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Whats your win condition?

supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,497
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

With the Otz video now scott jund, Dowsey, And Tru3 are involved in a pretty big debate about the win condition of the game. So i just wanted to see what people go for. I personally just go for kills but i don't hard tunnel either unless its near end game.



  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,366

    As survivor: escape or die making sure someone else escapes

    As killer: Anything above a 2k, with a 2k being a draw

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152
    edited February 2021

    The 4 bbq stacks with up to 8 hooks evenly spread if possible.

    Meaning as much bp as I can get and a nice middle long game.

  • ArchFox
    ArchFox Member Posts: 205

    Having a good time.


    Or pipping, though I wouldn't complain about safety pipping at least.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Fun chases, multiple hooks, lots of bloodpoint's with 4 bbq stacks and a pip with 2 or more dying.

    I don't dwell too hard on winning though as I am not highly competitive and having fun is the most important thing.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,925

    Outplaying constantly in a chase is a win. Sometimes I can 4k with Killer, but not being satisfied at all because my chases were bad.

    If I am outplaying constantly during chases, I don't care if it's a 4k, 2k or 1k. I still see it as a win for myself because I did well in chases and outplayed while Survivors were holding M1 well enough.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    As Survivor: Pips.

    As Killer: 3K + Hatch.

    Survivors are by no means expected to survive more often than not, and many things can factor into them not getting out. Bad team mates, tunneling Killers, the list goes on. As such, I tend to rate my Survivor performance on pips, as they indicate the quality of my contribution to the match. That also means I don't play Claudette. Don't get points for hiding in a bush on the side of the map.

    Killers, on the other hand, are only a threat if they are completing their goal. Which is killing. Therefor, Killers need kills. It's, like, you know, uh, literally in their name. And stuff. Dongs. They are the 1 in the 1v4, and they need to prove that there is a reason they are the 1 in that equation. I believe that's also where some of the frustration of playing Killer comes from: You're expected to perform, but you're not a machine. Two times is too much, babe. I think I'm off topic. YA. On top of that, some Killers don't really get the same pip scores as others due to their mechanics, which is kinda lame, so using pips to rate your performance as a Killer comes with a myriad of exceptions, rules, etc. Kills, on the other hand, is their intended goal. It's what they are designed to do. Killers are expected to kill. Unless it's Legion.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    If I have fun, I've won. If I get 8 hooks and 0 kills but I had an enjoyable match, I've won in my books. If I've 4kd but it was a boring match I don't consider it a win.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    It varies depending on the skill level of the team, the map, and what killer I'm playing. Sometimes a 2K with clown on Haddonfield feels better than a 4k with Spirit.

  • Did I get endgame salt? Yes? Then I played well.

    But for real it’s 3k + hatch for me.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    12 hooks win is just dumb

    You down someone, they dc... quess ive lost the game...

    Anyway, personally for me win is about becoming better at playing. I see no win, in destroying survivors and scoring 4k... it's just an execution and nothing else.

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    Killer main win condition: Did I have fun? Yes - win. No - Loss.

    Fun generally comes with more hooks, meaning that I performed decent in chases and downed survivors.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    If I had fun and had a decently long game like 8-12 minutes with no dcs or suicides.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited February 2021

    Pipping is a technically a win unfortunately. The scoring for pipping is heavily flawed for killer honestly. I've had plenty of games where I'd get a 4k and depip. Killer emblems need looked at

    A 3k with hatch should be considered a win though. Number of hooks i don't like because its outside your control as killer

    Survivor- piping a win

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Getting three or four kills is a win, that's how it's always been. The pipping system is to bad to use as a win, because Plague can 4K a lot but get "Brutal Killer" because her power doesn't work well with the system and therefore results in a draw game.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    When the other side DCs

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307

    Mine are personal and I don't expect anyone else to go by them.

