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Endgame chat death wishes

Everyone knows that usually the ones that u expect this kind of harassment is from survivors, but today, for the first time, I saw a killer doing it.

The player was an huntress and after looping her for a far amount of time, all the remaining gens popped and I looped her until both gates were 99%, she brought me to the basement and camped me, which I find completely fair because it was in the endgame. Surprisingly, the 3 randoms I was playing with rushed in and saved me, we all escaped but one guy that got sacrificed in my place during the rescue.

I proceeded to thank the team in endgame chat and say ggs to everyone only to find out that they were console, and see the huntress wishing that we, and our families would all die from cancer and covid and that she would dance on our bodies. I told her that was a bannable offense (it is right?) but she just kept going.

I reported her in game for harassment and explained there what happened, do I need to report it anywhere else? Do I need to use the customer support somehow? Submit a ticket? This is my first time reporting someone and I want to do it correctly.

So, have u ever gotten any kind of death wishes/threats like this? If so, what have u done? How do u feel about it? I find it kinda rare the see so much toxicity in endgame chat, so this was actually surprising.


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  • Member Posts: 907

    I closed my egc after a lot of harassment. I'm tired of reporting something and getting 0 Feedback for it.

    An ingame report is enough. The chatlog will be saved and reviewed.

  • Member Posts: 129

    Damn ure right I keep forgetting tha there's more survivors then killers yh.

    And from what u told, this was either a "new" player or a player that just refused to learn and break pallets, I get that getting runned for a long time can be frustrating, but jeez, anyone would've figured out that u have to break the pallet atleast lol, the fact that u then told him what he shouldve done and he just wished that u would get covid...yikes

    Wait do u get feedback if the person u reported gets banned?

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    He was a purple Rank Killer and if I remember correctly, it was shortly after Rank Reset. I guess he refused to break the Shack Pallet because he was triggered already, I can relate to this that I also tend to do a lot of mistakes when I am already triggered by doing mistakes (e.g. missing an easy Chainsaw with Billy just makes me want to chainsaw that guy even more and missing even more Hits). Even tho, not that severe.

    I reported him after he wrote this, but maybe he thought I was trying to be a smartass telling him what to do. Who knows.

    Regarding Feedback: You can get feedback on Steam if you save the Link to their profile. It shows Bans. But other than that, there is no way to get feedback and if you contact the Support, they will not tell you if or what methods they took to deal with your report.

  • Member Posts: 561

    I don't even know why they have an end game chat, most people only use it to flame after the match and it's rarely used to give props to other players.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,592

    I'd send a screenshot of the convo to Support as well

    I'm sorry you had to deal with that, sadly though these things do happen but our team does deal with these pretty harshly.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Both sides are equality toxic. Just the other day I had a billy telling me to kill myself because I told him he was being an idiot for assuming we were in swf just because he lost. (we were not, all solo).

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited December 2020

    with the matchmaking as it is from the lack of properly ranked killers, I'm pretty sure newer players and lesser skilled ones are gonna start wishing more death upon the world especially no longer being able to blow off steam with a mori afterwards. I find this entertaining lol. I had a good laugh reading the story, since I expected the bitterness to ramp up a bit with the current state of the game during the evening hours.

    I haven't played too many times outside of a week or so the past couple of months maybe by now, but last night I had fun using deliverance, ds, no mither and dead hard. An ashe and my laurie were the last two alive with all gens done, and it turned out the ash had deliverance too as he pulled himself off the hook (I checked his perks after the game) and I pulled myself off as well and made it to a far door and 99% it before before being downed on it. I was gonna DS the poor trapper , tap the door switch, then dead hard out alive but he went for the other guy after laying a trap in front of the switch at which moment I lul'd hard. I waited till he was far enough away to give myself time, and finished reviving myself fully with no mither, then disarmed his trap, tapped the switch and dead harded out since I knew where the hatch was in the road and so did the other guy. he got out too. I play solo, but I knew that other guy knew the hatch position as I noticed him camping around it which was how he got found.

    I am hoping to make killers that are low or mid rank as miserable as possible for their own good. the more leave or quit or afk or camp out of frustration the more likely devs are to stop shitting on them for once. And the road to there is fun and funny as hell like that match. even solo a lot of killers get trolled, they have it bad and keep getting it made worse for them like not even having moris any more lol. no wonder they started making death threats, it's about all they can do against some people any more besides afk the bad games. I don't play to escape or even earn points only to make the killers as frustrated as possible before I die or escape in funny games like the one I mentioned. doing god's work since the devs don't wanna do it. merry christmas to that trapper, god help you if you got dbd for christmas. same if you got cyberpunk too.

  • Member Posts: 907

    You don't get any feedback for ingame reports. But you get feedback if you report someone via the support-ticket.

    I reported a speedhacker, and got confirmation later, that he was banned. It took them some days, but at least I saw that something was done.

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    This is why we don't need voice chat or proxy chat in DBD.Its bad enough that people write you horrible stuff,I definitely don't want you're cringy little voice saying something.

  • Member Posts: 38

    You guys report that stuff?

    So what if a stranger talks crap in a tiny box after the game is over? I'd expect the people in charge get countless legitimate reports and salty ones, I feel like that's a waste of energy to report harmless banter, why not have fun with it?

