Do you think there will actually be any sort of competition to Dead By Daylight at some point?

Because we can all agree that there needs to be a game that poses a threat to BHVR, and make them realize that they could lose most of their player base to whatever this game is that we all keep hoping for makes for competition. We all know how very horrible some updates have been ever since the Halloween Event from last year, if you even wanna call it that. The Halloween Event was nothing special compared to the one two years earlier before that, the Binding Of Kin chapter released tons of bugs with an unfinished killer as well, the mid chapter with the new changes to the UI broke quite a bit of things, survivor animations were absolutely terrible, all killers had stretchy arms for lunges, the Game map I don't even want to get started on that, and people saying the Clown changes were lackluster even though I like how better Clown is at chasing now. With the Trickster coming out next week we're once again seeing more lackluster changes to a killer that is already weak as is, but the devs decided to nerf an add on that actually should be basekit and would make him actually unique. This is what you call lazy changes honestly, and BHVR can get away with this because they have no other game currently that can stand a chance against them. Last Year was good until they shot themselves in the foot, Resident Evil Resistance was pretty fun just not enough love put into it, Predator Hunting Grounds was just eh, and Monstrum 2 didn't really have anything of a massive player base. The only game I see that actually was great competition to DBD was Friday the 13th, because the player base was massive and everyone loved the game all thanks to Jason. Sadly since that game got killed by a lawsuit thanks to Victor Miller, and nobody got Jason X unfortunately. There just wasn't anything after that felt like it could be on the same level as Dead By Daylight, and who knows if there will ever be one. It's quite hard to go head to head with a game when they have characters such as Michael Myers, Freddy, LeatherFace, Amanda the Pig, GhostFace, Demogorgon, Pyramid Head, and maybe even Resident Evil at some point. The only game that people actually played last year over Dead By Daylight was Phasmophobia, an indie horror game made by just one person. Sadly it's not asymmetrical, but at least the guy that made it actually listens to the feedback people give. Do you think there will be actual competition at some point, or are we just dreaming of a reality that will never happen?
Probably not.
Every time people say "this game will kill DBD" it fizzles out in like a month.
The only game that provided any competition was F13, and we all saw how that ended.
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I don't really understand why people act like DBD has never had real competition. They have, but those competitors have failed in some way or another. But people disregard those and say that DBD has never had any "true" competition because it hasn't succeeded over DBD. It's like the people who overlook when communism fails because it's not "true" communism
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Behaviours got a good monopoly going with dbd in this style of game. Want to play a horror game where you can hunt people as demogorgon freddy or the infamous michael myers on saws map? This games got ya covered there. Plus its got constant (albeit slow) support with the map reworks and balance updates ect. Stuff like the resident evil one dropped support after a few months. So honestly...unless a game comes out thats literally the bomb. Don't see it.
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The thing is, the game has had competition - whether or not those games had strong playerbases or not, they were competition, but for one reason or another those games didn't last in the same way that DbD has.
Whatever faults you believe that DbD has, you can't say it's due to lack of competition, as the competition has come and gone and just hasn't been as successful as DbD is.
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I don't understand why people think 'competition' will improve DBD. As if the devs are purposely being lazy because they feel they don't need to work for their pay checks?
If anything, significant competition will just make things worse. Less income leading to less updates. Competing over licenses making those licenses more expensive, etc.
If you feel DBD updates have been 'terrible' and that they're not 'listening to feedback', that's because they're trying to cater to a large and divided player base. You can't please everyone.
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Agree, it's not because of lack of competition, but I don't think it's so difficult to find the faults of this game, you can see them in these forums (camping, tunnelling, slugging for the 4k, spirit, iri head, gen times, SWF, ...), and devs do nothing.
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home sweet home got released yesterday for early access. but looks of it, 90% of the player base is from the Asia region and its also a very small playerbase
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Resident evil resistance had the most potential to actually challenge DBD out of the many asymmetrical team games I've played. It needed to be separated from remake 3, needed more advertising, needed more communication in general on the game, and needed more updates on a regular basis. There is a rumor that the team working on reverse will go back to resistance if reverse isn't that popular. Resistance still has a retty substantial playstation player base. I really love DBD but I haven't had as much fun as I did with resistance in many many years. Resistance had some issues, but overall gameplaywise even the most "toxic" builds were far less frustrating than what you find in dbd
Things resistance did better with
-more variety in each killers playstyle
-much more team oriented
-more variability in general to achieve victory
-more item options for survivors
-map layouts were more interesting
-encouraged more variability in teams rather than repeated builds like dbd does
-killers had much more personality
I can go on and on. If the game got the proper support it needed it would be serious competition. Devs didn't put enough faith in the game despite it having a lot of players early on
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I hoped Home Sweet Home: Survive would have been a competition but this game literally failed at day 1. Broken hitboxes, no real server support (the only servers are Thai servers, so people from EU/NA play on a 200/250+ ping), heavily unbalanced gameplay etc.