    For killer it's a weird hybrid. My regular playstyle naturally gravitates towards a lot of hooks, I want to chase people as much as possible as I find that fun, but I still go by the 0-1k = loss, 2k = draw, 3-4k = win mindset. But based around my own playstyle, which might make it harder or easier to "win" compared to how others play or if they focus even more on hooks in a more direct way.

    For survivor it has more to do with "How much impact did I have that match?" than anything. Feel more accomplished after dying in a match where I had to do all sorts of stuff and it felt like I had an impact, while a match where everyone escapes easily feels more like a "Pass" than a "Win".

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I play killer mostly. More kills would equate to more of a win condition, but does 8 hooks, 0k mean I did nothing? Not at all.

    Personally I think if I got some cool downs and mind games I have fun, then I'm happy.

    Had a match on new Gas Haven as Doctor. I was entering shock since I saw illusion Doctor on the outside facing in. I went in one door and saw second door with pallet, but no scratch marks. I look behind and see a locker. I check it and there was a Claudette. She was entering the locker when the doctor appeared, but she didn't see it. But I saw it and it gave her position away.

    Those reaffirming plays make me feel like I'm learning and getting better/smarter. Its all about growth

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Pip would be a win for me. I just play the game to have fun though so i dont really care

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314
    edited February 2021

    Honestly, the ideal way for this game to be balanced is around more hooks. That would require an entire rework of all the systems... which would not happen. My idea of a win is a 4k. I'll take 3K and hatch because that stupid game design still exists. Sometimes can't be bothered to slug for the last guy. For me... a 2k is not a win nor a draw. It's a loss. But that's only because a draw doesn't register with me personally

    I do think more hooks should be heavily rewarded along with actual chase. But of course, we have killers that would be hurt against the chase part due to their design... which is why hooks is the easier way to design around. Which would mean.. punishing proximity camping hooks and the recently unhooked. (within reasonable time)

    For example, a hag placing all of her traps around a hook should not be encouraged. The unhooked should disable traps within a distance. But that's one of the MANY mechanics that would need to change. Then you have to tackle the point system.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,211

    Literally just having fun is a win for me. It's part of the reason I mained Doctor even back when he was considered one of the weakest Killers in the game.

    If I can score some kills, fine. If I can spend the last generator serving drinks to Yui and Claudette in the Mount Ormond Resort bar as Nurse (and later being the one being served), I'll take that just as well.

    Same thing applies to playing Survivor. I play for fun, hence most of my builds being somewhat memey and based entirely around the Survivors' personalities.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    Idealy a win should be when the game say you won. The closest thing we have to that are the pips, but they are based of the emblems which are very iffy as a measure of skill. Some killers get penalized for using their power efficiently (chainsaws) or simply because the whole design of their power go against what the emblem sytem reward. And some underperforming killers like Legion or Wraith can get high emblems score and pip even if they fail to kill the survivors.

    For survivors its even mudier, because its supposed to be a team effort, but the game rate you individualy. You can be the MvP of your team and still die, or be super selfish and still escape. What you define a win where you died ? What would be the criteria to consider an escape as failure ?

    Improving on the emblem system and resulting pips could be done. It could be pushed forward to represent what the game officialy consider win or loss. But I does not seem to be a priority for the devs, especially when they manage to break the goddamn thing every other patch.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    For survivor and killer:

    Most points on end game scoreboard = 1st place.

    And then 2nd, 3rd, 4th and LAST.

    Getting 1st in solo queue is always great ^^

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    A win for me is 3+ kills, however i also go by the degree i won meaning If i slugged to win and i barely hooked the survivors that isn't a good win meanwhile 12 hooks is the best win.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    get a pip as survivor and have fun as killer. sadly this means i never win as killer :{

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    3K + Hatch is a win. Pips and hooks do not matter.

  • fray1919
    fray1919 Member Posts: 199
    edited February 2021

    You CANNOT win this game. Because there's entirely too much that any party could point to and say, "But see, I did this so I won."

