Constructive Criticism on 4.4.0


Hi BHVR. Let me get to the point: This wasn't the best thing you've released and I appreciate that you're taking the time and effort to attempt to hotfix and salvage this. So far 4.4.0 has been somewhat promising though I have a few notes and questions I'd like to bring up:

Firstly, great work from the design team and the artists yet again. They prove time and time again that they are more than qualified to bring such a gruesome visage to Charlotte and Victor and a subtle hint of grace and fashion by Élodie.

However, the gameplay is were we're having the most issues as of right now with bugs relating to Victor not being able to get out of the ground and Legion apparently not having a power (not that running at survivors is a power *ba dum tsh.) you've probably heard this all before. What I'd like to suggest is that you take a break from releasing new killers or survivors and put your focus into improving/fixing/rebalancing the core gameplay of Dead by Daylight.

I believe this would be the best course of action due to how rushed some of these new chapters are feeling. The 3 month interval between releases is fine but I often wonder if that is taking a toll on the devs physically and mentally. This is of course an assumption but I want what's best for the community and for the developers and by giving yourself a break from the rather constrictive time frame for releasing new chapters why not just take it easy for a few months giving us minor tweaks or changes here and there allowing everyone to recuperate.

Of course it's merely a suggestion, you're more then welcome to ignore it if it's what you deem fit but please take into consideration the backlash you've received for this release.

Thank you,



  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    100% agreed. I would so love if they would scale back the DLC release schedule and shoot for a lot more polish on each release, including spending more time rewriting hard-to-maintain parts of the game with performance and maintainability in mind.

    This game already has a ton of content and I'm sure the cosmetics will keep the money flowing in. The real issues are just bugs, poor performance, and balance. Balance has improved steadily over time, though, so while there's more work to be done I'm confident that's going in the right direction. Performance seems like it's only getting worse, though, and the bugs are really piling up.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,534

    Thank you for your constructive and calm feedback.