
  • KDawg
    KDawg Member Posts: 29

    Such an improvement! I appreciate the response to feedback. I agree with everyone else, would love to see horizontal portraits (or at least a reason why vertical was chosen maybe?), adept pictures (easier to see changes like colored slashes for injured, etc. and fits aesthetic more), colorblind-friendly status indicators, and minimizing of killer power/addons. Hook counter does seem a bit unimportant for its size as well.

    One thing I haven't seen mentioned, when a survivor is on a hook, the struggle progress bar no longer appears in the middle of the screen for them. I wish this would be returned to how it was since it was easy to be looking around while keeping that bar in the corner of your eye (also easier to estimate 50%)

    Once again, thanks for working with the community on this one and listening to feedback

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572
    edited February 2021

    Much better but the vertically stacked survivor portraits seem to be taking up valuable FoV. Maybe consider giving us a toggle for the names so that it doesn't take up so much screen real estate?

    Or having the portraits be horizontal (along the bottom portrait's location) with the names under them could also be much better.

  • gfed
    gfed Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2021

    It look good, the hook count and generator count seem a bit off in my opinion.

    I have a opinionated proposal change if you guys like it and if anyone does too, let me know your thoughts also. My other suggestion it to put the hook count on the right side of the generator count in my proposal change, if that fits the idea of spacing. Thanks.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    This is a great start and I hope we can make it better.

    I would say to keep the top middle part of the recent HUD and place the survivors in the middle and keep the rest as it is with changes to them. This will be better as you don't need to move your eyes as much while playing and information isn't space so much that it could hurt your eyes

    But that my opinion

  • I also want them laid out that way.

    The way they are doing it now all that info is going to obscure the side of the screen where a survivor might be in my peripheral vision; it's going to be very annoying.


  • Eathian
    Eathian Member Posts: 82

    It's better but being able to adjust the size of each piece would be better still.

    Also, this default of 100 is too small for me for at least the survivor icons. I'd like to be able to make that part larger so it's easier to see who is injured and clearly see the hook/bleed timers. The timer bar in it's current form is far to small and a terrible shade of red that is hard to see.

    #Please look into letting us resize all HUD elements individually.

    #Please consider size and clarity of HUD elements.

    #Please increase maximum size of HUD elements

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    No need for addons to be so big but otherwise great!

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    This is a thousand times better

  • gamer1
    gamer1 Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2021

    Survivor info needs to be Horizontal, and at the left bottom, along with the gen and hook count.

    The perks, and item info, should both be on the right side, like they used to be.

    Also... Please shrink the pictures. They are Too big and distracting.

    Thank you

  • Jareth
    Jareth Member Posts: 112

    This is definitely going in the right direction, and it's appreciated that you guys are working on it so quickly.

    My concerns would be that survivors are still a bit spread out by being vertical and the colors aren't quite as contrasted. After playing a few days I noticed that I almost never looked at the survivor icons or gen counts except when there was down time (more often as survivor compared to killer). When I did look, it wasn't a quick glance and get all the info, I had to actually look and parse the info. So I'm wondering if it will be easier to quickly see with this layout but still not as easy to get all the data that's important in that quick glance.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    This is what I would have expected with the kind of info they want to add (portraits, counters, etc.) The layout in your image is just too good to pass up. They can also use the current injured icon over the adept portraits for that status and then the icons to subsitute the portraits for dying and hooked, if they prefer. The hook counter for survivors can also go below the portraits, like the did in the Best of the Best tournament. That's just to illustrate a few options that really don't mess with the underlying structure. Regardless, I find this concept so intutitive that I don't understand the resistance against it. This would be, and would have been, a no-brainer for me.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    So in a recent tweet, they've claimed they are making these huge compromises.

    "A quick list of the most notable changes:

    • Lowered Survivor statuses

    • Lowered hook counter

    • Moved objectives from top to bottom left

    • Removed text from objectives

    • Skill checks now have their own UI scaling option"

    It is just so painful that they are passing this central left positioning off as "bottom left". Not only has it been made clear that we will not play like this, but what does this half measure crap do? If they are so dead set on leaving more space for the names and icons, why not just do a 2x2 grid? there is so much empty space at the bottom not being used. They won't even tell us why they want this vertical layout so badly.

    If this was about doing what the community wanted they wouldnt have waited for review bombs and terribly low number of active users. This is damage control, and the responses we've been seeing via socials just doesn't make me feel like our opinions are valued.