    SURVIVOR: "You only got 1 kill and it was on first hook!" KILLER: "But I killed you. I won over you."

    KILLER: "I played with you all for 30 minutes and hooked everyone twice!" SURVIVOR: "But we escaped."

    PLAYER: "I had fun!" BEHAVIOUR: "But we got your money."

  • JFF
    JFF Member Posts: 166

    For me it's not even about killing everyone, it's about length of the match. I usually dislike camping/tunneling, so if match is longer I try to roam around the map, chase others and gain as much BPs as possible. That's why I try to bring little to none meta perks so both sides can have fun. For me true win is when both sides did enjoy the experience.

  • DTJObe
    DTJObe Member Posts: 170

    Any time that I single pip and manage 2k or more, then I consider that a win. Safety pip is a draw regardless of the number of kills. A 4k and a double pip, though? That's a crushing victory.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135
    edited February 2021

    Keep in mind once MMR is finally rolled out, pipping won't affect matchmaking anymore, and therefore has nothing to do with winning or losing. Rank is nothing more than a measure of how often you play the game, not your skill level.

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    Preventing gens to be completed after 4 minutes

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,403

    I play to have fun. But a win is for me technically when 3 survivor escape (i personally dont need to escape) and as a killer i would say 3 kills.

    But as survivor i dont care about this winning condition. I want to have an interesting match and learn something.

    When i started to play as killer, i played for 12 hooks. I wanted to get many bloodpoints and a long match for everyone. But after two years i started to play after the win condition 3k and hatch or 4k. When i played for 12 hooks, i succeeded bc the survivor were a lot worse than me. It was boring to give them another chance when i could had won at this point. (Before that i let one wiggle free, when all were down or hooked) It was not interesting and it felt more like i was farming bloodpoints. And when the survivor are good, you are losing with a 12-hook-condition.

    So i play only with this 4k/3k with hatch win condition instead of only 3k is enough bc of the matchmaking. Going for winstreaks is the only thing which makes it fun going against bad players.

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    Not wanting to jump off a cliff

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited February 2021

    Not that I care anymore, but to me if the exit gates open and at least 1 survivor escapes through it, I've lost. There's no such thing as a draw. So, I guess my answer would be "3K + hatch" as the minimum for a win, and "4K" for a good win.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2021

    3 or 4k is a win for me personally. It's important to note why I view it as my win condition though, and that's because the game isn't balanced well and you will very rarely get many hooks against actual good players. IE you'd always think you were losing.


    You also can't use kills for determining game balance because it is skewed by a multitude of factors.

    IE going by hooks would display a lot more accurate game balance than kills would. Hooks do have some flaws of their own, but much less flaws than kills does.

    In other words, the game should be balanced around hooks, not kills.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    2 kills as killer with as many hooks as I can get while survivors run for their lives.

    Escaping after a hard fought survival or sacrificing in such a way that another survivor escapes. Easy escape equals killing time.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited February 2021

    Not hooks, not kills, not escapes

    I'd say emblems but those only work for survivors

    To many gimmicks that skew end results and negate the entire context of a match.

    4k means nothing cause you can achieve that a single hook or the last minute of the match

    12 just means survivors failed individually and as a team, gens are faster than this

    Escapes can be a result of effort, but also achieved by survivors that do nothing

    I know it's a win if I outplay my opposition all game

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    A win is having survivors who don't teabag you. Either because you killed em' all, or because they're good sports. In the case of the former, it's particularly funny if they try to teabag you at the hatch, but you end up closing it on them.

  • Starshadw
    Starshadw Member Posts: 266

    My win conditions don't change whether I'm playing survivor or Killer:

    1. Did everyone get to engage in the typical activities for their role? As in - chase/be chased, do gens, do totems, hook survivors, etc.
    2. Did everyone make decent blood points?

    If those two conditions are met, I consider the match a win. I don't care if I escape, I don't care if I actually sacrifice/kill anyone.