DBD hat competition in the past but they all failed and DBD (even with all its flaws) was just the better game.
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Like you said, the licensing issue makes it very difficult to compete. At this point, I'm thinking DBD will be on top of the genre until the devs decide to call it quits.
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Hate it or not, DBD is probably gonna remain on the top of the "competition" unless some game gets more licensing than it.
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There's been plenty of competition, it's just failed every time. Clearly, people prefer DbD.
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There was good competition. But they didn't fail because they were bad games, there were other reasons.
Evolve: DLC politic
Friday 13th.: Lawsuit Hell
Last Year: Discord Only for the first year
RE: Resistance: You had to buy RE3 to get it. Bad balance in both directions. No dedicated, no anticheat. But it still was a lot of fun.
Soul at Stake: Dunno about that. Maybe some others know what happened here.
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There’s been competition but DBD was just better than them for the most part
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It's hard to say. In general DbD is a proof that it's possible to have a succesfull assymmetric game. It's also hard to say what you define as competition. There are other succesfull life service game that compete with DbD technically with player time e.g. Sea of Thieves e.g.
Then there the games that share a similar theme and the assymetrical approach, but have complete different gameplay like Friday the 13th e.g. Direct competitor with a very close/similar gameplay were quite rare tbh. I think only Identity V comes to my mind, that would count.
Anyway, I can't say if we will see similar games in the future. But I know it's possible. The question is, if someone is willing and has the ressources to approach it. I honestly hope so, because DbD is far from perfect and there is a lot to learn from it's fault when approaching a similar game from scratch.
Then I say it's due a lack of a strong direct competition ;P
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They will have competition again as they had it in the past, the cake is there and companies will attempt to get slices of it like they did with WoW back in the days (and look how long it took for someone to pose a threat).
The question if said competition will be able to sustain themselves for more than a few months and grow into an adversary because everything they have tossed at DBD has failed or bombed hard.
On a sidenote, I believe DBD success is mainly because they offer a simple enough formula thats easier to get into but not too bland, they really hit the nail in complexity/dificulty/easiness, also licenses are very good form of advertising (I got into this game because it had Myers on it), I believe other games just tried too hard to offer stuff and sometimes more or bigger doesnt mean better, some just felt like "fake" complexity.
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- Camping is only worthwhile if the survivors don't rush gens and/or if the hooked survivor suicides.
- In 99% of cases, "tunneling" is just killers playing efficiently and going for the weaker survivor, the same way you don't leave a gen at 33% to go work on another one. In the 1% it's actually tunneling (focusing on one survivor to the exclusion of everything and everyone else), the killer is throwing the game.
- Slugging for the 4k is not something that needs fixing. It's literally the killer trying to win.
- Pretty sure the devs already said they were going to rework Huntress (or at least her add-ons).
- Gen times are already at the maximum tolerable limit. You have many survivors who do nothing but hold M1 during the entire trial because of how long they take.
- SWF is not a problem in and of itself, it's mostly the gap between survivors who are alone and who are in a SWF group - a gap that the devs are (slowly) addressing.
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That's what killed F13th.
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I thought the lawsuit did that?
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The new Evil Dead game could become a pretty nice opponent.
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Camping is the best strategy against solos. Stopping the hook time if the killer is within 5-10m and not chasing someone is a solution, but you're a killer main and don't want it for sure.
Tunnelling is not playing efficiently, is easy as hell, and again, a death penalty for solos. Making DS basekit is the solution, but again killers main don't want it, because they want easy 4k.
Slugging for the 4k is .... What do you think if the game block the killer movement for 4 min. if there's only 1 surv left so this surv can escape and cleanse totems, and open chests,...? This is slugging for the 4k for survs.
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That was just an excuse, the game was dead* long before that. You can check the Steam playercount yourself.
*Not literally 0 players, because that usually takes a very long time, but close enough.
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DBD has become iconic and has a ton of content that new 4v1 aspect games just can't replicate, we have iconic characters, original ones, and a very diverse set of gameplay because each killer has a different power, a ton of unique maps, and a large set of perks to pick from. The only thing that will make players not want to play is the grind which many will still do.
Take a look at monstrum 2 or home sweet home (or whatever that game is called) they are severely lacking in content compared to dbd and if people can play a better game with very similar rules they often will and people from dbd will quickly get bored of those games because we are used to them and again a lack of content affects how long players stay.
Because of this dbd truly does have a hold on this market, it just won't lose to any competition as it is literally years ahead of them, unless that competition is a perfect game they simply will die out or get outshined by dbd as it gets more and more content.
edit: basically as long as this game is supported/devs don't stop working on it then it will never die or lose to competition.
