Camp is not tactics-Camps is not tactics-Camp is not tactics

Camp is not tactics.I hope you learned by now.Camping is toxic behavior.The punishment for camping is always the survivors.Because before 5 generators run out, always the victim on the hook dies.Then you face the noed (best case scenario) and one more hook.The killer took 2 deaths for free by pulling his hand from the keyboard and mouse.If we can resist it a little while playing swf, you will never be able to resist when playing solo.I don't remember we never won against the camp killer when we played solo.Because one unnecessary survivor will definitely go to save him.BHVR should now find a solution to this toxic behavior


  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    Because before 5 generators run out

    False, if the first survivor in a chase is able to make a 2-3 minute chase, the game can end even before they're put on hook.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    edited November 2020

    If you're on the hook in the middle of 3 gen good killer can and will camp you because there is nothing survivors can do about that. Use kindred so other survivors can do gens in this situation

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Camping is technically speaking a tactic. It's just not a very fun, skillful, or effective one.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    Go watch some horror movies and tell me in which one does the killer leaves his prey and let it escape.

    I am pretty sure you can't find one.

    With that being said: Don't play a a game where camping. tunneling and slugging is a valid strategy if you just can't deal with it. There are enough ways to counter it where it punishes the killer and not the whole team.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Is the OP trying to summon a "camper" by repeating "camp..." in the title three times?

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Sir camping is a strat you are just salty.... bring borrow time or deliverance if you got issues with it. If it helps killer win games and secure kills its a strat

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    I know the OP is not helpful for a discussion, but there is a point.

    Camping is a strat, but it is too effective and easy against most of the survivors.

    I dont say leave the area, when there is a generator to protect or when all gens are finished, camping has its uses. But camping all the time shouldnt be effective.

    Otz did a experiment and won every match with camping + NOED. It showed that most survivor give up or dont know what to do. So Camping is a strategy to dominate noobs and we all know red rank is full of them.

    But against a good team you still get two kills because the first one is dead when NOED activates. The argument with a first chase over two minutes is stupid, bc then the killer plays wrong and would lose every match. So you cant finish the gens to quick and cleanse all totems.

    At last my personal opinion: i think camping is boring and we dont play games to be bored. I have fun to get better with killer and see the results, but everyone can decide how to play

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Shouldnt those survivors you know, learn to play the game and improve their skills and game sense? If a killer camps, do gens and punish them for not applying any pressure.

    Also vice versa: If I see survivors hang around my hook preparing to hook dive and farm you can bet your ass I will camp their team8 as a punishment for doing that instead of gens.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    When you see three survivor close, then your position is the best for the win. Im talking about always camping no matter the circumstances.

    And its nobody i know. I mean all survivors. They will never get better or more bad survivors will get to red rank. You will get this bad survivors at red rank for eternity or til MMR.

    To counter camping you need 3 good survivor and most of the time you dont have them.

    My point is that camping is only good against noobs and neither the killer or survivor will get better.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    If you keep repeating yourself, its bound to be true at some point right?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There are lots of solutions to this behavior, but they are all "in game" and not something the DEV do. Camping is most certainly a tactic. Survivors have their own ways of dealing with it. To put it in context, I play in the Red Ranks. I got my rear handed to me the other day where all five Generators were up and I finally got someone down. I put them on the hook and camped because I had no where else to go, no Generators to patrol. It took twenty seconds and the other Survivors started to swarm me. Even with me RIGHT THERE they were able to get the person off the hook, body block, and get everyone out. :)

    It isn't because I'm a bad Killer; I'm fairly decent. It is because there are effective tactics the Survivors can use when they are good enough. I know that is a hard thing to hear, but you just aren't good enough yet. This is what you do when there is a face camping Killer.

    1. Work your Generators.
    2. 99 the exit gates.
    3. Do BONES! There is no Noed if you do the Totems early, or have a person find and kill it after it lights.
    4. Work in tandem, either a team of 2 or 3 to get your person off the hook after everything else is done.

    Will you always get everyone out? No, of course not. There is always risk. However, if you do these things against a face camping Killer, you will do fine overall as a group. Sometimes someone does die on the hook and takes one for the team.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    One is this is not a horror movie.If you understand this first, I can argue with you.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Unfortunately, you cannot explain this situation to the killerr mains.When the killer sets up camp, there is time to hang the 2nd survivor on the hook even in the best scenario.Murderers do not like our explanation of this situation.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    If it fixes the dbd matchmaking system and matches people of my level with me and doesn't put the 50 hour guys next to me then I make generator

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    1.You're too bad to know how to camp.

    2.Survivors have a solution for camp as well as for their killers (insidious, save the best ...).

    3.I play in red rank and because of the damn matchmaking system I can't deal with any of these because it gives me green ranks.

    4.You said build a generator, clean the totem, there is not enough time to do all this, the killer will catch a new one and the camp game will start again.

    5.If camping is involved, one person dies for the team, then the second one dies too, this doesn't change.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Dont make that a we vs them. I dont understand this mindset. I play both sides.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234
    edited November 2020

    This game has its origins from the classical horror concept. Chased and being chased. Killing and surviving.