  • ExalyThor
    ExalyThor Member Posts: 67

    I count any type of 4k as a win. It can be 3 people DCing and the last one being murdered with the yellow mori at 0 hooks. It's still a win in my book

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    In either role, it's having fun first and foremost. Unfortunately, the game issues as a survivor lately have hindered that, and a steady stream of facing toxic survivors/groups is slowly eroding that from the killer side as well.

    Aside from the fun requirement, as a survivor, if I pip, I'm happy. I can die -- if I feel like I've played a solid match and made it difficult on the killer, then I chalk it up as a win. Escaping isn't necessary. I've had matched where I've played awful and still escaped, and those didn't feel like a "win" at all.

    As killer, I would normally say a 3K or better is a win, though I've had 2K games that still felt like a win because the game was so well-played by everyone and those two kills felt very well-earned. A pip up makes it a win in my book as well (which should mean you've gotten 2K in that case, at the least).

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    2k if I know I played well enough and 3/4k. For survivor it's knowing I've contributed my share towards the escaping or getting others out. Even if I get facecamped on the first hook for 2 minutes, I consider that a win as long as others rush the objective and get out

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    For survivor, if I can contribute at least 1 gen, loop the killer for 30 seconds, save at least 1 team mate, and escape or die trying to save someone.

    As killer, If I can 4k (or 3k with 1 hatch escape) with less that 3 gens done, so a flawless would be a 4k at 5 gens.

  • barricade133
    barricade133 Member Posts: 12

    Technically you need all of these things to rank up or "win" as killer. 8 hooks but no kills is not enough emblem points to get a decent medal. 4 kills but only 4 hooks is the same thing (I also assume only 4 chases and 4 hits which I will get to in a bit). You also need to get roughly gold in each category in order to 1 pip depending on your rank at this point in time. So ergo by the rules presented in the game, no matter how many kills or hooks you get, unless you pip you lose. Irregardless of your own personal victories which there is nothing wrong with having. But when it comes to the ingame criteria they are abysmal and need to be changed when it comes to the killer side of things.

    As stated above I can one hook every survivor and instant down them all but still not rank up. Because I:

    A) didn't get enough hooks to meet the threshold of 9 total hooks with 3 kills for a gold rank that is one lost gold emblem. So this whole thing of them saying that 2 kills and 2 escapes is balanced, is in fact nonsense when the system requires me to get 9 hooks with 3 kills to get gold.

    B) didn't get enough hits to meet the Malicious emblem requirement of which you need 30 to get gold, losing those points (1 per hit) if you do not hook said survivor before they are healed, so any survivor that body blocks and then gets healed is actually denying you those points if they are healed. And instant down killers are skipping a whole health state. Meaning you are cutting your potential points for both Chaser and Malicious emblems in half.

    C) Malicious requires me to get into chases and end them as quickly as possible by getting a hit before a certain amount of time expires (to term it at the moment we'll refer to it as a perfect hit). That time is 15 seconds (worth 90 pts and less for each consecutive 15 second interval afterwards) to get the most amount of points for that chase. Which you need to do twice, one for each health state omitting instant downs for the time being. Each hit gives you 55 and you need a total of 1,800 pts to get gold. I don't care what anyone says no killer can chase 2 survivors at the same time. Any survivor worth their salt (as they should) will just jump back on a gen while the killer is busy. And even if a protection hit is taken, which they get a point for, they will run away and heal thus preventing you from banking that point.

    D) You got a good gatekeeper emblem by killing them quickly and preventing gens from popping. Good. Still not ranking up cause you don't have enough medals in the other categories. Now if you decide to be a killer that is not a dick (aka. "tunneller") then you have to let them complete 1 of their objectives of getting gens done. You need 25 points in gate keeper to gold that emblem. with each unfinished gen granting 1 point per minute (up to 9 min) that it can give you a point towards this emblem. Regressing/kicking gens does pretty much nothing and actually benefits survivors to a point. They get points for fixing gens, so if you kick it they are actually getting more points for fixing that gen again towards their emblem. While you get nothing but a stall that unless you are using PGTW is trivial and undone in no time.