    I've loved this game since release, I have thousands of hours and have recommended this game to dozens of people who also got super into it. Hell I've probably gifted six copies to friends over the years. This game has lasted so long for a reason, I don't want to sit here and complain about every detail, I just want to see them take their time, consult the community, and act like they care about the people that made this indie company a huge name. I don't feel like thats asking for a lot, but when they can't even tell us WHY they are doing these things and fighting us at every turn, then its hard to have faith in them

  • So they said they heard people's suggestions but want to make sure they can get it out soon....

    Why does it take that much longer to put something horizontally than vertically I just don't get it.....it's a UI....you adjust the positioning values and that is all.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Why does the killer need a hook counter instead of the “hook state pips” that survivors see?

    I think it’s good to know at a glance if the survivor you downed is on death hook. Sometimes I wanna show mercy and give them more playtime, but twin potatoes can lead to me prematurely sacrificing someone.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    How is this a clear lack of care for the userbase?

    The main complaints were the items being too spread out, mainly the objective counter on the top (now grouped with the other elements), and the status icons now as far towards the bottom as they can go.

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    For god's sake, you guys are never happy with what they do

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited February 2021

    Its definitely better, but still looks overbearing as it takes up so much more space overall.

    As well as this, the portraits and new symbol for being injured simply don't fit; it's hard to read as injured (feels more like it means they're an obsession and confuses more than helps, tbh) and there's too much distracting detail to follow who is who from the portraits.

    Another issue is that the perks and the power/item part of the UI simply isn't lined up and it looks off as a result.

    Oh, and as mentioned before, the hook timer is impossible to follow as it's so hard to read; it blends in and is too small. If we scaled the UI, the UI would be too big and it would still be hard to read due to it blending in.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Empty space needed for scaling, isn't it?. This stuff can be customised.

  • Taiga
    Taiga Member Posts: 368

    I don’t have any problems with the current HUD, but I’m a bit surprised that most of you seem to be very happy with those changes. This one looks actually worse in my opinion because now everything looks stuffed into the left corner. I’m actually just glad that most people will finally stop complaining now.

  • DeceptivePastry
    DeceptivePastry Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2021

    This honestly looks perfect, except instead of the little injured/downed icons in the corner I would have a red slash going over the portrait diagonally just like how it does on the new HUD, but the red would contrast with gray better. I like each survivor having a unique icon but I do prefer the grayscale rather than colored.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    if thats why thats a really poor reason to begin with, but the least they could do is convey that

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    I think this work in progress hud is 10x better than the current one and at least they're planning on rolling it out in a hotfix instead of waiting for next chapter.

    I still prefer the old hud though since this is now blocking a good chunk of our left FOV. Honestly I just dislike huds in general and wish we could toggle the entire thing on/off while in-game.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    one of the issues, the other being how it obscures the screen and is generally distracting.

  • Fraudette
    Fraudette Member Posts: 84

    I didn't have high hopes, but I'm incredibly stoked about the fact that there was any change at all! Even if I still have my gripes, the new HUD is far better than the first one, and I'm much more inclined to play on it. I do hope there are a few more tweaks that are added, but overall? Huge step forward imo.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Can we please just have a in Game HUD customization option. I love the original HUD that you sent out on the original patch. It's less cluttered and less painful on the eyes. I'm used to this HUD already due to other games using the similar styled HUD so please scrap this:

    And just allow them to customize the HUD in game so I can play without my eyes puking by everything just being cluttered.

    Please Devs just add: **Customize HUD** in game option and we will all be fine.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    It's... better.

    Still yet to be good though.

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319
  • WraithMain
    WraithMain Member Posts: 1

    I will say the same what's been said many times, please, make survivor icons horizontal again. Right now they are way too big and block field of view. Making the icons smaller, to see more of the surroundings, makes point counter almost unreadable (small and fast) but more importantly, survivors health bar even harder to get info from.

    Hook counter for killer is, in my opinion, completely uselss thing to have on screen which just takes space. Player still needs to remember survivor hooks in his head (as it should be), overall count hook gives him nothing or very little of not much useful info. If it has to be there, why not hook icon with token style number?

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited February 2021

    I do like this iteration but I have a few bits of criticism still. However I'll need to see some things in motion to fully comment.

