Guess the hallowed blight season has ended. Back to dark lobby :(

Yay. I can finally see Felix's campfire animation.
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Yea, I had the switch happen as I entered a lobby. It also unequipped the event stuff.
Blight Bubba no more :c
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I missed the old lobby
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I noticed the darkness but couldn't put my finger on it. It was fun while it lasted. 💛
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I miss the Silent Hill lobby so much now :c
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It would be great if we could get to choose our favourite lobby.
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I like the fact the lobbies change, I did really like the Halloween one though, I must admit.
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Well your GF skin looks really cool on dark background
And i find default lobby much more comfy
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Why won't we get an option to choose loobies ourselves? I would really like to return to some old lobbies and listen to Stranger Things music regardless of the killer
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Would love to see a rift that has lobby backgrounds as a rift tier prize. I just want to be able to change the lobby to whatever I want.