Feedback for UI & Animation



    DEADHEAD27 Member Posts: 14

    How to ease where to put eyes.

  • FrauZockinsky
    FrauZockinsky Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2021

    Honestly, WIP UI already looks a lot better. But that's prbbly bc it's a lot closer to the old one which was great ^^

    Not sure why power/item and addons get so much space, bc they generally don't change much. just put them by the perks -> more space on the bottom left.

    Here are some points that worked well on the old UI and don't so much on the new one:

    • spectator nav! why can't i use arrow keys and esc key anymore?
    • status effects used to pop up in the center of the screen when first applied (aka, where players would actually notice them). who looks at the top righ? first time i got cursed with smth other then ruin or devour it def took me a while to realize ^^ (if survivors should be notified about the exact curse at all is a whole other topic for discussion, but if you give notification about whatever, it would be nice to receive them in a manner that doesn't go completely unnoticed 90% of the time).
    • readability of bleeding and deep wound meters. the size of those and the color contrast of the survivor status element in general needs to be improved. its arguably the most important UI element and its unfortunately a lot worse than it was before.
      • edit after 4.5.2: it's much better when the survivor is "in focus" or whatever, but most of the time its greyed out -> really bad contrast. why does it get greyed out at all?
    • struggle key animation. i know its a tiny thing and i know i already posted about it. BUT. visual feedback is lying to us rn! the struggle on hook key used to be only animated, when the indicated key was actually being pressed. now it always looks like its being pressed. sometimes its late and i'm tired and stupid slip ups happen ^^
    Post edited by FrauZockinsky on
  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    Feedback for 4.5.2 patch:

    Animations: Major disappointment for me. Again, no changes to the animations that look stiff and unnatural. It looks like they straight up removed the transition animations for changing directions, which was one of the few things in the update that actually looked good to me. I guess this was to make it easier to do spins/moonwalk again, but was it impossible to do those things while keeping the transitions? They kept all the things I hate about the new animations and haven't even acknowledged that they need to be polished more. Please at least change the creepy idle animation and add more life to the injured ones.

    UI: Updates are an improvement over release, but still needs work. Please just place the survivor icons horizontally instead of vertically. It looks weird when the rest of the UI is laid out horizontally. The color portraits still look out of place with the rest of the UI. The white adept icons would fit the aesthetic better imo. Also, the score events are still way up in the top right. Maybe move those down with the rest of the icons on the right side?

  • shitman
    shitman Member Posts: 203

    the players have offered all sorts of perfect on possible changes to the UI, but you stubbornly ignore them, return it as is or put this, get this over with

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163
    edited February 2021

    4.5.2 update for UI

    It is an improvement BUT still needs work.

    As many have said and continue to say the portraits should be horizontal at the bottom. This is not only efficient in quickly collecting the needed information but will allow the portraits to be larger and kept out of the FOV. Vertical limits the size of the portraits and has them block the FOV - especially the players with obnoxiously long gamertags. I know there's vague "we might add things later" excuse being thrown around but that is not a good enough excuse when console optimization was promised and never delivered. Saying something "might" happen means it also has very good chance to not happen at all and is not a good reason to keep portraits vertical when majority wants them horizontal.

    If going to insist on keeping the portraits vertical atleast have them be at the bottom since player information will ALWAYS be on the screen. Survivors don't necessarily have an item - they just don't bring one in or killer is running Franklin's. If there is no item there the player information is blocking FOV when it could've partially been out of the way in that empty space. Move portraits down and put item/power above on same line as gen.

    Item/power does not need to be such a large icon. It's nearly twice the size of the player portrait that actually is WAY more important information than the item/power. Shrink it down to gen icon size and save room.

    Either use Adept portraits or make current portraits be grey scale. It will fit better and when survivor is injured, sick, etc. it will show better than it does with color portrait.

    I do think devs need to say what future plans are for UI that has influenced some of these decisions. The new UI takes up much more of the screen than the old UI so any plans to add more worries me. How filled will the screen become with what you plan to add when you are not currently using the space efficiently? Maybe players, if they know what you would like to add, could tell you ways that would save screen space while being efficient to gameplay. If you are not sharing because it "might" not happen then shouldn't you further reconsider the changes you have made to the UI that have made so much of the player base unhappy?

