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Concept: Newbs cant talk here

FaceCampBubbaMain Member Posts: 19
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

I feel like alot of people involved in the "Ds/NOED bad" or "XxXx killer/survivor needs nerf or buff" discussions fail to realize that almost 100% of the people who say those kind of stuff dont see that you aren't supposed to have everything difficult removed. SWF isnt overpowered it's hard. Hell I main trapper and can still squeeze a 3k out of a four man SWF. DS or NOED are easy to counter IF you have the practice and skill to do so. The game suffers from not really being a casual game if anything you really need to put in the effort to have fun you can't just go in not fully paying attention like alot of games and still being a viable contender. Alot of the low effort "just do gens/bones" or "git gud" type comments are basically this paragraph shoved into a single sentence

So what if you had to have a certain amount of posts or hours in the game to post discussions?