    • Perks and ability positioning is fine.
    • Power at bottom left is fine.

    Regarding the survivor portraits, names, hook counter and generator count.

    • For the generator when it was moved to the top center the generator icon would move when the hatch appeared. For me personally I found this visually distracting. I would prefer that when the hatch appears it doesn't move the generator icon. Pretty much how it was prior.
    • The generator icon and number could be scaled up about 10% of what it is now so the generator icon is about the size of one of the addon icons.
    • Regarding the survivor portraits - I still strongly feel that either icons should show cosmetics or if they're default outfits should be a bit more transparent or greyscale. I feel as they are now adds too much noise for when a survivor is injured or has a debuff making the status hard to read. I feel the font size of the names could be slightly larger. Let's say the font size is currently 12 as an example. It could be rolled up to a 14.
    • My personal bias on this is the names and text for objectives could be hidden and at the press of a button they could appear either through a hold or toggle. I'm pretty sure the TAB (Keyboard) / Back (Xbox) / Select (Playstation) buttons are unused so it could be used for UI toggles.

    Upsides of this UI is it's much easier to glance at and everything feels more natural. Aside from rescaling some things slightly I could see myself easily loading into a game and having no issue with this iteration. If I need to stare at something I either look at the bottom left or right and that's it.

    Overall I know it seems like there's now little change from the original but it looks like a nice touchup and overall looks good so far. I look forward to seeing the final product.

    Edit - One additional thing

    Personally regarding the backdrop of the survivor icons. Something about them seems to bother me but admittedly I can't put it into words it just feels like the backdrop for the icons seems to not match the rest of the UI. Maybe it's taking up too much space but I'm admittedly not sure what it is. Just something about it irks me looking at it long enough but suppose this part can be disregarded since I can't bring it into words what the issue even is.

    Edit 2 - Here's a gif of scaling changes I would make

    Gifs aren't allowed hang on

    Changes I made to UI

    • I scaled down the survivor portraits because all that matters is the status of the survivor nothing else. Font size left the same.
    • I scaled down the hook counter for killer because ultimately it is just to see how many hooks you need for max hooks. The circle was scaled down smaller since all you're looking at is lit bars that are clear to tell based on how full the circle is.
    • The generator icon was scaled up. The font size for the number of generators left was kept the same.
    Post edited by Dustin on
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Only thing i'd like to see a further change is the Survivor portraits.

    Rarely do i have a need to look down, but i would like to clearly see to my left.

    The compact layout at the bottom-left on the old HUD worked just fine.

    But other than that, i have no complaints on the new WIP.

  • Screenee
    Screenee Member Posts: 6

    The design looks better. But you can see it as it is. They don't want to revert to the old HUD. So they change the appearance from "worst" to "not sooo bad". Everyone would be glad to get back the old HUD. All the devs do now is to say: "Here, look, we've heard you". But they didn't hear. They want to protect their useless work, and following the comments here they are successful. Give the players a bone and they will stay in the game. That's all.

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 92

    I don't know if anyone has already pointed this out but they could be forcing the vertical survivor pictures because there are a decent amount of shooters, Borderlands for example, and single player games, where the companion icons are vertical and in the top left hand corner.

    They could have thought it would be a popular move and bring in more people or something stupid like that. However those games are designed for a hud like that. This game isn't as the backlash shows.

    Seems a lot of the changes they making is geared towards bringing in new people, not keeping the player base they already have

    Thought I might throw that out there

  • xSymantha
    xSymantha Member Posts: 58

    Concepts like this always look so clean and look like they belong in Dead By Daylight. The adept portraits would be best for keeping the style that dbd already has.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    As someone who prefers the old HUD this is a step in the right direction one of the major reasons I didn't like the judge that much was because you had to look far away from the skill check meter to see how fellow survivors were doing via the portraits

    Although I think the survivor portraits should go one of two ways make them adaptive where it shows the cosmetics that the survivors are using in that match

    Or use a white head icon of the survivors currently used for that match to fit the art style more

    Because the way it's just default survivors kinda makes it bland and breaks the art style which was one of the reasons that made the old ui loved

    Tldr it's a step in the right direction but the portraits still need a bit of work

  • Still looks terrible. Whatever happened to "If it's not broke, don't fix it" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165
    edited February 2021

    I think the forum ate my comment when posts were merged because I don't see it now. So if this ends up being a duplicate my bad.

