Will Trickster be TOO oppressive after the buffs?

Zesty Member Posts: 380

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Will Trickster be TOO oppressive after the buffs? 70 votes

Yes! He is gonna need some changes
Will have to wait and see
MandyAdeloobrokedownpalaceFrontdoor6Boosted_DwightMrPenguinTaigaCornpopers_EvanMaxwelllandromatDabihwowalex9erIlliterateGenocideNoOneKnowsNovaWishIcouldmainZestyDwightFairfieldDoritoHeadDistortedDreamRK67 27 votes
Needs more than what they have said
GibberishBlueberryMiriamGMiniPixelsTapeKnotUnnamed_FreakbigbrotherLeonardo1itamusstang62BeHasUzach3734GeneralVRoboMojoCritical_FishGlamourousLeviathanCornHub[Deleted User]CrowmanVeckmanDerZuntor 32 votes
Not sure
kaeruCashelP14kinbjorksnasFobbo 5 votes
Don't play him, but dreading going against him as a survivor
boostedsurvivormain 1 vote
Perfect changes! He is gonna be a viable killer now!
DimekSTUVashKappalistik[Deleted User]simpforfelix 5 votes


  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380
    Will have to wait and see

    TBH, till we actually get them in the live game... We won't know for sure whether he will be to strong or not?

  • Bigbubbaboi
    Bigbubbaboi Member Posts: 41
    Needs more than what they have said

    He is a lot better for sure I just think ricochet blade are fun even tho they don’t do much would give him a bit of individuality

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    Needs more than what they have said

    We'll never know until we see is usually a good manta to live by, but we can deduce that although these changes will certainly help trickster and make him more viable, it didn't directly address the main issue with him, being that you don't always have the opportunity to throw knives, and at some places and loops it's just better to M1. If you're close enough, you might as well M1, and if you're at certain loops, like pallet gyms, you can't get enough knives in to get a down, if you can see them in the first place.

    The knife draw up and throwing speed, in addition to the wonderful recoil removal, certainly indirectly helped with this, but he still lacks luster at loops.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702
    Needs more than what they have said

    The changes the devs are making in the first hotfix are just to help remove some of the frustrations that currently exist playing him. He's still going to be the worst killer in the game after the changes, but at least he might be playable into average survivors now.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031
    Needs more than what they have said

    It's a nice start, but still gonna need a lot more buffs to make him good.

  • STUVash
    STUVash Member Posts: 25
    Perfect changes! He is gonna be a viable killer now!

    I can tell already it would be a big change to bring match results. So if the point is just to have a higher win ratio these changes are "Perfect".

    If the point was to make him more fun and a higher ratio, then I'm expecting more changes.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    Needs more than what they have said

    Even with those change he is still just gonna be a worse Plague that needs to reload like Huntress. Still trash-tier.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
    Will have to wait and see

    Here's the issue; I don't play against enough Tricksters, nor do I own the DLC because I don't care about the killer or survivor. I don't know what the issues are with current Trickster so I can't speak for the new Trickster.

    I can say that the Tricksters I do face have been nothing but scummy, justifying their behavior by saying that "Trickster is bad so it's okay to play scummy". Except that's not the fault of the killer, rather the people who play him. It'll be nice to play against a Trickster who isn't a masochist or scumbag

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    lol no

  • boostedsurvivormain
    boostedsurvivormain Member Posts: 399
    Don't play him, but dreading going against him as a survivor

    I already don't enjoy playing against him

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864
    Needs more than what they have said

    Main event is still too situational. Why they don't want you to be able to activate it whenever is beyond me

  • Adidi
    Adidi Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2021
    Needs more than what they have said

    The buffs are just quality of life changes, devs did not adress the main issue of Trickster: Lack of personality and his "ultimate" being useless 99% of the times. There is no a thing he can do, that other killer cannot do better. Playing him is constantly asking yourself: Why didn't I play x?

    Right now he is literally worse Plague. Slower speed, his power is worse in chases, it's progress does go away without survivor's action, main event is a joke compared to corrupt purge. Not to mention that if you actually corner someone with Plague it is guaranteed down, while Trickster will do just one health state of damage.

    His laceration needs to never go away by itself. Just add a mend action with base time of 2 seconds, adding a second for each knife survivor has on themself. With this change he would be so much more interactive. Choose to mend, but be a bit more vulnerable if he surprised you or just rush objective. He also wouldn't need to just tunnel one guy. Right now you can't just switch targets because you loose all the laceration progress and time spent on throwing knives.

  • pigsaag
    pigsaag Member Posts: 206
    Needs more than what they have said

    idk, but i think he will need more. WE KNOW HOW THE DEVS WORKS RIGHT

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286
    Perfect changes! He is gonna be a viable killer now!

    JK still F