    There is no killer who shows mercy. Think about that. And yet survivors still have an opinion about how a killer should behave in this game.

    Yeah, no. That's not how it works.

    And as I said: camping and tunneling has counters. Use them. Don't blame the killer if something that is punishing in nature works out for him because the survivors were simply bad.

    There is a difference of course. Actual camping and tunneling aren't strategies because they will not win you the game if the survivors are smart. I agree with you here.

    Camping because you know someone is in the area is a strategy. Camping to force the second hook stage is a strategy. Pseudo camping because you can't protect the gens that are too far away is a strategy. Camping because you play against a cocky SWF that want to instantly rescue is a strategy. Camping in the endgame because there is nothing left to do is a strategy. And tunneling to get someone out of the game when you have only 2 gens left and no pressure is a strategy too. And still...there are counters. (BT,DS,being smart and good at the game in general, flashlights, gen rush)

    All of the scenarios listed above are versions of camping and tunneling in an effective way and therefore not scummy at all. The purpose isn't to destroy someones fun but to actually win the game in a smart way. Nothing wrong with that. Survivors also rush gens when the game gets rough. Survivors also bodyblock when the killer gets someone at the exit gates. Survivors will use every second chance (and oh boi, they have a lot of them) to win. And that's okay. But everyone is allowed to do that.

    So...I hope this answer pleases you more than the one before. Let's not argue though. You don't play both sides so there isn't anything to argue about. We are all biased by nature but you can't play both sides and make such a post. And if you play both sides you aren't in red ranks which is the only valid representation of the current meta. There will never be a scenario in red ranks where a killer camps , and by that I mean really really camps, a survivor and not 5 gens are done atfer it. The killers has invested time to find, chase, down and hook the survivor which is in most matches equal to 2-3 gens already. If the killer camps and the survivors will stick on gens the game is over before the survivor dies. Everything else is missplay by the survivors and not the fault of the killer.

    This is really just a case of getting good at the game and having a bit of luck with your teammates.

    I barely face hardcore camping and tunneling killers and if I do it always punishes them more than the team. Just one person with BT can change the whole game. Think about that.

    Post edited by Chechia on
  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    No matter how much the concept takes as an example, this is a game and it has to be balance.I am not arguing about killers showing mercy, but I argue that after hanging out, having enough time to camp and kill more than 1 person.No matter how smart the survivors are, they don't have enough time to both finish the generator and clean the totem.The time lost to go to save someone from the hook is also for the killer's benefit.(Cause you don't know it's camping until you get to the hook etc).I am never against the camps at the end of the game, but my problem is that she camps and kills at least 2 people at the beginning of the game.When it comes to camping, there are killers who are masters of camping without even having access to advantages such as DS, BT.Also, I do not agree with you on the chase.Maybe for that moment you can play bad or the killer may do something you didn't expect and so you can hang on the hook right at the beginning of the game.While these problems cannot be dealt with, there is also a matchmaking problem.The games where the killer rank 1 survivors come to rank 12 are very different in terms of talent and game knowledge.It then makes the game against the camp even more difficult for survivors.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    If you are aware, the topic is about camping, and I am telling you for your explanation about it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited November 2020

    I also play Survivor and I find the time to do those things, with a little help from the other Survivors. I've also seen it accomplished on a regular basis when Survivors play against me. I'm simply telling you that it is not impossible, nor is it complicated.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Seems like you're browsing the forum to make it blank.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940

    Camping is most definitely a tactic, whether it's liked or not. There's a few times where it's 100% the right decision to make, especially if the generators have been completed, there's no other objective for Killers at that point or when you see scratch marks and know that someone is around.

    It's certainly not "toxic" which is a word that's being completely overused imo to describe anything that people don't seem to like at the moment 😕

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    In my experience it only works in the matches, when the killer gets destroyed the whole game. When he struggles to get one hook then camping helps not much. But when theres still 4 gens left, when the killer starts camping most of the time survivors give up.

    So when i have a team who is good enough to counter camping, then its an easy match anyway.

    You surely need only two healthy survivors to get the unhook and it works except against Bubba etc.

    Some people call everything camping. But i mean with camping, staying near the hook to kill one survivor when you could do better things to win the game. I would still be fine with this camping when i would play swf or with MMR.

    But the question is why should this camping be in the game? Its no fun for each side, boring and you dont get better. Is it because its the only way a weak killer can do something in a match? Then we need a better matchmaking.

    Which are the reasons this kind of camping should remain in the game? Would it for example be a solution when gen speed is doubled when the killer stays too long near a hook when no other survivor is near? What are the problems with that solution?

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    I'm not talking about the camp at the end of the game or in the middle of the game.a hook and camp set up by the killer at the beginning of the game.Shows that the killer has camp perks.they always have NOED.You don't have enough time to build the generators and open the door.You can resist playing SWF, but it is not possible for any survivor who plays solo and it is an indication that the killer will take at least 2 deaths without doing anything in the game.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234
    edited November 2020

    True, you don't know if the killer camps. So you run towards the hook and if you see that the killer does you go back to do a gen if you don't have helpful perks or want to risk a trade. That's the right and smart way to react. Camping will never give the killer two or one kill before all the gens are done if people are playing correctly. I stick with this statement because it is what it is. Don't fall for the trap and you won't get punished for it.