    E) Sure ya killed em all but how many hooks did you get? 4. You need 8 pts to get gold here. 1 point per hook, 2 for each sacrifice, 2 for each kill and plus 1 for hooking every survivor at least once. Better find that slug too cause they are worth nothing if they bleed out. Looking to secure that kill? better not be too close or you are gonna start to loose chaser points so long as you are within 16 metres of that hook. They have even added a UI element that tells you how many total hooks you have gotten now. Meaning they are trying to push you to get more hooks to let the survivors play longer. I mean let's face it getting facecamped and tunneled sucks (though if you use BT/DS to try and body block and not run away from the killer like you should be, I have no sympathy for you).

    In essence this whole system needs to be looked at for the killer side of things. The survivors Emblem's are fine and work as they should. Killers is a hot mess and this needs to be looked at to give a solid "win condition that killers can look at and have a good metric to see how they did in a match. With more things added they can do to sway the match their way for a victory. Am I kicking gens to regress them? Give me points toward an emblem to steal hope from the survivors. Same with pallets. I'm kicking them shouldn't the hope of survivors be drained cause I'm robbing them of their safety net?

    They want to implement an MMR system right? How the hell are they going to matchmake me with the right skill level when the system is this bad? There isn't even a system that tells you you have won, going by everybody else's personal victory conditions they just ignore the emblems and substitute their own in. Make an easy to understand and easy to know "win" so we can talk about hard facts and balance around that. If we are gonna use just kills as a metric for victory, then The Nurse is the worst killer in the game and needs to be buffed. While Freddy is hands down the best killer in the game cause he has an overwhelming amount of kills that dwarves ever other killer in the game, and thus should be nerfed.

  • barricade133
    barricade133 Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2021

    Its's a combination of kills, hooks, chases (both number of and how long they last). You want gold in those? 9 hooks and 3 kills. So this whole thing of 2 kills and 2 escapes being balanced is nonsense by default. By this logic of kills being wins, then Nurse needs to be buffed and Freddy needs to be nerfed.

    Pips are the victory condition as per the game.

    Ya want to know how to pip? Get golds in the emblem categories.

    Here's the link for each category and the requirements for each.

    No point in MMR when everyone ignores the pips. May as well open the flood gates and put us all in the same pool.

  • Amy095
    Amy095 Member Posts: 96

    Everyone has fun in their own way. Everyone judges whats a win and what isn't.

    Some people are competitive and others just want to play the game and have a laugh.

    We can't possibly decide what is a win and what isn't. We can only make our own personal decision as to what counts as a win.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,194

    3k/4k or 3 out/4 out. The emblem system promotes bad gameplay because it lacks context, so I ignore it. I genuinely don't care about an altruism score for instance because you should never be doing things just for the sake of doing them in DbD. If I happen to get a high altruism score because those were the correct plays to make, then cool. You get the idea.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    Depends on my mood.

    When I'm killer could be getting my challenge done, keeping survivors from a specific gen, killing the annoying survivor with a flashlight, or something else random.

    When I'm survivor could be getting my challenge done, keeping killer from getting 4k, getting one gen done when killer will get quick 4k, cleansing the hex totem the killer was protecting, or something else random.

    It's not BP because against killers like the Twins I could loop Victor for nearly the entire match and get nothing because chases with him give you no points. It's not pips because the emblem system is broken right now and again chases with Victor screw you over. Even chase with Huntress if she's far enough back she can hit you but it's not considered a chase. It's not surviving because I could start match facing killer, if iri Huntress be downed immediately then not be saved by my random teammates. Could also have team that all DCs and I happen to be next to hatch. As killer I don't take it seriously enough most matches for pips/BP to matter, you really need to try to get low BP as killer.

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    Same. If I can get 2k as Killer while hooking everyone at least once, I'm fine.