Congratulations - your toxic player base lost a long-time player

I have 4K hours and I'm officially done with this game. The community playing to farm and treat others game experience with such little regard means a long-time player will find a better game and hopefully a better community to support. Good ######### riddance. And lack of communication with console players means nothing will ever change.


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I'm sorry to see that you're experience with the community is bad, but I don't think your gonna find one that's any better. Most online games with an even slightly big playerbase are incredibly toxic.

  • greenhorn999
    greenhorn999 Member Posts: 3

    I made an account just to share my thoughts. I don't visit online forums. Skeptical all day, ask me if i care at this point.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483
  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    If the community is toxic, I make my game and close the chat finished or not read it, but would not stop playing just because others do not like to lose and begin to insult you, just do not read it and keep playing 

  • nina1121
    nina1121 Member Posts: 127

    I'm sorry to hear that my suggestion is resident evil games

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    edited November 2020

    This is why I say that the ‘toxic’ players goal is to demotivate. Congrats, OP. You’re admitting to giving in to negative thoughts rather than thickening up your own skin.

    This is you giving into you.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    Having played a good amount of games online. Every community for sure has issues, but this community I would easily put as Top 3 most toxic game communities by far.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,179

    I've had those matches before...

    One of these days I'll wise up and quit :D

    Probably not today. But maybe one day!

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Y'know, I always find stuff like this funny, because I really don't see a lot of toxicity. Some in-game BM? Oh definitely. Real toxicity? Rare.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    The phrase "thicken your skin", is an attempt to invalidate someone's emotional response to a situation. We never have the right to do that. Everyone has the right to their feelings... just because it may not bother you, it doesn't make your response the correct one.

    Greenhorn, I am sorry to hear you have reached your quitting point. I hope you can find a game and/or community that you feel isn't so toxic.

  • SkootSkoot
    SkootSkoot Member Posts: 11

    That's what comes with an online game + competition. Just ignore the chat or change your console messaging settings. It is not that difficult. Ever since I changed my console messaging settings my gameplay has been far less annoying. It's a shame I have to miss out on meeting the genuinely nice people, but it's worth it.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I don’t know anything about validating or what you are saying. I am saying that you don’t have to let people get to you like this; which is a sign of thick skin.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I do agree with you, but when you decide to post your possibly divisive opinion in an online forum, people are going to say all manner of stuff. Is this surprising?

    Do not post stuff online if you cannot handle some people disagreeing with you or saying something you don't like. That is always going to happen.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605
    edited November 2020

    Every game has it's toxic side of the community. It's up to you whether to ignore it or give in to it, seems like you gave in to it after putting 4000 hard earned hours into the game. What finally did you in if I may ask?

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,723
    edited November 2020

    What online games have you played out of curiosity that you'd consider better? Personally I find Dbd to be very tame when it comes to the community. Of the games I've played that come to mind it's nothing compared to Overwatch, CoD, Starcraft, Minecraft, Soulsborne, Smash and Destiny just to name a few. Heck of all the big games I've played the one only that comes to mind that has a better community is Warframe.

    Yeah, you get your t-baggers and clickys as well as some end game chat messages that are normally in the heat of the moment but every game ever has things like that. Even posts like OP's normally come from a single bad match even though they just had 10 decent or okays ones before that.

    The community on the forums can be very fickle at times but I think that brings it some charm as you never know what you'll see here next. Most of the troll complaints will get shunned or made fun of though and new people are treated well as long as they aren't here to just complain. There's almost no gate-keeping and even complaints about bad players are more akin to the system itself not putting you with other players your skill level.

    Of course this is all from my own personal experience and I have no doubt some people have had bad experiences but compared to other big game communities, I find all the toxicity here and in-game very tame.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    I mean, are you really letting the toxicity get to you? you can just disable messages or if they're t-bagging and flashlight clicking and all about to escape, that's just a reason to keep playing and improve.

    Personally I see toxic messages as super funny, cuz it shows how low of a person they are, going through such lengths to get some attention. When I get t-bagged, I just suck it up and move on. More often then not I get t-bagged when I have been playing poorly, so I don't mind. Alternatively they t-bag when they think they're insane and proceed to go down in 3 seconds and DC, which I think is peak comedy.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I know right. It's not like it's any more toxic today than 4000 hours ago.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Oh no! Someone left the game!!! The anarchy!

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    Idk about this chief the game is pretty toxic if you ask me. I can franky care less but some people do get hurt by it. Then again people have different definitions of toxic so idk. I personally don't care about the toxicity because ik usually the people that are toxic really aren't that good lmao.

  • Smeson
    Smeson Member Posts: 43

    Computergames are a place where every regular loser can get an edge on someone else, and some of them tend to use that edge in a very bad way, not knowing they make themself look weak. Pity them.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    So people need to bottle their emotions, because it is perceived as a weakness? You don't know other people's life experiences, so you don't have a right to tell them to toughen up.

    If you wouldn't tell your Mom or sister to toughen up in a similar situation, don't say it to a random stranger.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    Not surprising because we have normalized this behaviour. We can say whatever we want because we are all hiding behind a screen and keyboard.

