[Proximity Voice Chat] Teamplay for SoloQ / Balancing SFW

Nossy Member Posts: 118
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I already propose this on a thread but never had a real feedback on it so here I go again.

Why not introduce a Proximity Voice Chat ?

It could work like this : All players can hear/be heard from 6-8 meters (survivors/killer) so even soloQ have a chance to teamplay and SFW can still play with friends without speaking telephatically.

This will introduce RP in the game cause survivors will have to take care when they choose to speak between them without being heard by the killer. They will have to regroup to create strategy, to distribute roles and help soloQ/new players to participate with them instead of using/carrying them.

It will create healthy/funny interactions between survivors and killer (bluffing, barguaining, meming, challenging, asking for mercy etc... [In most horror movies, the "prey" try to reason with the killer]) instead of TBag, Clicky clicky, Pointing finger, Noding...

It also opens to create/modify perks/items that will work with/against like : talkie-walkie, jammer, spying/counter-espionnage etc...

And this will also help getting rid of very toxic players that will cannot help themselves to talk trash vocally, making them easily spotted and punished in accordance with (warning, ban from vocal, ban for a while, def ban).

I tried to not make a big block so it stay quick to read cause i want as most feedback as possible but I've got a lot idea linked to this and how it can really improve the game without changing it much. Hope this will be a productive debate.


  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited January 2021

    I would rather not have every game i play feel like it's a swf

    I also as killer don't want to hear survivors players talking telling me how much i suck nor do i want to hear the killer as a 5 year old.

    proximity chat is just too out of place for this game.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    My biggest issue with voice chat, is the assumption that everyone speaks the same language. In Europe for example a lot of different Nationalities connect to the same servers and not all of those people know or understand English (or should be forced to speak it).

    It's been suggested many times as a way to balance the game for solo survivors but I think it would lead to more issues personally.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,261

    I already get called enough slurs in the post-game chat, thank you.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    SFW is busted cause they speak via a tier program, for the killer, its like they can speak telephatically. If the killer can hear them when they speak too close to you, like in a chase, they can't OoO your mindgame, they can't ask for aggro or BB without reveal their plan etc...

    Trash talking will be easier to spot and punish and you can add an option to mute a player whose annoying so...

    Its a fact, english is the world spoken language, i'm French, this game is made by French canadian i believe and tho I have to speak english in end-game chat and this Forum....All game with coms are the same, you have to speak english if you want that most of people understand you, this game target adults (its not Fortnite or COD) and I believe that every adult that had been in school till high school can speak basic english at least.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    @Nossy not in Europe they don't. I have many players who speak purely in German or purely in French or purely in Italian. We have an international language section on the forum for that very reason.

    Don't forget what a wide amount of Countries Europe in particular covers.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    like i said i don't care if i can hear them it would break the immersion.

    In f13 it works because you NEED to communicate you don't NEED to communicate in dead by daylight and this isn't a play with a group of friends type of game unless you do a costumes so most of the time you go against people your matched with and we don't need extra toxicity, unneeded noise, or better coordination for survivors.

    I wouldn't mind if this was a thing in costume lobbies but i don't want this in my normal games.

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 465

    "It will create healthy/funny interactions between survivors and killer"

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    Im sad whe had to speak about this instead of the real thread but I travel a lot through my work and most european country make english the first foreign langage kids learn at school. And lets be real, in this forum, if you don't use General discussions, you will speak with with/for yourselves and a few other people.

    If I created this thread in French, maybe 10 people would have seen it. This Ratio in the forum also prove my point, 98% of thread and 99.8% of comment are made in english tho i don't believe 98% of the EU players are English.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    A lot of people who don't speak English use the discussion platforms in their own language - Facebook groups are hugely popular for example. That's most likely why the International Forum as well as the Spanish/Italian ones are quieter as a result.

    So sorry, but English in many areas of Europe is not so much spoken as you seem to think - I know plenty of non English speakers, so they should not be at a disadvantage, nor should players be forced into speaking a language that they're not comfortable with - that's why voice chat should not be used for game balance.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    ...."It would break immersion"....Yeah I get it, you're absolutly against but at least try to be coherent, you are immersed in a game where survivors chase the killer, make fun of him, have as much power as killer if not more ? Like i read often here, DBD is not an horror game, its a action game with an horror skin, so its like you telling me you want no voice coms in CoD cause it remember you're not in a war...If this game don't need coms like you said, then get rid of SFW then, you will tell me that there are SFW who dont use coms ?

    Your usename is "Basement dweller" with a bubba avatar, and you answer with a meme pic (which is funny to me tho^^) but you doubt about something that can be healthy for the game...The irony is over 9000 to stay in the theme.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I don't see how this could be healthy for this game and i don't see this being a enjoyable feature unless you like bullying the killer.

    this is a completely unique game, the closest game to it was f13 that had coms and worked due to the need to give info to other players in fact the game was literally designed for it. DBD isn't designed for it in fact it wasn't even designed with any communication in the beginning it was added as an after thought for people who wanted to play with friends and where leaving lobbies which broke them to do so.

