Posts: 2

    For now I have all currently available killer perks level 3 on my spirit expect discordance. But I know that feel.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Actually tier 3 is the better option it’s only your personal preference to use tier 1

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Having a loud noise indicator go off 50% more often in a game where your sense of sound is critical isn't a better option when the T3 version gives you the same information, but actually for even longer after they get off the gen.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798
    edited August 2020

    I don't think 1 is definitively better than 3. It depends on what kind of player you are and what your build is. Discordance level 1 gives you more recent information, which is good if you're paying a lot of attention to gen auras, but it means you have a higher risk of not seeing the aura. Discordance level 3 gives you information for longer, so you have 4 more seconds to look up and see the aura, but the information is also less current.

    I personally think the difference between tier 1 and tier 3 is very small. If you have two people on a gen, they're probably going to stay there until they finish a gen. The main exception is if the killer downs a survivor and forces one of the survivors to leave to go for the save. After a killer downs a survivor is a really easy time to take a peek at the gens and look for a yellow aura, though, so you should see that easily in tier 1 or tier 3.

    Personally I think I'd rather have tier 3 in most cases. It's not always easy to focus on gen auras when you're in a chase, so having four extra seconds to see the aura means there's a higher chance I'll see it if one or both survivors leave the gen early. You could make the argument "well, why would you want to pressure the gen directly if one or both survivors were already forced to leave to save teammates, etc.?" My response to that is simple: Pop. Even if you don't run right over to the gen and choose to defend your hooks / slugs instead, you still know that there's probably a good amount of progress on that gen and you should try to pop it if you're in the area.

    Like I said, though, I really don't think tier 1 and tier 3 are very different in strength.

    Edit: I also didn't realize Discordance gives a loud noise notification, but from the other comments it seems it does. That's pretty stupid imo - compare to perks like Surveillance that don't give loud noise notifications. In that case, it's more of a trade off between tier 1 spamming loud noise notifications versus tier 3 not spamming loud noise notifications quite as much. 1 is definitely "stronger" than 3 if there's a loud noise notification, but the loud noise notification spam is also a bit of a downside if you're trying to listen to track nearby survivors. I still think there's room to prefer 3 over 1 for that reason, even if the effect is weaker.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    I do think its better how it is now. The more the yellow notification lasts, the bigger the chance to see it when my attention gets free. Maybe there arent 2 or more survs up there anymore, but at least one stays in the gen, aways, wich keeps the perk useful anyway.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    Obligatory weekly discordance thread

    No. At this point the perk is a year and a half old. Anyone who wanted the T1 now has the T1 and anyone who wants the t3 now has the t3. Swapping them now literally ######### over every single old player.

    All the devs need to do is let us choose which perk level we want to use provided we've unlocked them. Say you've got Autodidact t3 you can choose to use T1 t2 ot t3 but say you have ds T1 you can only use ds T1

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Discordance is so annoying! Useful, but annoying. Here’s how I’d like to see it edited:

    When 2 or more survivors are on a gen, receive a loud noise notification (only one) and the gen will have a yellow aura for as long as multiple survivors are working it. Receive a token each time Discordance produces a loud noise notification, up to a max on 2/3/4 tokens. Consume a token to further damage an already damaged/regressing generator. (This is equal to a normal kick.)

    I think this could be very powerful, but not OP. Plenty of counterplay to deny tokens by not teaming up on gens (which is more efficient anyway. And it’ll be easy to tell when a killer is using this perk.

    But here’s why I like it. It makes it worth your while to travel across the map to a discordance gen. Most of the time you get there and it’s so far gone that kicking is almost pointless. Now you can actually make a real dent on that gen’s progress and stand a chance if they try to “tap-swarm” it. Furthermore, no more annoying booms every few seconds!

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Having Autodidact T3

    >deciding to use the T1 version

    >its free real estate

    Really loved the exemple you chose out for this hahahaha but i see your point, even tho there is almost no perks that are better at rank 1/2 then 3 (other then discordance and the old version of devour hope)

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291
    edited August 2020

    Yes please it annoys me to no end that Discordance T2 is always on my bloodweb because that's the most optimal way to use the perk.

    Fix this already how difficult can it be. Swap the numbers first and if needed rework it later down the line but good god this seems so silly leaving it as it is for so long. I get it's not a HIGH PRIORITY issue but how hard can it really be to address.

    I keep saying that levels on perks need to go. Levels is why some perks have stupid stats tacked onto them. BHVR always wants a perk to have something to scale off of. It's why NOED has movement speed and Lightborn has the auras thing tacked on. We could have cool unique perks if tiers didn't exist but they want their bloodpoints economy to be a thing.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i wouldnt like that.

    they should make the aura notification i get inbetween the audio cues more accurate by making it turn off as soon as one leaves the gen and the perk would be fine.

    if there is one thing i hate its when i chase someone and every 8 seconds discordance screams in my ear "HEY THERE IS SOMETHING HAPPENING HERE, DID YOU KNOW?". i need ONE notification to know there are two players there, not 50.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    and if people want the level 1 version, then they can choose to not level it up.