  • Delia
    Delia Member Posts: 23

    4.5.2 UI looks better, but the survivor injury animation is still very bad, the worst or fall to the ground after the perspective becomes high, can not enjoy watching the character's little butt (near-death animation is still great, but unfortunately, because of the perspective can not see)

  • You still cant run with your head tilted up on these new animations and it makes me very sad

  • Galdslinger
    Galdslinger Member Posts: 7

    The new UI is much worse than the old one. When playing Ghostface or Pig it's nowhere near as easy to check how your power is doing with who has traps or is ready to be marked. As well the Spread of the UI and the larger icons make it much harder to see certain details at a glance I feel like I'm studying every single time I look for something. Also, something I haven't heard a lot of people brings up is the clutter that is just unnecessary like the freaking gigantic killer power icon in the lower-left corner, there is no reason for it to be that big. With the old Ui, you were able to look in the bottom left and see oh two are injured, two are healthy and one has a trap and I have three traps left. Now I have to look up and it's oh Ok so one is injured wait no two are and I think that one's trap is active and oh yeah I have three traps left, Wait for the games over already and I lost. Well shoot

  • daleylife
    daleylife Member Posts: 37

    I had made a thread, but, for my liking, I still want the skill check larger. The text is fine, but I still find the points +100, +50 etc to be not quite as big as I'd like them. Someone suggested the ability to have the UI scale larger than 100% and I think that's a good idea.

  • RavCav_
    RavCav_ Member Posts: 59

    Suggestion: A totem count added right next to the generator count on the hud

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    If it was like this, I'd dig it 100%! Though personally I don't care for it to be colored.i think it's too distracting. The black an white version was fine as it was. I love that layout though. Very appealing to the eye. The new updated HUD is just a big disappoinment. I'm to the point, I just want to delete the game entirely. They just don't care about the gamers views or comfort.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I think any of the layouts are good; I apprecaite having access to more information, for sure. I don't think it looks as bad as some people say ti does - it takes some adjustment getting used to, but that doesn't mean it's bad.

  • Green_Penguins
    Green_Penguins Member Posts: 1

    I like the new changes to the hud that have come from the 4.5.2 update, however i still have one problem with it. I still prefer the old hud with the horizontal characters over the new one. With normal 16:9 monitors there is a lot more horizontal space and when it is vertical it still feels very intrusive and out of place. The vertical hud even at the smallest size is still too large. it feels like the idea came from a mobile game. I do like the rest of the ideas for the hook counter though. I do appreciate that the devs are listening to the community though and I hope the feedback is helpful.

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    No, I'm not good with photoshop. Yes, I know this will be ignored and the company wont care one bit about suggestions on the UI.

    UI explanation: To the left of the line from top to bottom are gens remaining, hook counter for killer, item/power + addons. To the right of the line, character portraits/names and everything else remains the same.

  • MegMainiac
    MegMainiac Member Posts: 19

    The brand new animations are a massive nerf to the game, I don’t know how this was flagged as being ok when you can’t even juke killers anymore. I’m basically just running straight forward to get hit no matter what I do, I was rank 1 before the animation change and now i cannot even survive a match. The gameplay currently is just a matter of fact that I will be downed no matter what I do. This is terrible and nobody asked for this, I can’t even play the game and finish the battle pass that I paid money for.

  • Jobra
    Jobra Member Posts: 27

    The fixed new UI is still very bad and screws the user experience IMO.

    I would like to see the survivors horizontal rather than vertical and place them under the objective so that it's easier to gather the information at a single glance.

    The item/power box can move on top of the gen icon or on the right or somewhere since it's not the icon you want to check as frequent as your objective/status.

    This will also free up some space to have the points notification on the same side of screen unlike now showing on the complete opposite side where you constantly glance in game.

    And I have noticed that as I have written my opinion, it ended up exactly as how the old UI layout was.

    I guess you did a pretty good job in the past...

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    It's sad really. When they start losing everyone, they can't wonder why

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    Ive been in a room with 4 ex girlfriends at the same time.

    Even then, this UI is far more uncomfortable. Like having to fart after eating a hot curry. The same can be said with the animations. Used to while crouched, if you moved the camera, your body would swivel slightly.... now its a clunky mess. Instant movement, and it's ugly. Running while injured is janky.

    All survivors stand like Meerkats looking for food.