    The sad part is, we don't know if the actions or comments directed towards greenhorn are from a 12 or 40 year old.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    When they’re ready to quit, they’ll jus quit.

    These posts seem more like a 2 week notice so we can all say our goodbyes and then convince them to stay and continue on in the DBD community.

    I personally believe many want to keep playing, have a series of bad matches within a condensed timeframe, then immediately post here in the forums to vent out the frustration.

    I’ve had friends who wanted to end their lives and they opted to “vent it out” in this manner.

    I’ve also had friends who didn’t vent, said nothing to anyone, then shocked everyone when they abandoned their life and all of ours, as well.

    So, I understand these posts. I feel we all can relate to some extent. If anyone can be helped into a better mental state, then it’s always good to try and do so for them. Even if it’s just a video game, people can have something deeper going on, within, that reflects their outward projection.

    I say keep playing.

    If you find yourself too worked-up over DBD, then find another game that doesn’t negatively impact your well being... many times that means playing only on a team who will always have your back (ie. not solo/killer) or avoiding multiplayers all together.

    Usually they’ll feel better after they get it all out if their system, then refresh, recharge and continue playing in some format.

    The handling of stress and anxiety varies from person to person, tho.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I’ll play along: if a family female was complaining about video games being ‘toxic,’ I would tell them the same thing.

    Saying do not let silly things like this bother you is not the same as bottle up your emotions or whatever odd place this quote is driving towards.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Idk man going out of your way to tell them they lost a long time player and telling them they should feel bad about it seems kinda toxic ngl

  • Bye Felicia

  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    Don't announce you're leaving, just leave.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    That probably isn't true. I have quit dozens of online games never to return. this game is fun, but not so magically a person wont' come back. Sometimes people come back and find that element that got them excited at first, or the gave remains super crappy to them.

  • greenhorn999
    greenhorn999 Member Posts: 3

    Okay so the reason I shared is not for sympathy, encouragement or validation. I figured the devs would want to know when a long-time player leaves vs someone with say a couple hours and and just decided it wasn't their cup of tea. If they don't care then w/e. My experience started out positive and has just became ruined over and over and over by how players literally ######### on each other during/after the game so I just decided enough was enough. If you're playing a game that is no longer fun to play because the others playing it actively trying to ruin the game experience for the others, then at some point you have to ask yourself why bother. I attributed my own experience to the state of the DBD community because overall the game can in fact be quite fun -- but the players just ######### on each other -- and I for one have more enjoyable things to do than to play a game that is no longer even remotely fun to play.

    Just my two cents, ymmv. Peace.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I feel like if they got 4k hours out of you they made some good money and will sleep just fine at night. Not sure why you people expect to never get bored or frustrated with a game when you've been playing it for thousands upon thousands of hours.

  • ImOldGreg
    ImOldGreg Member Posts: 6

    He ain't wrong, mean comments ain't #########, but to always have someone afk, ######### on first hook, sand bagging, failing skill checks just to sabtoge the game...its really sad. When you feel so small and pathetic that you want to drag others down to the cesspool you dwell in just so you won't feel so alone. That's signs of some deep seeded depression and self loathing. All the up votes on all these smart ass toxic comments only proves his point...I feel sorry for the real people in your lives that have to put up with your childish toxic bullshit on a daily. To be so utterly atrocious, you people cannot have a single ######### person who loves you in your lives. But I've got good news, if you bathe with a toaster my troglodyte cucklings of the fog, it will surely cure the hole in your heart that makes you persistently want to make others feel as bitter and angry as you do everytime you open your eyes to this mundane repetitive existence. Your just a bunch of little weak Victor's with no Charlotte. GGEZ

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361

    Never understood why someone would feel the need to make a forum account for the sole purpose of quitting. Theres no point in joining the community, just to announce that you hate the community and want to quit it. Thats like getting hired for a job, just because you wanted to deliver a grand "I quit".

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    Aww, she passed away?

    Awww :(

    Mmmm :(

    Alright :)

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    That’s good... I wasn’t giving you any sympathy.

    I do have Empathy for those who feel they want to quit, but never Sympathy for those who do quit.

    It seems people on these forums are trying to understand why you and others who have permanently quit DBD are still here on these DBD forums continuing to talk about the game you are forever no longer affiliated with after sending the devs your farewell notice.

    It’s like quitting a job and then showing up every day in the break room to share your feelings instead of just moving on to your new career and letting everyone at the job you quit enjoy their lunch in peace every day before going back to work at the job they all are happy with.

    I do believe the devs care.

    While I would imagine they hope those who come to the forums to post these notices will be persuaded to stay and play, I equally as much feel they would prefer those who are quitting the game forever and potentially leading others to do the same would just move on.

    Peace to you too, I hope you find the community that suits you better.

    Wherever you go, have GGs ✌🏽

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 465

    Imagine complaining about "toxic" comments while also telling people to end their life in the same comment.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    As this is going the way these type of threads usually go, I will lock it here.

    To the OP, I hope you find something else you enjoy playing.

This discussion has been closed.