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Dead hard is the most stupid idea for a perk



  • Member Posts: 542

    All other exaustion perks need some sort of management. To use lithe you need to vault, you have to plan and be aware of your surrounding to use it properly. Dead hard can be used anywhere where there's a pallet or a window, allowing the survivor to play extremely unsafe cause they're only a press of a button to erase a mistake.

    The killer mindgamed you and would get a hit? No, DH comes to play and erase that. Now drop a pallet and go to the next loop and play safe. When used by good players, and almost all good players use it, it's pratically a third health state.

  • Member Posts: 918

    Why is this forum filled with ignorance?

    Have you never heard of dead hard for distance? or do they not use that yet in rank 15?

  • Member Posts: 636

    Dead Hard is fine. Once you know they have, it's more or less worthless.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Dh is only effective the first time a survivor uses it. Once you know they have it, you should adapt accordingly.

    I know, I know, you're going to now claim I'm a survivor main who uses it all the time. Yesterday I was a killer main who relied on NOED because I dared point out that any perk you can remove before it activates just isn't that bad, today I'm a survivor main because I'm going to point out any perk you can bait out isn't that bad. I get it, it's a pain in the ass when you think you've won the chase and it turns out they were playing you. Guess what? That's the game. 90% of the perks in this game "reward bad gameplay" according to someone, because it seems like people around here love to count chickens before they hatch. So he hit dh, you have bloodlust, either catch up while he's still exhausted (which is going to be a while, as the status stays up as long as they run) or move on to a different Survivor.

    Yes DH for distance is a thing, so? Sometimes you don't get to win the chase. Deal with it.

  • Member Posts: 905

    Are more exhaustion addons boon no dh and they’re forced to run so it won’t regain

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I see more people with SB than DH and DH isn't that bad.

  • Member Posts: 126

    dude, i thought like that, until i played against 2k hours survivor mains, u simply cannot fake attack or anything, u just have to accept, that you are going to use a third swing, there's no other option

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Ah yet another thread bitching about Dead Hard.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    A third swing

    That's it? That's the big deal? Having to press m1 a third time?

  • Member Posts: 126

    LMFAO, my dude, do you play killer at all, are ou saying that a survivor having 3 health states is not a big deal ? are you okay ?

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    It's not 3 health States, you missed, you have to try again.

    Really that simple.

    I play killer quite frequently, I just don't count my hooks before I get them, so I don't find myself overly concerned with a chase taking just a bit longer.

  • Member Posts: 126

    ok, you either dont play killer, or you just deciding to die in this beach for some reason, LMFAO, anyway have a great night

  • Member Posts: 530

    Yeah but add the time It takes u to get that hit again. DH for distance is braindead.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    So I only get counted as playing killer if I'm on here like you, whining about every single survivor perk? Maybe I just like the challenge of a multiplayer game and don't expect wins to be handed to me. Every single time I see you post it's some claim that playing killer is absolutely unfair and Survivors get all the advantages.

    I mean this with all sincerity. Why do you even play this game when you seem to like it so little?

  • Member Posts: 126

    you can count yourself in whatever you want, i am just not buying it, there's no way, a person can say "3 health states is no big deal" with a straight face, so again, have a great night sir

    i still play this game, for the simple fact that even tho i get bulsshited all the time, i have a small hope that is gonna get better at some point, took a break for 2 months, came back a month ago... and it is a little better, hopefully it shall continue like that, heard that ds is being nerfed, so as freddy (most annoying killer imo)

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    It's not 3 health States. BT is close to that, but even then not really. You can keep conflating a simple perk to make yourself feel better, but it doesn't change the facts. If they avoid you with DH, you didn't get the hit, so they don't lose a health state, same as If they just juked you or used lithe on a window. This is really 101 stuff.

  • Member Posts: 126

    i think u misundestood what i said, i was trying to bait the dh, "clapping" with ph's power, they simply would not fall for it, and even when i get like closer, they just knew how to time it... so in the end, to catch the guy, i had pretty much to swing three times, yeah he didnt got the springburst, but still, is a delay, my point is, this is bs...

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Dead Hard is a balanced perk. It's got more risk than the other exhaustion perks because if you don't use it at the right time, you'll end up buying MAYBE two seconds. Take out Dead Hard, and everyone will just run Sprint Burst because the other exhaustion perks are pretty much useless unless you use a map offering in which case Balanced Landing is great on Saloon and Haddonfield but garbage most everywhere else.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I understood it, it just isn't a third health state.

    A third health state would be like if the Survivor got to pick up armor or something and you had to break that to injure them.

