A Noob has Some Gameplay Questions.

With over 50 hours invested, watching hours of youtube videos, having the good fortune to grind during a Bloodhunt event and the incredible good fortune to start playing while “Self-Heal” was in the Shine of Secrets (and grind to get it one hour before the reset), I’m at least no longer pure fodder, but I still kinda suck at level 12 max.

Can a seasoned veteran or two help a lost soul out?

1] What is the sign language?
I want to understand the sign language. I’ve heard that wriggling whilst hooked sends the message “I’m being camped”. Is that right? I hope I’ve not been doing that wrong.

2] Why so cheap on offerings?
I always make an offering and I would’ve thought everyone would put offerings up front before the game starts. But often not. How come?

3] Why so cheap on items?
Ditto. i would've thoguht everyone would carry an item no matter how rubbish just for the edge but nope. I can understand wanting to avoid Franklyn’s Demise. I had a purple flashlight with awesome add-ons and even a white ward offering to keep it in case I died. Dammit.

4] High and low mist?
Why do survivors get Clear Regent offering to lessen the mist? What’s the point? Also, what happens if everyone offers thicken mist offerings?

5] Is there a best survivor?
I don’t mean perks. A Decisive-Strike, Self-Care, Urban, Sprint combo seems to be king. I mean survivor character. I would’ve thought height, camouflage and amount of noise they make would be a factor.

6] How do I deal with Myers?
I have strategies for all the killers but I struggle the most against the Shape and I’m not even sure why.


  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    1.) Yes. Flailing is being camped/killer is close.

    2.) Some people burn them up quickly, pool them, or invest points into 'mains' or killers instead.

    3.) Same as above. I only use items with certain addon combinations a lot of the times.

    4.) Mist caps, supposedly, with a single Murky (+3). Clear mist is a double edge for the killer, since you can quite literally disappear into the mist as a survivor. Killers can clear it to make finding survivors easier. I prefer thicker mist, personally.

    5.) Preference. I like Claudette because I know where she can blend in on most maps, and I'm a tryhard for stealth and juking. Other survivors blend in better on other maps, such as Bill and David being able to be good in Red Forest and Azarov's, but more cosmetics have been release. At this point, you might as well play whomever you think looks/sounds the best to you.

    6.) Keep your head on a swivel. Look around at all times for him stalking. Constantly break line of sight. If you see him coming, just run. Don't wait at a pallet, he'll just farm you for Evil Within. Waste his time with line of sight as much as possible. He will hit EW3 regardless, so you want to delay that for as long as possible. Furthermore, if it's been a long time since he's tiered to 2, you'll want to throw pallets early and not risk for stuns. Never save during EW3 if he's anywhere nearby, and don't attempt body blocks as well. Absolutely wait for it to run out if you can.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    edited September 2018

    I'm no pro, but I'll leave my two cents.

    1.) I've heard that many view spamming the struggle button on the hook is seen as "I'm being camped." but there's no guarantee that people will read it as such. Newer players will probably still try to go for the save or scope out the scene.

    2.) & 3.) For both of these, some players just like to stock up on offerings and items. They could be waiting to use an item when they have better add-ons or they don't feel safe bringing their one medkit in a match.

    4.) Newer survivors might use the clear regent with the belief that it'll make it easier to see team mates, traps, or the killer but thicker mist is usually the best way to go stealth wise.

    5.) Prestige 3 Claudette is incredibly hard to see. She has the nickname "Ninja Claudette" for good reason.

    6.) The best way to deal with Myers is to not let him feed. If you're running away from him, put as many things between you and him as possible to break line of sight. Don't wait by pallets either. Make it as hard as possible for him to stalk you. Make sure to keep an eye out.

    Again, I'm no expert but I hope this helps.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    edited September 2018

    Since everyone already answered the other stuff, I will leave that aside.

    @DarkFox85 said:
    4] High and low mist?
    Also, what happens if everyone offers thicken mist offerings?