    When I was leveling up Legion, both times I reached a Level when only one perk was available, it was Discordance. So no, I could not simply choose to not level it up unless I opted to just stop leveling up Legion altogether.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I completely agree. Having three levels to every perk should be changed to just one.

    This is hands-down one of the grindiest games in recent memory, and having to invest millions upon millions of bloodpoints into just one character so that you can unlock the highest level of perks is beyond aggravating.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    I think Dowsey made a video about T3 being better than T1...then Otzdarva thinks the inverse...

    I guess is just personal preference, I agree that having a notification more frequently might be better but it can be annoying while in a chase.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Discordance T2 is the one true discordance and anyone who thinks otherwise is a vile heretic.

  • skiafluff
    skiafluff Member Posts: 58

    T1 is inarguably better information. Once you start heading toward the gen you can tell 50% faster if they've booked it or not over t3. There are no actual information benefits of using a higher tier unless you don't want to take a moment in the 8 seconds of highlight to look at what gen it is. Maybe they could go best of both worlds and make the aura last longer but make the noise notifications more frequent.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    A minor change they could make might be to change the intensity or color of the yellow aura based on the number of players doing the gens for the higher rank versions. So at rank 2 you get one color/brightness if three or four people are on a gen and at rank 3 you get one color if two are on a gen, another if three are on it and another if four are on it.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I'm one of those people that prefers t3 Disco because I can't stand the loud noise spam and the added 4 seconds of yellow aura doesn't really matter when 99 times out of 100 one person stays on the gen anyway.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    Hey look I was walking to the bank in like 30 degree heat cut me a break I couldn't think of a good example

    I guess there's actually Make Your Choice too which some people prefer T1 of.

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    The main argument I see is that Loud Noise Notifications are annoying. What if they just gave Discordance it's own unique sound that isn't?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Neat. :) Any details on what the new version will do, generally speaking?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    On a tangent I'd love to see Spies From the Shadows use crow calls instead of explosions for its noise alerts. 😄

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2020

    Complete random guess without anything to back it up:

    Any time two or more Survivors are working on the same Generator, you receive a Noise notification.

    The aura of a Generator being worked on by two or more Survivors will be highlighted in yellow. The aura will remain for 12/10/8 seconds after one or fewer Survivors are working on it.

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    As it has not been implemented yet, it could change at the last minute. So I'm sorry that I can't comment on that at the moment.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    And here is an example of why we don't need comments from people unrelated to the thread, especially when the only purpose of it is to mock another.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    People confidently giving answers that could be completely the opposite of reality is actively harmful to useful discussion and the issue plagues every facet of this forum.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763
    edited August 2020

    People giving answers based on previous developer's statements (I like how you went for mine, not those from @Boss or @twistedmonkey which said the same as mine :p) is what is normal, sensible people do. Clearly something was changed with no details being given just yet outside of the dev team, as confirmed by @Almo. Please, take a seat.

    Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on
  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    There are very few perks people want at Tier 1. Changing the UI to allow selection across the board is not an efficient use of production time. It's much better just to design the perks so that T3 is always the one you want. Discordance has this issue, so we're going to fix it.


  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Dont worry i was just joking around, no harm intended hahaha

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I know you can’t say much but will this change screw over those who prefer tier 3 though?

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I have this same issue but with make your choice, I prefer myc 1 over 3

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Then we can expect Make Your Choice to change as well, can't we?

    Some people like the longer duration of Exposed, others like to be able to trigger Exposed more rapidly.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Keep it this way please. The last thing I need is a notification every 7 seconds on something I already know is happening

    If more people are on a gen while you're in a chase, they are unlikely to leave it before you're done. If you're not in a chase, you don't need 58w993483920 notifications to know where to go.

    Don't change it kthxbye

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    The goal of the new design is to remove the issue so that everyone will prefer the Tier 3 version.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Alright that’s good to hear I hope it ends up being something everybody can enjoy

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I'm fine with it staying the way it is as long as people who have T1 have a way of stopping it's showing up in the blood web.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    What about the people that don't have it at tier 1? Even It's, the postorchild for T1 discordance, was forced to purchase T2 and T3 on a lot of killers. Changing it after the fact isn't exactly fair.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Huh, that raises an interesting follow-up then, what other perks if any are being revised because Tier 3 isn't as popular or as good as Tier 1?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Did you read my post I literally said I'm fine with it staying how it is

    As long as they give people who want to keep tier-1 and option just to lock it like that so it doesn't keep polluting the bloodweb. This wouldn't affect anybody else except people who wanted to stay tier 1

  • Eathian
    Eathian Member Posts: 82

    Really I'm just waiting for perk tiers to be removed entirely.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    Why do killers perks get buffed more than survivors?

    Discordance works as intended and for as long as needed I dont think it needs a change

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Sorry i decided ill make you my objectif of obsession, just let me head on the conversation with my decisive strike to lighten up your day...