Pls don't re-enable Bloodlust
The game is better without it and it is now10 time more fun to play as killer and survivor, it's an unecessary and outdated mechanic. I had more fair and balance matches and good killer donsen't need this mechanic at all so it's pretty fair to say the game is now more healthy beceause it's gone.
now desactivate mories.
wrong, game was perfect with BL
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Called it.
For now, they are more than likely going to re-enable bloodlust until all the maps are reworked. At that point, I imagine it'll be thoroughly destroyed.
Whenever they deactivate mori's, I hope they'll deactivate keys at the same time. This way, it'll give a fair insight on to how they inflate both sides winrates.
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Personally, I think keeping just bloodlust tier 1 makes sense to me. They either do that or start reworking a bunch of perks on both sides and a few killers.
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I doubt we'll see any permament changes to Bloodlust until they finish all the map reworks.
Ormond and Autohaven are coming soon. Coldwind, Asylum, Swamp, and Red Forest still need to be updated. Haddonfield and The Game likely need to be okay'd by the license holder so not sure if they will be updated, but they could both use one.
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Killer is not more fun without bloodlust. Bloodlust keeps the Survivors from holding W across literally the entire map without you able to do anything about it. That sort of behavior from Survivors is incredibly boring. Killers can counter that by bringing Killers/Perks with incredible mobility, range, or stealth, but I shouldn't feel like I have to bring Trail of Torment if I want to have an enjoyable game on Legion, or M&A + Badge on Deathslinger.
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They could just remove the need for bloodlust entirely by making killers and survivors have the same size collision boxes at all times instead of only when it's convenient to survivors. Then 110 movespeed killers can't get infinite looped in so many locations.
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I really hope they remove bloodlust, my games were so much better without that stupid fps drop. Put it in a perk for those that still want it.
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No there are tons of semi infinites that killers can't punish survivors for using and no most of them are not mind gameable.
Ormond, both swamp maps and the little boat, a variation of shack, bus, one of the new reworded maps, red forest main building, asylum, and im sure quite a few others are now semi infinites.
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i'm sorry but for all the killer match i played in rank 1 not a lot use this tactic and when they do you just need to hit and run it's not that complicated
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"semi infinite" what dores that evene mean. there are no infinite unless you are a 110 killer, and if you are a 110 killer you have a power to counter that kind of loop.
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a semi infinite is a vault that survivor can safely use until it is blocked and no every killer can be looped at a semi infinite it's just that there are more semi infinites for 110% speed killers.
Go play on asylum and ask a friend to loop you around the vault at one of the stairs and then re enter from the main building entrance instead of using the door to the left of the vault, it's a long loop but because of the layout it is a semi infinite for all killers if we ignore powers.
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Whether you want to admit it or not, not having bloodlust 1 causes killers that need it to have even more chases they have to drop
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Another post that writes an opinion as a fact.
There's maps that need to be reworked again, cause they still have a lot of problems. And some of the old killers need to be reworked as well, when all of that get addressed, in my opinion, bloodlust will not be needed anymore, until then, everything is subjective.
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Then they were missing out. If the Survivor sees you and starts running at 15 meters away and we assume a 4.6 killer and that lunge will make up for 5m, then you will catch them in 16.67 seconds if all they do is hold W across the map. And that's only running at 15m of distance. A lot of Killers alert the Survivors to their presence at a range significantly longer than that. You can't hit and run if you can't even get close enough to hit them in the first place.
With Bloodlust in place, the Survivors will stop holding W much earlier because they need to use a pallet to try to stop Bloodlust from coming online.
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if they make every loop like hawkins sure, way too many infinites that force you to break the pallet this goes for reworked maps as well. if you play 110% killer youre F`d against alot of loops because you cant shoot/throw over so no. BL is staying and will need to stay for most of the game to be playable and fair at actual high level play, theres no point looking at bad players who have no idea of tiles, counters etc. sounds like you dont have much experience in the matter when it comes how alot of the maps work and the loops/tiles they spawn.
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You don't play killer mate. Just being real with you.
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no, it is better to re-enable it. at least for now.
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Honestly I thought playing without BL showed how pitifully slow killers actually are in an open chase. It was like every map was Midwich
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It's been reactivated, the data will be analysed on what was tested before any decisions will be made with regards to what happens further down the line. This was only a test after all, nobody said that it was going to be a permanent removal.
It's been interesting to see the different perspectives people have had with this though.
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Will there be any plans to share the data/results of the test once you guys have had a chance to process it? Or at least a heads up of when you'll remove BL if you plan to remove it.
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Bloodlust is added in 1.5.0, before this mechanic added maps looks ######### different and you have plenty of pallets and infinities. And still, Killers are able to do their job, because they learned how to play. Nowadays Killers are addicted to Bloodlust holding their ass and they can't catch ######### without it. This is sad. At the weekend I play a lot and found plenty of "Bloodlusting Killers" they not even use their powers in simple loop with one pallet and one window, they chasing me 5+ minutes instead.
You can call me Survivor main, I am Survivor main but when I play as Killer in red ranks I don't need Bloodlust at all. Btw. I'm okay with BL1.
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You hit the nail on the head. Good killers don't rely on or need bloodlust. That's the problem with this game, there simply aren't enough good killers or people willing to put in the time to get good. Since it was added, the game has changed. There are other perks that can help offset the loss.
If you miss or need it that much use Fire Up.
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Only people who lack skill think it’s needed. It really is useless you just need to know how to actually play the game and not rely on BL like everyone.
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"game was perfect" lol
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if you are a pro-looper to perform a "5-gen-hold" the BL nerf is gonna by so ridiculous advantage for survs and more frustration for killers
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Pls disable swf this game better without it
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yeah good killers don´t need it and bad killer who need it don´t get it. brilliant idea make new killers have a harder time.
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so we should keep an outdated mechanic for the sake of new player? i said better remove it and do a proper tutorial
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Theres a while host of mechanics and abilities survivors got for the new player experience. Half of the nerfs for killers and perks have been for new player benefit, by that logic we should bring back release pyramid head and old ruin, hey survs, sorry you just gotta git gud
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Imo it is much more important to certain killers like Legion against injured survivors his power is useless unless you bodyblock since you cant even use it to catch up to them because you have to eat a 4 second stun and lose all your power I had a game on badam over the weekend where I killed 3 and it was literally just a hold W sprint to the gates for the last guy and my lunge right next to the exit gates was just a slight bit short and I definetly would have gotten him with BL.
Sure it might not be a reason to keep it on all killers but I think that dfferent killers should have a different max level of bloodlust they can get like top tier killers cant get it at all and lower tier killers can get to like lvl 2. Not only would this help killers without good powers in chase but it also gives the devs another way to balance killers.
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Killers are 115% of the movement speed of survivors--holding W only works so long without bloodlust as it is. Also if you're just following after the survivor instead of predicting their paths and cutting them off, you're doing it wrong.