Should Killer’s Username Be Shown in the Lobby?

beached Member Posts: 303

It is common knowledge that survivor info is shown to both fellow survivors and to the killer when entering the pre-game lobby. Many killers use this to see the hours, friends, and possibly even previous aliases of the survivors they’re facing. I was wondering if anybody would like to see this feature brought to the killer. Just curious on what everybody thinks.

My own opinion


•Fair play in being able to see who you are playing against since killers can already see the survivors they’re facing as of right now

•Allows you to get a brief look at the profile of the killer to see if you know them or possibly have faced them before and had a good match previously.

•Survivor streamers who are sniped by killers who just want to make them miserable can see the user and know to dodge the lobby


•Sniping would be made easier for survivors

•Recognizing the player might make it possibly to know which killer they play the most and to craft a build around that killer if you know their main

•Lobby dodging simply because you may not like that person or who they main


  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303
  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    No. Just make blurring the survivor names an option instead.

    Theres no reason why anyone should see anyones name until the match is over, some may even choose not to show it then

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    I agree, maybe in post-game you could show it but I feel like it promotes to killers being a bit too worried about the hours or possibility of SWF. Although I will say in the rare case I see a survivor with legacy I ALWAYS check their profile to see if they have the hours to match just to make sure they’re not hacking.

  • Karna5
    Karna5 Member Posts: 34

    I think not knowing who or what the killer is adds fun to the game. The suspense is part of the drama.

    Thus my answer of "no" to seeing the killer is not based on mechanics but on gameplay fun.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    Nothing like a tier one myers jump scaring you as he peeks behind a door on Hawkins.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I have Pig as my picture as on my xbox. If they could see that in lobby there would be even more SC and SB than there already is in my lobbies. Just my opinion though. I am also 100% fine with not seeing the survivors names either.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    I agree with this, personally some of my biggest jump scares are when I hear that swoosh of a piggy coming out of crouch behind me. I would feel wrong knowing this before the match starts. Also much respect for maining piggy, she is a doll.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I also don't click on survivor names but I'm not sure xbox can see hours and even if they could there wouldn't be enough time in lobby to research everyone before the match started. Only thing I notice/pay attention to is streamers and items both of which determine how I will play that match.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Any good killer can find out all the info they need to know about a survivor in the first chase with them.

  • Androuruguayo99
    Androuruguayo99 Member Posts: 55

    No, before on ps4 there was a trick that allowed you to see the username of the person you were playing against if that person was shown connected. It was extremely annoying, especially in the lower ranks where there were not so many people. If you knew that the person was a billy you would send him to lery, if you knew that the person used the spirit you used iron will, if he was a hag flashlights, etc.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Would rather have it the other way around and hide all usernames untill the match is over

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670

    I think it shouldn't show the name of players nowhere

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    As long as everyone automatically has you banned first then we can show the killers name in the lobby.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    It's the same reason why you can't prevent yourself from playing against people you block.

    You will essentially cause tons of dodging which will jack up queue times. People will start dodging just because they know it's a good player or because they play a killer they don't like. If they know that person mains a certain killer they'll bring certain perks to counter them like flashlights for hag for example.

  • DeadHardMan
    DeadHardMan Member Posts: 319

    Honestly, they should also hide the Survivors' names as well but also get rid of last second item/character switching. Make it so that you can only see names at the end game result screen.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    On the contrary, no usernames should be shown at all imo.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Nah....I like my name to be revealed after the match....more thematic. And protects my ability to play a variety of builds outside of the "OH ITS PIG, GOTTA RUN XYZ PERKS CAUSE THEY KNOW ITS ME!"

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited April 2021

    Why people say no is because you could before. Back when killers hosted the lobby, survivors could pull up Steam "recent played with" and check who the killer was. After BHVR disabled the feature a program named MLGA was used.

    The purpose of both was to dodge.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    It shouldn't show anyone's name until the match is over.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    No, but neither should Suvivors' usernames.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I'd rather they just remove gamertags entirely and give everyone a dbd ID that you see at end game screen for reporting. No name in lobby, in game say survivor 1-4, end game have it say what the dbd ID is for each survivor. No more lobby dodging because see gamertag you recognize, no more players names showing up on streams, no more ridiculous long names on HUD, no more confusion on what to do with crossplay reporting names.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,152

    So you can dodge someone who really good at a killer? Just get rid of username from both sides. If you're a streamer don't complained about a snipe considering you should be able to delayed the broadcast.

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    Not a fan as many before me streamers. Just find their stream see their kit, what killer they play, totem locations, their location, who they want to chase or are chasing, how they play or how they chase you. Its like running OoO but they don't see you and you see their entire ui. It's not very fun and if the killer does this with the surv there are 3 other people to do gens help. But with a killer it's different the killer. Imagine this power on a SWF everyone knows whats happening. If its a SWF the killer is stream snipping even then the killer cant stop 4 people with different perks, items, and skillsets. 4 people can easily stop one from doing their objective even if they can down the 4. Just get rid of usernames period until after the match not a hard fix y'know.

    Sorry for the rant I'm bored and got a little to into it.

    If there is anything you think i got wrong or do not agree with please tell me i'd love someone to tell me and i will respond at my earliest convenience. :)

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    remove them all, id rather just know who qued together, but that deducible during gameplay