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I guess at this point DbD is way too iconic and has way too many iconic licenses to just get overthrown by some asymmetrical horror game.
something like that Ash vs Evil Dead Game or another game featuring a big license could become a big competition, but then again I really doubt it.
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I think a lot of the 'competitors' try to be too similar to DBD, like Home Sweet Home and Identity V. Why play those when DBD exists?
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I would've read this all the way through if it wasn't the Great Wall of Text.
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Evil Dead the game looking pretty good so far IMO .
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This is not about gameplay elements beeing efficient, but beeing problematic:
- Camping turns the game into a very boring and frustrating experience for all sides involved. The perfect play in that situation lacks any kind of interaction between the players, a lack of reward for the camped and basicly is a standill or automaton. The game is basicly playing itself at that point. And that's a game design flaw.
- Yes, tunneling is efficient. Mostly because Killer progress not per Hook directly, but per survivor. This can lead to games where killer either kill the survivor on the third or the ninth hook. But Survivors aren't like Gens a gameplay element just sitting around at the map. It's similar frustrating as camping, even though it has a little bit more interactivity as it in that regard. But doesn't change it beeing a game design related how killer progress during the game.
- Yeah slugging for the 4k is fine, if the killer does it situational smart. But often it turns the game into a weird standstill, where the killer doesn't know where the last survivor is and slugs for the sake of it. It's also a design flaw understandable how both sides react to it, but still a standstill that either one side to give up their position and gift the win to the other side.
- Yes, they said and promised it back in Summer '18, when they announced to bring all killers to the same AddOn format. They have a long list of To-Do stuff that just keeps adding. Some planned changes are just talked about for eternity until they are finally adressed. Of course things take time, but it's really frustrating, when they let broken/problematic things in the game for quite some time. Additional having a break-now-fix-later mentality we basicly saw e.g. with Twin-patch, or the new HUD.
- True. Gen times are already at their maximum. But the general Killer-progress-Survivor-progress-ratio is messed up. And that leads to many problem we face in the game.
- Devs will never completely adress the teamwork-beeing-optional approach DbD takes. It's the core issue of many flaws the game has. Starting with the question "Why a camped survivor shouldn't suicide and jump into the next match?" issue e.g. It's a core design issue Behaviour basicly can't solve within current DbD tbh. And if a competitor would take a look on this flaws and find fixes to it, then it would have a good and improved stand to compete with this game.
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I'm not sure how console is compared to PC, but just two weeks ago on Xbox I could find a full lobby of 8 players in less then a minute every time for the several hours I played. And that's with it even having been a couple years after the whole lawsuit issue.
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Honestly because of how much of a head-lock DbD has on this genre right now I doubt anything big will happen in the near future, something would need to come and build up a following over time the same way this game did. Although I absolutely agree that this past year has been atrocious for this game.
Silent Hill was decently polished but brought the worst map in the entire game, Blight was a good addition but has been stuck with low POV for nearly a year, I don't even have to explain the Twins release that's how much of a disaster it was, and The Trickster feels like a killer who was rushed out the door for release, he has an incredibly weak power and his animations make him look like he's not even from this game (At least change his running animation please, it looks ridiculous.)
It sucks to say it but DbD doesn't need competition, it needs new developers. Something happened once the rift came out, some mind set changed, the updates have felt less and less polished, and we've been getting less and less word from the community managers or even Cote himself. Before this, even though the game wasn't in a perfect state, I at least had some confidence in the people developing the game, but that's been gone for a while now. I really hope something changes soon, because they can't just release one big hit for the anniversary and then go back to this, it's depressing.
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Blame the lawsuit for that
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I mean I guess you can consider games like Predator Hunting Grounds competition, but that game just died out utterly quick. Competition to me is when a new game comes out, that's getting a whole lot of positive reviews and getting tons of people invested into it. That's a game that I would consider a threat
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Honestly I think if Resistance was released as its own game, it maybe could have done more better. A game that wasn't even out for a year, already was being put in the shed since it just didn't feel like it had enough love to it. Who knows if Reverse will actually manage to last a year compared to Resistance
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And still is the better game
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We don't really have a general ideal as to how long DBD will last, hell who knows maybe it will go another five years. But the game gets very stale a few weeks after new chapters come out, and still can be so much better than what it is right now.
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Honestly I think hiring certain people a few years ago is what started sending the game to a downward spiral, and the coding continues to get even worse with every update. So after the anniversary, you can definitely expect many more screw ups. Because BHVR has a tendency to take two steps forward in doing good things, but then taking multiple steps backwards when doing something that a lot of people can agree on that they hate.