    Seriously you outplayed them enough they felt the need to type the classic "#########" line, why not embarrass them further with a fire comeback? Don't have the creative energy to? Ignore it and move on.

  • Member Posts: 406

    For this reason I do not recommend this game to my friends. The level of bullying at the end of the chat is incredible. And the most dangerous thing is, that there are certain sensitive people that can affect them a lot. They should remove it.

  • Member Posts: 475
    edited December 2020

    Reporting does nothing.

    I did a lot of reporting against post chat with racism, violence, harassment with printscreens, proof, tickets ingame and offgame and etctera.

    I got feedback but nothing were done.

    Waste of time sadly. Nowdays i just hit continue after die or survive i don't ever bother say "gg", be camped or tunneled or even who is the killer as i am soloq 100% of time.

    I just check if i'm curious about build or perks.

    "Move on" that's my advice, nothing will be done.

  • Member Posts: 129

    I actually had fun with it, I felt kinda good that he was that mad just bc we did “fine”, but ik that there’s people that actually get hurt by that and I want this game to be healthier than it is, u don’t even lose 1min to report stuff like this ingame it’s more like future time saved than lost in that moment.

  • Member Posts: 129

    Well that’s a shame, as I said I don’t really mind this, but there are a lot of people that are sensitive and can get affect, and I actually feel bad about that. Death threats/wishes usually come from “kids” or grown enough people that are just plain stupid, even if reporting doesn’t work I guess I’ll keep on doing it, they just shouldn’t be playing this game in the 1st place

  • Member Posts: 379

    I would think the better embarrassment would be them getting banned for it. Takes less time to report than to have some back-and-forth d***-measuring contest with them that ultimately won't have any effect on their behavior anyway. A ban at least has that possibility for influencing change.

  • Member Posts: 475

    Yeah you are right about kids.

    There's an age restriction but again ... nothing happens.

    If i had a son i would never let he play games untill he fully understand what he is doing and be mature.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Ehh, very rarely do i get those, it's mostly just #########-you's that i get.

    If i do get them, i just report and move on.

    I have no desire to engage with those who threaten my life.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Keep your chin up though. Not everyone is super toxic/jerkface.

    I wish console had after game chat simply because I don't feel like the thumbs up button is enough and I always want to congratulate or b.s with people after game. Although I can also see the flaw in it as well. Im sorry that this has happened to you, and wish nothing but the best for you in the future

  • Member Posts: 187

    Try to keep your chin up, not everyone is a Major Jerkface. Many people on the game are toxic and DO tend to forget that the other end of the screen are real people (and many more don't care, sadly). You will also find that many go out then way to be kind and stick their necks out. Keep an eye, they're out there! Don't let one dull knife hack the rest :) is it a game after all, try to have some fun if you can. I hope this helps

  • Member Posts: 187

    People tend to underestimate how well survivors can survive if they actually, you know, work together.

    Besides, just assuming a well- oiled group is SWF is poor practice (in my opinion) because I've have plenty of games where we have chose to "sacrifice" someone on hook for the sake of the game and completing the last gen- especially if the killer is camping or tunneling hard.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I have been told by two different devs that sending screen shots and the second ticket is not needed and clogs the ticket system. I on the other hand still do send these screen shots in. I have also been told by the ticket group to send in VIDEO evidence instead of screen shots for the END GAME CHAT! these things on top of the minimal communication has people in the game with almost 0 faith in the ticket and reporting system. @MandyTalk I would like to say that though I know that you can not share the results of any investigation but there is something that can be done. Through the system there is 1 automatic email saying it was received (when you submit a ticket) and then 1 saying they are looking at it, could be a quick button press that fills it out but i don't know. from there we hear nothing in cases like this, I propose to add in a SECOND non-form written email stating that "after due consideration action was taken (or not taken) in this case. thank you for giving us the chance to look into this." or something similar but that would make it easier to know that something had been done but does not break privacy as it says nothing about what was done, for instance the action taken could be that the offending account was given a 72 hour time out or something but we know not what was done so there is no breach of expected privacy but we know you guys did something and that's better than what we have now.

  • Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2020

    Death threats have no place in a video game. Wishing someone were to die, I'm less annoyed by. I wish I would die every die. I don't hold that against myself.

    I wish reporting people did anything. it does not. No matter what you provide, they will will respond and ask for more information. I have reported people for racism, homophobic comments, hate speech, death threats. It always comes down to "get more info" or do this additional thing. They don't really care

  • Member Posts: 338

    My biggest fault is I get toxic in chat when killers tunnel the first person they down at beginning of game, or slugging 2+ people or Noed. I have too many triggers.

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    Can you please explain why you suggest making an additional support ticket in this case?

    I would expect that an in-game report contains the chat messages. Making a ticket with a screenshot of the conversation seems redundant and would only create more work.

    If the conversation happened outside of the game (it's not clear to me whether this is the case here, but most likely it was in the endscreen chat) then as far as I am aware you should not make a support ticket and use the report system of the corresponding platform instead. Has this changed?

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020


    Why is that needed? If someone has to go through all that additional work, than that would mean the actual in game report system is either not being looked at properly, or is entirely a placebo.

    There is no reason that should be required. Also, I've tried to open tickets before, the layout and design of the site for that is TERRIBLE it's INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT to do if you don't know what you are looking for. I gave up the first couple times I tried because I kept getting useless FAQs instead.

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