Is MMR Still Active?

I've been getting a lot of sweaty red ranks / streamers recently and I wanted to know if It's still on.
It is not and has not been active for some time.
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Huh. Well I guess it's just bad matchmaking then.
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What rank are you?
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Its probably not on right now. But who knows, they used to turn it on and off randomly before without saying anything.
The average matchmaking experience in this game is just so bad, to know what is on and what is not
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I had some MMR like games last night. I never play oni and got yellow and green ranks when I did. I went back to my normal killers and it was red ranks as usual
Could just be a coincidence.
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Rank 8, 3 Pips. Been stuck there for a while due to some... interesting matchmaking.
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Red ranks are partially the norm from green ranks upwards. The sweaty/streamer part is simply bad luck.
I am rank 12 (14 after that session) and got 12 of 15 games on Saturday evening red/purple mixes and the same ratio of 3/4 men swf vs solo/duo. My bad luck was that 2 of the non swf groups were pure rank 1 so i still got stomped with my casual survivor friendly Playstyle.
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Officially, no.
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Nah it's not and never was. It's only on when they say it is.
You get a lot of people claiming "oh yeah it's definitely on I can just tell", but that's just the matchmaking being as janky as always.
An easy way to tell if MMR is on is to play as a killer you haven't played before. If it takes 30 minutes and slowly pairs you with rank 20s, then it's on. If you go against anyone over rank 16, nah.
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I'm tired of this matchmaking or MMR or what in the hell it is.
I played 3 games yesterday, I'm rank 8, and guess how many purple ranks I faced during those games? Zero. The first game was against red ranks who destroyed me, the second game was against ranks 16-17 where I destroyed them, and the third game was against red ranks with one rank 13.
The funniest (no) thing about it is that red rank killers are also facing purple rank survivors. Looks like a pretty simple equation to me to pair players properly
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I thought it was on Friday. I was playing killer and so was one of my friends and we both were getting games out of the norm. We both were running killers we have been running for a while that we usually get sweaty games with but got 3-4 matches straight of just bambi's. Saturday is was back to the normal sweat lodge so idk hard to say with current matchmaking and current devs.
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It's definitely not still active, it was switched on for a very short test period (24hrs) - I don't have any information on when it will be tested or implemented further.
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That's the part that really stinks. load into lobby, 4 flashlights, Oh snap I'm on my recently prestiged clown who don't have lightborn/franklins let me switch to a killer who has it oh wait can't because of MMR that we still don't have.
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If you're playing a killer that doesn't have certain perks, you've signed up to use that killer, so you put up with what you've got.
You'll never be able to change killer in the lobby. All you can do if you feel you have to is dodge that lobby. Killer queues are quick enough as it is.
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When I started playing the game a little over a year ago you could switch killers in lobby. Now you can't due to MMR which we still don't have. That was just an example there are others I'm sure.
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Hey, that's EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED TO ME! Isn't it like there's a ranking system because you're supposed to be with people your rank?
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This! In my experience, you're more likely to get paired with people closer to your rank if you play around peak hours, since there's (obviously) more people online. The more you play outside of peak hours, the weirder queues get. (A great example of this being that, at least here in my timezone, playing between 9pm-12pm normally gets you average games, with one or two random apples that are either going to sweep you, or you sweep them. But generally, the matches line up with the latest kill rates we've seen.
If you play closer to 3am, you get really weird games. Like, super weird. I love them.
I will say too, matchmaking tends to be a little wild for Survivor, even during peak hours- we see a random green/yellow rank who's still very green in the game at least once a night, even during peak hours.