    Screwed up matchmaking is actually the only time I ecounter camping killers and they get destroyed by red rank survivors because they are doing it. And doesn't really matter if Rank 12 survivors are matched with a camping Rank 1 killer (which must be pretty rare because you will never get Rank 1 with camping lol). Most Rank 1 killers will destroy a rank 12 survivor group simply because of clear difference in skill and experience. Against a camping killer, even if it is a rank 1 killer, you can do gens, you have an actual chance to escape. But if you encounter a Rank 1 killer who does play the game efficient you will probably not get one gen done. Camping is extremely punishing for the killers. Point and pip wise.

    And that's why the complains about camping and tunneling are completely uneccessary. You should rather make a thread about the actual problem which is your teammates. Solo Queue experience. Bad teammates are the only reason why bad camping and bad tunneling works.

    You can apply this video to every camping and tunneling scenario. Of course, not every survivor will be a good looper but that doesn't really matter. The easiest way to win this game is by simply holding M1. If survivors are doing that in an efficient way, 2-3 gens will be done after one chase in the beginning because the killer is at his weakest state in the start of the game. It should never happen that someone dies to camping in the start of the game. Something went heavily wrong if the killer really manages to do that.

    Oh and btw: I truly agree that the game should be balanced. And if it is we will see less camping and tunneling killers because killers would be actually able to engange in longer chases without being punished for it.

    The current state of the game is forcing more and more killers into "scummier" and "tryhard" playstyles to get at least one or two kills in their game. You can't 12 hook everyone. If survivors aren't throwing the game at some point you have to apply some form of pressure. That's why I said play both sides so you actually understand the real balance issues. The game isn't that killer sided anymore if you play against survivors who have more than 500 hours.

    You even see it in this video. It shouldn't be possible to loop a killer for that long, even if he isn't that good. If survivors aren't making mistakes you will never get them, as long as you don't play a killer that can actively end a chase. DBD isn't a 1 vs 1 game, it is a 4vs 1 game and that's exactly why someone has made a post on how the Loop mentality destroys the game. And the person is right. It does. The objectives of killers and survivors are not matching up when it comes to the time it takes to do a gen and to kill one person. Not only that, but if you kill people too fast or in the wrong way, you will get punished for it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It is in the game for the same reason as any other tactic; it provides choice and variation. The Killers are not Bots, and wanting to reduce them to the Ghosts from old Pac Man, running in endless loops with you would be extremely boring. Camping, Tunneling, Slugging, and the Mori have their place.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Moris have a place. Really? Can you explain that, otherwise when you really think moris in their current form should stay, it makes no sense to argue with you.

    "Running in endless loops with YOU"

    My arguments are not coming from a survivor perspective, i play both sides at Rank 1 for two years, i say that from a neutral player role perspective.

    99% gens was a tactic too, when killers couldnt kick gens. This tactic got weakened. Only bc something exists, doesnt protect it from being changed. We dont talk about something so fundamental here. We argue whether theres enough reasons to change it or not.

    And im saying it should bc it only works against bad players and its no fun for both players.

    Now you can say why you think its fun or why its good to have something you can only use against bad players or how you can use it against good players.

    And please argue only about my definition of camping with me. You quoted my comment, so you should have read it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I haven't commented on "fun" at all. What I have said is that all of those things, which the DEV have said are valid and acceptable are there for a reason. I argue it is for variation, different tools and applications. Without them the game grows stale.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    And I have no problem with the Mori being reworked by the way. I said the Mori has a place. I've made my own suggestions (as have many others) about how they should be tweaked. I think they should be tied to the number of total Hooks in the same way Keys are tied to the total number of Generators. :)

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Ok variation is a good point. Would you say camping is a strong or a weak strategy? My perspective is that i do win streaks with different killers with no addons (yh i copied Otz) and i see camping as no consistent win strategy.

    For the other point: i think camping gives the killer against new players a big advantage and there are two problems with it:

    Its hard to counter for new players: they have no fun with the game and leave. Bad impact for game health.

    Camping has a low skill ceiling. Killer will not get better and have no chance against good survivor.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I think Camping is niche. It is a strong strategy against ultra-altruistic Survivors, SWF in general. It is particularly effective with Stealth Killers, and is a natural fit for them. It is silly to complain about Stealth Killers using bait, because expecting them to Loop with you is asking them to work against their strengths. I had one group of people scream at me for ten minutes because my Spooky Myers kept taking them down. I wasn't technically camping because THEY never left the area. I could see them all at all times. Why would I leave? I never moved off further than required to get the grab when they went for the rescue. At 105% speed before PWYF, I have to ambush.

    For some Killers it is actually BAD for them to Camp. They are so fast or so capable of working the map that every second they stand still is a horrible waste. The only time it is worth their while to camp is when all the Generators are done and they have nothing better to do.