    The mist can only be increased up to a certain cap (same deal with the reduced mist ones). Depending on the quality of the offering, some offerings used will be a waste because you would be trying to go beyond that cap. If you use a Murky one, you will be at the cap already, so using any other will be a waste (unless its a reduced mist one, in which case it partially counters the effect of the Murky Reagent). Using the lesser thickening reagents together (two different players, obviously) will work together towards getting more mist, but never surpassing the cap.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I'm still trying to make sense of lessening the mist for survivor and thickening it for the killer :|

  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2018

    @DarkFox85 said:
    With over 50 hours invested, watching hours of youtube videos, having the good fortune to grind during a Bloodhunt event and the incredible good fortune to start playing while “Self-Heal” was in the Shine of Secrets (and grind to get it one hour before the reset), I’m at least no longer pure fodder, but I still kinda suck at level 12 max.

    Can a seasoned veteran or two help a lost soul out?

    1] What is the sign language?
    I want to understand the sign language. I’ve heard that wriggling whilst hooked sends the message “I’m being camped”. Is that right? I hope I’ve not been doing that wrong.

    2] Why so cheap on offerings?
    I always make an offering and I would’ve thought everyone would put offerings up front before the game starts. But often not. How come?

    3] Why so cheap on items?
    Ditto. i would've thoguht everyone would carry an item no matter how rubbish just for the edge but nope. I can understand wanting to avoid Franklyn’s Demise. I had a purple flashlight with awesome add-ons and even a white ward offering to keep it in case I died. Dammit.

    4] High and low mist?
    Why do survivors get Clear Regent offering to lessen the mist? What’s the point? Also, what happens if everyone offers thicken mist offerings?

    5] Is there a best survivor?
    I don’t mean perks. A Decisive-Strike, Self-Care, Urban, Sprint combo seems to be king. I mean survivor character. I would’ve thought height, camouflage and amount of noise they make would be a factor.

    6] How do I deal with Myers?
    I have strategies for all the killers but I struggle the most against the Shape and I’m not even sure why.

    1. pressing 1-2 will make you point and beckon. Wiggling on the hook (pressing m1 for a milisecond and letting go a bunch of time) shows you to the killer.

    2. Some people are cheapskates or simply don't feel like bringing useless offerings, perhaps saving them for later for stronger ones.

    3. I always bring items, others either want to save them or don't have them.

    4. Thicken mist can stack up to 5. The game starts with a mist level of 1. A purple reagent increases it by 4. If 4 people run purple Reagent, 4 will be wasted IIRC.
      there is no actual point in increasing it if you're killer or reducing it as survivor, it will hurt more than help.

    5. Claudette is black and small, perfect for hiding.

    6. He breathes very loudly in T1, he's a normal killer in T2 and he's still just as vulnerable to looping in T3.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    When you are in the character selection screen, press F1 to see the teachable perks for that character. Given some time, you can unlock all perks with bloodpoints. 
    If you don't plan on buying DLCs, than I would recommend to search for interesting perks on the DLC charts and buy the perks in the shrine of secrets, if they appear. But only the dlc perks. 
    Since for example, if you would stick to ninja claudette, that self care unlock at the shrine would have been a waste of shards.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    About the mist offerings: 
    I would leave mist as it is. Its a double edged sword, as Wraiths, Piggies, Freddy, Hag and Bear Traps will be harder to see. Myers and Freddy can also ignore it.
  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    Sorry for not responding earlier. I’ve been grinding like crazy over the bloodhunt. Nea can now teach everyone Urban Invasion. I gotta say, how the hell did I ever live without this perk!?

    I’m really happy my OP got such a good response. Thank you very much for your time all of you. This is a very supporting community and not nearly and toxic as everyone kept saying. The same applies in-game as well. Some bad eggs, but most just wanna have fun.

    1] I’m surprised no further sign language has evolved over the years. I mean there’s also nodding and shaking head, but that’s about it. I was expecting triple-crouch to mean something at least.