    Having proxy chat is just a bad idea, your argument for it is really only so solo's can talk to each other but that isn't a needed feature and frankly the negatives out weigh the positives. We don't need it so why add it if it will make this game even more of a joke.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    Can we give specifically Bubba proximity chat? :D

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    "Having proxy chat is just a bad idea, your argument for it is really only so solo's can talk to each other but that isn't a needed feature and frankly the negatives out weigh the positives. We don't need it so why add it if it will make this game even more of a joke."

    I didn't say it was the best idea ever but I think its the best alternative to discord SFW that can also profit soloQ/killers and add fun interactions without making surv who want to play with friends quit. Cause of course, for those who didn't have guessed it tho it was heavily implied, use of a tier program like DS or TS will be banned.

    If you had read well, you'd have seen that it was way more than that. SFW is a joke cause they talk telephatically in a game where you must be quiet as possible, giving them the most unfair advantage this game can have combined with perks that allows them to be the real hunter/menace.

    F13, as you like to oppose it, was way more similar to DBD that you seem to admit, and was popular cause of 2 reason : The killer was a real threat and RP was fun. Wich is exactly what lacks in DBD.

    The game at high lvl is already a joke, have you ever seen an horror movie where the "prey" taunt the killer behind a windows ? know what other "prey" think/need without speaking and revaling their position ?

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    If it in any way isn't "as good" as third party applications/party chat, it can't in any way be viewed in the same way from a balancing perspective. Ever. It would be exclusively for fun, messing about (and lets be real) trash talking. If you want it to be taken into account in any way from a balance perspective it has to be 100% unrestricted in-game voice chat that tries to work just like getting in a Discord call or a PS/Xbox party chat works.

    And I don't even have the energy to touch on the idea of banning the use of third-party VOIP applications and party chat functions. It's so far into NEVER EVER territory in 2021 multiplayer gaming that it's not even worth discussing, no nicer way to put it. Hell, the devs probably wouldn't even be allowed to do anything like that on consoles, they reaaaaally don't like their party chat functions being messed with (especially Xbox).

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Any kind of in game chat on here will be the biggest nerf that the killer has ever seen.

    Games will go so bad that killer sides will drop by probably by 50%. We don't want to go up against SWF using comms, so why do we want any kind of im game chat for every game.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427
    edited January 2021

    I do want to add to Mandys point that even though it is true that English is one of the first taught foreign languages, from all my classes only about 4 were able to speak "fluent" English out of 20-25 people once we were done with school. I've had three different types of graduations after I was 16+ years old and it always has been the same. Only a few were able to speak well enough English, rarely some were fluent in it. I'm from Germany - this is not uncommon.

    Those who do not speak English utilize other websites, e.g. one of the biggest German FB groups for Dead by Daylight has about 4.2k members, but there are also Discord for designated languages people have created that have loads of people that do not speak English. Some even have 10k+ members.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    I'm fine with proximity chat, sure you'll get people who don't speak English but it's not a big deal.

    Most people can speak English or at least some kind of broken form of it. You don't need to have conversations with people, just the ability to ask basic things such as healing, or to ask what killer it is, etc.

    The only request I'd ask for, is the ability to opt out of voice chat, some kind of indication to players so they can see you're deaf and/or mute in game to proximity chat.

    I'm not sure if the killer should be able to hear the survivors though, it works in Friday the 13 but the killer in Friday the 13 is typically a lot stronger. In other words, against a cordinated SWF with voice chat, could be an extremely unpleasant experience for the Killer, so if prox chat does come, let it be a survivor only feature.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    I think you get the real point against here...Sadly i believe you're right in the way that even if it could be easy to forbid the use of 3rd party coms software or in-built coms on certain game, they will never allow it or collaborate with BHV to do so. Making my way to see the potential of PVC useless and even harmful for the game if this add to tier program coms instead of replace it.

    I don't want to play the know-better guy so i believe you're right when you say that (and Mandy too) but like i said, i travel a lot especially in EU and i almost never met (even in street, not only through buisness purpose) people that were not able to speak basic english (by basic, i mean yes/no, please, right/left, north/south etc...) and this apply even more on video-game players, hell i even met through VG people that speak english as well/better than theyre native tongue (lets face it, english is a poor langage, easier to learn than most).

    Its funny to me you say that for Germany cause in France, they always told us at school that taking german as 3rd langage class will help to learn english (common root), the friend i play the most Smite with is german, he had never leave his country and speak english as good as me if not better. Also, if people in EU need to speak an internationnal tongue, its german (and italian to be fair) who need the most since its in one of the less spoken tongue in the world tho germany is a big and great country (official langage in 5 and half country, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, Switzerland and Est-Belgium) where english (70+), spanish (20+) and french (30) are were more common as native or 2nd tongue (historically linked to colonization so nothing to be proud of^^).