    I do like the changes they are making so far and there's definitely more to do. It looks like they are listening to feed back and I appreciate they are showing us the WIP to give further feedback.

    I do like that the information has been moved closer to one area. This is definitely going to help with the issue of eyes being pulled involuntarily in multiple directions causing headaches.

    I don't understand why they are keeping player information vertical, I think it is more efficient being horizontal and will take up less room.

    If going to keep vertical have an option to remove the gamertags. Personally I find them unnecessary, only time I would need them is for reporting which I can go to menu mid game and grab the name then. Removing the gamertags would free up more space in FOV.

    Either change the player icons to Adept icons (preferred) or change them to grey scale. Currently the bright colors of the icons can cause the eyes to involuntary try to focus to the side and that can end up causing headaches. While it won't be as bad as the information all over the screen it being vertical will cause more of the distraction than if it was more horizontal with the rest of the information. Making them grey will also help to make status like dreamworld, reverse bear trap, sickness, etc. be more visible.

    Move the player icons and other HUD pieces on left side closer to the edge. That space between edge and information feels bigger that it is due to how much information is going up the side from player information being vertical, this makes it feel more intrusive like it's blocking more of the FOV.

    While this is just the WIP for the killer HUD I will be interested to see with the survivor HUD these changes: 1. The information bar for time survivor is on hook as well as when being healed from down state or carried. As has been pointed out in other feedback posts it is difficult to see how long a survivor has on a hook, many entering into second state or dying during struggle. Also the flashing when being healed or carried is gone and that was a HUGE help for solo q that is now gone. 2. The status for items. The bar that shows how much of an item is left is very bright when it is depleted that it looks like it is full. Make the bar transparent when empty would be helpful.

    *Edit to add: the power/addons don't need to be that big. Same with survivor item/addons. The power/items can be smaller while putting survivor information horizontal at bottom and larger since those are more important information than the power/item.

  • HoldingM1
    HoldingM1 Member Posts: 4

    I'd much rather have the character portraits than any of the adept portrait ideas, because it's much easier for me to see the different health states with the character portraits at a quick glace. In all of the adept portrait ideas, the health states are either a tiny icon in the corner of the portrait (which might look good in a zoomed in cropped screenshot, but would look awfully small when shown in realtime on my large screen), or the health states are overlayed onto the adept portraits in a low-contrast way that makes it seem like everyone is always healthy at a quick glance.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    Much better than the new one, still worse than the original.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I’m sorry, but all this feels like is that bhvr took something good (old HUD), gave us something severely lacking (the current monstrosity), and are now offering the same monstrosity toned down a bit as some sort of compromise. This isn’t really fixing the issue. It’s merely moving the issue around.

    there are so many nice Comunity generated ideas for a good, concise HUD, but bhvr just can’t get past this nonsense. If folks accept mediocrity, they will give it to them by the truck load.

  • Happsta
    Happsta Member Posts: 79

    If they switched to adept portraits id be more than happy with this. But I'm surprised how fast they are reactin to this. Good job BHVR, with we could have more transperancy in the future tho

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    What is the best move... honestly... is a choice between vertical or horizontal layout. I say that because BHVR seems so headstrong about the vertical change, but most of us find it bad. Plus, nothing on the UI should affect the field of view for the sides. Adept portraits are WAY better, different skins and the overall aesthetic is weird with portraits.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995
    edited February 2021

    It's definitely an improvement, but there are a few things on my mind.

    1. I'd love if Bhvr would make a statement on why they insist on making survivor portraits vertical. If it's because of upcoming features or something, would probably help us understand why we can't go back to horizontal portraits.
    2. Power and addons are comically big, I know that I chose x killer or equipped x item, no need to have that information that big. Also the placement feels off, if you go into a game as survivor, without an item, you'll have one huge dead area with nothing. I'd probably switch hook icon and gens placement with power and addons.
    3. Like many say, I also think survivor icons should be replaced with the adept ones, it makes way more sense and fits with the style of the game better.
    4. Make bars bigger! It is tough to keep track of how long a survivor has got left, and it is an indirect nerf, that the bar no longer lights up when a downed survivor is getting healed.
    5. The scratches on injured survivors gotta go! In every other game I've played, scratched over pictures mean that someone is dead, and it just doesn't look that good at all.
  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    well, I am sure the work in progress IS what is getting pushed through. regardless.