    2-3] I still don’t understand why people are so cheap. If you use the items/offerings, you’re more likely to earn more BP and thus more likely to buy more/better stuff. Seriously, players must have more items/offerings than they know what to do with or copuld ever spend anyway. Why hoard them?

    You might as well burn that +50% BP survival thing. Unless you’ve triple prestige every character and have a million BP reserve? But most people aren’t like that. And even if they are, why not burn those coins or boosted luck bag or something? Sorry but I REALLY don’t get this one.

    4] I’ve played around with the mist a bit now. The answer is (as others have said) the double-edged issue of “they can’t see me, and I can’t see them”. When the mist was lessened, I was surprised how clearly I can see the killer in the distance and thus could go in the opposite direction to them. But then again, maybe the killer felt the same way about seeing me at a distance.

    It leaves me feeling that with mist there’s ultimately no benefit for either party either way without an equal and opposite drawback. Maybe an argument for thinning can be made for the Wraith? Maybe an argument for thickening can be made for the Trapper and/or Hag? I don’t know. Regardless, it’s a waste of an offering and the bottles of... whatever they are (that get burnt in the fire...k), should be ignored on the bloodweb wherever possible.

    Oddly enough I got chatting in a lobby and we all decided to contribute some mist for a laugh:

    I knew there’d be a cap to how much mist we get, but I thought it would be mistier than this!

    5] Claudette eh? Gotcha.

    6] Good advice for dealing with Mr Myers! Thank you very much.

    But I’ve now learnt I really hate the meat plant. Killer always runs a hex totem and we can never find it! Delightfully devilish!

    Lately we got absolutely wrecked by the Nurse on three separate occasions. Most other times the Nurse doesn’t do much at all. It seems she’s the “hard to learn, hard to master, easy to dominate with” type.

    So much so she just sat on my face and made me her #########:

    This game is brutal man!

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,951

    Great screenshot :)

    Glad that you are having fun with the game. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need to, in general the community is pretty good here, and I like to think that most people want to help other players as much as they can.

  • Strider
    Strider Member Posts: 94

    Welcome to the game, hope you've been having fun!

    1) It's a bit confusing because some people (like myself) prefer the alternative, meaning flailing on the hook = come get me now, seeing as if you're flailing with the killer nearby they'd know you're signalling to your team anyway.

    2/3) You have to be a bit careful with offering/item use, especially those of higher quality because sometimes you might get a game that just goes awfully and you end up wasting the item. For example, I had a game yesterday where someone burned Bloody Party Streamers and the killer just ended up disconnecting early in the match and we lost any benefit we would have got from it.

    4) Lessening the mist can make it easier for you to see the killer and vice versa. Mist affects killers like Freddy the most because his dream world is already so full of mist. Also on some maps, mist can be very favorable to you.

    Pictured here is multiple stacks of mist with the darkest moonlight offering on the darkest map in the game - Macmillan Estate.

    5) Most would say Claudette because she makes the least noise and also happens to have the darkest clothing items in the game, allowing her to blend into many types of terrain.

    6) As others have said, just break line of sight whenever possible to prevent him from stalking you. Some things that you can walk through like corn or grass can actually hide you from his stalking. And keep an eye out for your surroundings, try fixing generators from an angle where you can easily watch your surroundings but also not be spotted from a distance.

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    hopefully I'm not late to throw an advice to a new player and because an image is worth a thousand words here it is..
  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    @scerckan said:
    hopefully I'm not late to throw an advice to a new player and because an image is worth a thousand words here it is..

    You're way too late kitten.

    Also... I'm already very ######### good tyvm.

  • Rootlo
    Rootlo Member Posts: 82

    Thickening the Mist is good as Pig, you can crouch real sneaky like more freely. But its also harder to see over the mist since you are crouched.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Here is some advice... don't take advice from the forum. Just go watch good players on YT and Twitch.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Take devour hope and any other hex to throw them off I just got 4k in a match all Mori with It and if you can get it to tier 3 rank you can instadown with 3 tokens