    I like the graphical overhaul but the animations and UI are fugly.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    Dear Support,

    okay I have got a huuuuuuuge improvement idea for the UI or hud in general. Instead of just pleasing certain people why not make every player happy at once? How to do that you ask? I will tell you:

    Enable a way to adjust size and position of the UI and hud for each player freely. One person could put the hook counter top right, another top left. Another person could want to put the complete profile pictures top right or position them below the addons. Another person wants to keep the gens (objective) in top middle and yet another person wants to keep them bottom left next to the addons like it's now. Again another person doesn't want to change anything cause they are happy with the UI & hud how it looks and performs now.

    Giving everybody the option to adjust the UI & hud position is a huge step for the Dead by Daylight community and would save you so much adjustments and #########-talk afterwards. You have already put player based scaling or sizing into the game to make it possible for each player depending on their platform or screen to scale the UI to their likings so everything is visible. So why not allow player based adjustments to location of UI & hud?

    A good example for a game who allowed that via addons in the game is one of the biggest game creators alive Blizzard with their game World of Warcraft. There you can download addons that allow you to freely move ingame windows and scale their sizes as you please.

    So if I would think that the avatars on the left side are trash for me cause they block my sight I could just move them to the top right or whereever else I wanted to. That would add so much live balance to the Dead by Daylight community that you would be amazed how many people would be happy at once.

    That would not just leave you as a publisher more space to concentrate on more important improvements in the game like bugs, the hitbox problem from before, glitches, graphical bugs, server improvements, queuing, new MMR (ranking system), graphical improvements for maps and whatever there is that could be implemented or improved in the game.

    Shifting the "responsibility" to players shifts so much load off of your own shoulders that you could use these freed resources for other projects or problems in the game and not having to readjust the UI & hud over and over again because it doesn't fit to peoples likings, blocks certain views or whatever.

    This option to scale and position UI & hud elements wouldn't just be good for the normal player base, but also improve the life for streamers or youtubers who need to adjust their picture (if they are using one) to certain corners just as their chat (if activated on screen) to be at certain sight blocking positions. Therefore a streamer could just put the hud elements all to the left side and leave camara/chat on the right side (just as an example).

    So here you go! You are welcome! Doing this improvement or change would not just make playing community members happy, but also get people who stopped playing Dead by Daylight back into the game because they said the new UI & hud positions "sucked" or "are trash". This improvement would also bring back certain streamers I know of who stopped playing cause the new UI & hud positions are "trash". This would even be marketing for your company and the game because people who watch these streamers would maybe start playing. There you go! New player base aquisation.

    Now it's in your hands if you follow this nicely meant improvement and put it into execution as soon as possible or if you keep it like it is. Then I can guarantee you though that many people will stop playing or leave the game untouched until you guys make an improvement that is to their liking. I don't know if this was in your interest losing potential customers or make the community in general unhappy.

    With that being said! I'm looking forward to these improvements and your response in general.

    Thank you for reading and your time!


  • Parzivval
    Parzivval Member Posts: 29

    The new animations just feel so off, survivor honestly feels like garbage Rn, your game has never been in a worse state. Like literally. This is such a spit in the face to 10’s of thousands of players coming back to the game/regularly playing the game. Including myself and many others I absolutely despise everything in this update, graphics updates completely ruined the vibe and atmosphere of Crotus Prenn, hit boxes were horrible and luckily are better, new animations and how much the movement is ruined I honestly though would never reach this point, and UI is still horrible, the steam reviews recently are a lot of negative ones, clearly showing I’m not the only one that feels this way, so please. FIX YOUR GAME

  • Parzivval
    Parzivval Member Posts: 29

    The new animations just feel so off, survivor honestly feels like garbage Rn, your game has never been in a worse state. Like literally. This is such a spit in the face to 10’s of thousands of players coming back to the game/regularly playing the game. Including myself and many others I absolutely despise everything in this update, graphics updates completely ruined the vibe and atmosphere of Crotus Prenn, hit boxes were horrible and luckily are better, new animations and how much the movement is ruined I honestly though would never reach this point, and UI is still horrible, the steam reviews recently are a lot of negative ones, clearly showing I’m not the only one that feels this way, so please. FIX YOUR GAME

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    The leave button when you spectate is in a terrilble spot. Nobody puts buttons on their top left screen .... I don't know why that was even changed but this is not the spot. It feels very very unnatural to be there

  • Psykoala
    Psykoala Member Posts: 36

    I'm actually just checking the forum to see if the the movement is fixed - until this day, I have 0 motivation to play. Would rather count Keys on my Keyboard in my freetime.

    Feedback? Change all walking animations back. I know so many people who spend a crazy amount of time on your game to master the movement - and now all their interest in playing has received a clean cut from 100 to 0.