    You got out mind-gamed in a match and want to blame the perk instead of seeing how you can improve your own game. Given your post history, I am not surprised

  • Member Posts: 126

    dude, if the guy understand the correct timing, and does not fall for any bait, you do get that this guy has a third stage helth in a pratical sense, or you can say "you have to "hit him" 3 times " honestly if you dont undestand this, u simply dont want to, there's no way you are this dense, i am not saying that you have to literally hit him, but you have to with no other option, miss an attack on him, wich is pretty much, him having 3 stages of health

  • Member Posts: 126

    you talk as if dh is not used to get distance to reach pallets and prolong chases that should have ended ages ago

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    edited March 2021

    Somebody's salty.

    Dead hard is more situational that you might assume. Once killers know that you have it, they'll wait and bait it out. Most killers do this by default, anyhow (fool me once, shame on me). Moreover, at that point it's only really useful at loops, which do require skill to play. It will extend the loop most certainly, unless the window is too close so that you'd just dead hard 3 cm into the window and then be forced to medium vault, and even then it's just one extension on a loop. For every time I see a successful usage of dead hard, I have 20 flashbacks of people dead harding only to go down in a few seconds.

    Don't be so needlessly dramatic. If the expletives, punctuation, and Karen rage is any indicator, you clearly are not acclimated to playing against dead hard. You'll get used to it eventually, but you won't get anywhere by plopping down and crying like a child.

  • Member Posts: 89

    Lol the bad survivor mains are whining because there 2nd chance perks are op and needs nerfs boo hoo

  • Member Posts: 89

    I like how when survivors see something dramatically op on their side and want to keep it but when there is something a bit good on the killer side if instantly needs a nerf. Example (undying) (ruin) and many others.

  • Member Posts: 89

    I like how the counter to dh is "just wait" wait for what, for them to dh into a pallet and drop it. Or dh into a window and vault it, does not sound like counterplay to me

  • Member Posts: 204

    The only part about dead hard that bugs me, is when you get a survivor cornered, so they dead hard into you while you a swinging at the hit box, however because they are using dead hard, it negates what would be a hit.

  • Member Posts: 4,658

    You can't get it back in a chase anyway, exhaust does not recover while running.

    In terms of the different exhaust perks, Dead Hard is a way better perk in terms of gameplay design. If DH gets a harsh nerf, people will switch to Lithe, Sprint Burst, or the upcoming Smash Hit. And those don't add 3-4 seconds to a chase and only if used well, those add half a minute to a chase if used, period.

    Dead Hard has way less output and requires way more skill compared to other exhaust perks.

    And yes, you can bait it out.

  • Member Posts: 428

    Post whiny rant about a perk you don't like and refuse to learn to play around. Listen to well thought out, rational, calm, and accurate retorts. Call them whiners.

    Wut? No seriously, wut? Killers on this forum are beyond pathetic. If the survivors don't just jump on hooks ten seconds into the game, it's unfair trash and needs to be fixed.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    half of the time dead hard doesnt even work properly. also sb is a lot better

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    edited March 2021

    Lol the baby killer is so incredibly immature that they think that everybody who disagrees with him is a bad survivor main how infantile can you get lol gg ez

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I like how you don't even touch on a single argument about dead hard I made and instead try to project your own flaws onto other people.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    If you're in the middle of a dead zone (or even just far from a pallet) DH is often a last resort; that's when it's a second chance. That is very easily countable.

    Listen carefully; the specific situation I mention is when your distance to the window will prevent a fast vault if you DH (you lose all accrued momentum very quickly after the dash and it'll make fast vaults nigh impossible), but without a DH the killer will catch up. As for excluded cases, it's one extra loop and if you're any good at mindgames, and if survivors are as stupid as you claim, then you should have no problem.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    To be fair the concept of the perk is good as it allows more interactivity between the players in theory.

    And it took quiet a while before people started noticing that the invincebillity frames weren't the strongest things of this perk but the flimsy 1 meter dash was.

    Dh for distance would be quite easilly nerfed by adding a 2 seconds inability to interracts with stuff like doctor's shock could. You would still be able to do it but it atleast would take some forethought.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Nah, i am saying to you. DH saving you from one hit. So how that is problem lol... And he cant use that perk 40 seconds. Fair.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    1 fix your grammar

    2 not everyone who disagrees with a nerf is an entitled survivor main, in fact you probably never play survivor yourself and dont see how mandatory perks like decisive are

  • Member Posts: 200

    the sheer embodiment of killer entitlement right here

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