Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Disconnect penalty And Rank matching

DC penalty still a trash idea. It completely benefits the killers. They are allowed to religiously camp, tunnel to death straight from the hook and with no consequence. Survivors don't want to be in a match with a toxic killer who that is the only way they know how to win within minutes of a match starting. Disconnects are not nearly often so its stupid to have this. It seems we are appeasing toxic killers who rank up based on this game play. Who wants to play against this? Definitely ain't fun. 48 hours? Like I'm gonna count the minutes down to wait for your precious ban to be done. You will do nothing to change these games styles but will keep penalties going. Its beyond ridiculous and its a main point why I have been looking to another games for months now. Seems this game is swf and killer sided which is pretty pathetic. I'm no longer spending money on dlc (I spend on every character and have all characters unlocked) I'm spending less time on this game. I have been reading so many conversations and clearly these problems have been here for years and money making is the more precedent motive. This game sucks. Rank matching is still complete garbage. I can go from facing 1-3 red ranks to an entire lobby of brown ranks within matches. 🖕


  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Feel better?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Wait your rant starts out as if you are a survivor playing against toxic killers and being forced to DC and then switchs to you facing multiple red ranks as killer being the problem. Which is it or is it an incoherent both?

    For the first part why would you have a DC penalty as survivor I've never understood this, you can just suicide on hook and get out, I'm not advocating it but seriously how do you get to 48 hour lockout as survivor? It just seems incredibly dumb.

    48 hours how often do you DC? If that's your go to when you get upset at the game then maybe this isn't the game for you and you should look for something else.

    Not having a go just baffled, its why as I always say never come to the forums if you are mad at the game, you end up leaving a post like this and usually its an incoherent rant.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    I don't think this belongs in "general discussions" seeing how the OP is failing to respond or clarify for anyone... Maybe once someone just blindly agrees they'll want a "discussion".

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    well shall we rehash this too? sure i'm glad to do so. The DC penalty is not a trash idea, people who don't like the posibility of playing someone that chooses a LEGAL (by game rules) strat then stop playing. don't threaten to not buy dlc, DO IT... here is the rub, you continue to play though and through the play they get the idea you are willing to buy something and to them each dlc 7 bucks is nothing every 3 months from one person that's 28 bucks a year from said player. but they see 100 people do that, it's 2800 bucks a year, plus perhaps even more when you factor in the ones that won't buy skins either. NOW another issue is while you keep playing you tell them you're willing to tell your friends you are playing (look at your steam profile info/ps user info etc...) and that gets them new players or returning players... best option here is to quit playing for a year, tell your friends to quit playing for a year and find something else to play . THIS is where it hurts the free advertisements and endorsements. btw one disconnect in a day is going to get you about 10 minutes (if you hadn't gone over 24 hours) the 48 hour penalty says you've got other issues. you may want to really look at when you disconnect and what is causing that, if you do dc intentionally enough to get a 2 day penalty i'm thinking you are not happy and probably should find something new to play. I get camped, I get tunneled, I get mori'd. I never dc unless i can't fix the error that affects me. I have had one unitentional dc in the last month, and that was because of my isp dropping me for 24 hours due to a tech making a bad call.

    people like you don't understand how companies like this think, you think that you declaring you won't buy a dlc till this is fixed works? i've said since the twins came out in a horrendous state i wouldn't do anything but rift purchases if i get it all back since they gave me 1K cells a while back (and others). I don't expect them to go oh no! another won't buy from us. I still haven't done anything and I'm not sure I ever will time will tell. but i also rarely play the game much anymore so there is that. I also laugh off campers and tunnelers you obviously can't this is why i suggest finding a better way to play or move on. your psychological health is at steak as is probably your blood pressure.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Triple the DC penalty.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    the first line in this entire thread is how dc penalty only benefits killers, and I didn't bother to finish his post, but now your post is telling me that this thread has some good potential before it gets closed lol

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    perhaps I misread it but I’m done here. Folks can say what they want I won’t be back.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
    edited February 2021

    The only thing wrong I really find with this post is how it paints a picture of "Survivors do no wrong" and "Killers are evil and are rewarded for being bullies to us poor survivors". Anyone who's played for more than 1 match on both sides knows this isn't the usual case AT ALL.

  • IsJustMe
    IsJustMe Member Posts: 436

    Just another Mimimi Post..... Mom, the guy camp and tunnles me, and " I " hate this, because I dont like this I say its not legal...bla bla bla

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,933

    I'm closing this, we've had this discussion so many times on the forum. Basically, you're ruining the game for 4 other players when you DC - that's not acceptable in an online game, hence we have a DC penalty in place to prevent this from happening.

This discussion has been closed.