  • Zednew
    Zednew Member Posts: 4

    I play survivor so this is mainly for the survivor UI

    The new UI is ok but only because I can change the size to make it less intrusive. I feel like it has too much colour, in the old UI your teammates faces blended in better. They could try to save some space by removing the survivor's player names, I feel like it's non-essential information and new players can still have fun without knowing that Claudette is called "IAteyourmom". I read a post about how it seemed to detailed and I'll have to agree, the old UI provided all the essential information and wasn't distracting, I'd have to remember things like how many times a survivor was hooked meanwhile I feel like I'm being walked through the game now.

    The animations... don't feel completed. The survivor used to have their own way of walking around and whatnot but now they're all marines. They don't look scared, they feel extremely less unique. I'd love it if the developers gave them their soul back or something.

    I did have something nice to say but I forgot because I got a lil worked up writing this

  • Parzivval
    Parzivval Member Posts: 29

    You my friend haven’t right on the nail, I feel THE EXACT way fr, change all the animations back

  • Parzivval
    Parzivval Member Posts: 29

    Survivor feels genuinely horrible to play, I seriously hate the new movement and animations, I almost shed tears from nostalgia watching old gameplay on old auto haven and etc :(, I remember the memories I made, knowing that I can never again experience that is so so sad, it’s just like how fortnite ended up being. Dbd is going down the exact same road, please just revert movement and animations

  • Zednew
    Zednew Member Posts: 4

    Same to you, I'm still playing at the moment but only because there is some nice free stuff on the rift but like you said this put my interest in this game to the end of a long line.

  • Vanni2001
    Vanni2001 Member Posts: 2

    Omg SAME... 3 years dbd... I ######### LOVED THE ANIMATION... i was running no mither just Bc I loved the injured animation... and now motivation to play dbd? 0 :)

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    They changed the pattern of UI icons (colored) and failed shamefully and the worst ... the ego doesn't allow it to go back.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I like the new animations, personally. You can hide behind thin trees now, you can crouch lower behind objects to hide better too. The new hurt animation makes it easier to run while still maintaining a bit of hiddenness while you weave between objects. I didn't like how the locomotion changed the quick turns, though. Not one bit. I also wish they would add back the crawl speed. That was actually just right.

  • PatWesker
    PatWesker Member Posts: 252

    The bleeding bar and the sacrifice progression bar are too tiny we can't see well. You should make it larger so we could see their progression more easily.

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337

    Just adding to the pile, I too would rather revert all the animations to how they were before. As far as UI goes, I think the one shown as an example on the first page is nice and neat as well as displaying all relevant information.

  • TamboRhyyn
    TamboRhyyn Member Posts: 124

    It is entirely possible that someone has said this before, but from my scouting, I couldn't see it, so apologies in advance if someone did say it. All I have to say about the survivor animations is that there appears to be a weird snap / missing animation for looking from shoulder over the other shoulder when crouched. That is all :,)

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    Why did survivor nodding go from a normal nod to something that looks like its from a budget PS2 game?

  • kylerabdcgamer10
    kylerabdcgamer10 Member Posts: 279

    so when you nod you nod your entire torso along with your head? lmao neither are normal

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Old UI is still best

  • Danoobiel
    Danoobiel Member Posts: 132

    Just give us the ability to fully customize the UI and be done with it.

  • Littlefabio
    Littlefabio Member Posts: 139

    UI still looks like trash. Thanks for nothing BHVR.Great killer though. I am happy with him.

  • Dylandal99
    Dylandal99 Member Posts: 85

    once you play this game enough you can see all these things in split second

  • Browniemonster
    Browniemonster Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2021

    The new Survivor animation is so unnatural now and honestly hard to look at. They don't have emotion, not to mention standing and moving like the Legion like a slouching robot. Definitely makes it look like a less developed game. Hopefully they're working on fixing it or reverting back.

    As far as the UI, it needs to be kept very simple. Too much information can be bad, especially for a survival horror.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    "Going forward, we’ll work on polishing some of these animations, including the idle and injured running animations."

    This was two months ago and we haven't had any more progress on fixing the animations. Are these still being worked on?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,950

    Thank you all for your input on this thread, it's been greatly appreciated.

    With changes being made regularly to the UI - even minor updates, going forward we'll take feedback about this from the Feedback Suggestions sub forum as normal.

This discussion has been closed.