I am loving the new struggle system.

This means I can go back to playing Survivor! Yaaay!
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Same here. Though I do still have the reflex to do so whenever I hit struggle phase until I see that there's no button prompt and then remember 'Oh yeah, this is no longer a thing 😅
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In the first game today that I hit struggle, I was spamming the button to stay alive, until I realised that was gone. It’s honestly a godsend, it got so tedious.
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My space bar thanks me
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When I started playing today I was spamming the struggle button only to realize that mechanic was thankfully replaced. Now I don't have to worry about breaking the A button on my controller.
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I'm so glad that it's been changed. My fingers and my spacebar are thankful to the devs for making it happen.
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I hated it my first few matches when I kept hitting the old struggle button because when I'm on the hook muscle memory said hit old struggle button even though it was a skill check and that's a different button. 😂
Not a fan of it making it easier for randoms to farm me in front of the killer. Definitely helps out those working with the killer survivors. 😒
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It gets smaller? Didn't notice
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it doesn't get much smaller and yes, you just don't get skill checks for as long as it's active
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oh and before I forget happy Star Wars day
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Its a nerf to first hook suicide! Now how will I insta get out of games where things don't go 100% my way!?
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Except I'm so wired to button mash automatically on second hook that I accidentally fail the first skill check.
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Nice, so I can use camaraderie and go pee. That's really nice change. Old camaraderie forcing you to spam space even though the timer was paused was so weird.
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My joints give thanks.
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If you fail to give any input for two consecutive hook skill checks, you will die right then.
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All it's done for me is get me farmed more often. I can't let myself die anymore to avoid being farmed in the killer's face. This change is promoting this.
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How exactly is giving people a new struggle system promoting farming hooks?
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Because my brain said "hook struggle is x hit x for the struggle skill check" instead of "it's a skill check hit your normal skill check button L1" I died after 2 skill checks. Should it have atleast been able to tell I was dumb hitting the wrong button and kept giving me skill checks because I was inputting something, just the wrong something?
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Because it can't be punished anymore.
Prior, I'd just let myself die right as they're about to farm me in front of the killer, getting them killed for trying to do that.
Now, they can just come up and grab me off in the killer's face with zero consequences.
I'd be fine with this change if they'd just let us kick people away from the hook.
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Its a long overdue change but I am very glad its here now.
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Just don’t hit the button for 2 sc and you die it’s just a little slower
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Struggle doesn't give points anymore? Really? #########? Why?
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yeah I noticed that too, I'm not a fan of that
it least give points for hitting the checks but it really isn't many points to lose
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It didn't give allot but it was a reward for sitting around getting face camped. There is now ZERO reward for not giving up when you get face camped.
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yeah kind of a shame that the up to 1k bp for struggling is gone. please put that back in, the game's grindy enough without quietly losing sources of bloodpoints.
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Why give people a way to continue hook suicides? How is it any different than a d/c, except only survivors can exit the match early?
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Yea I don’t like this system either. I hope it gets reverted. Not being able to let yourself go on hook to avoid an intentional idiotic farm is frustrating. You’re giving the idiot teammate and the killer free points while you cant do a damn thing about it. When you have good teammates it is nice though. I like how the skill checks get smaller.
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well, technically with fewer survivors the match will end early for the killer too. if you don't like the struggling, what do you think should be done on the hook ?
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Remove the auto sacrifice if you miss 2 checks in a row. You still die faster but at least you can't cuck your teammates and the killer right away.
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Agree with OP
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The new system works much better. Skill checks are fairly frequent and it prevents the hook suicides from happening earlier which at least buys those who want to play the game without throwing a hissy fit some extra time to get things done.
Hook suicides are purely selfish and can ruin it for others, so I'm glad the change benefits people who want to play, rather than those who just want to throw a fit. Personally, I would not have the option of dying earlier by not having an input, but instead have a slightly larger penalty for missed skill checks. It may encourage those who want to suicide to play on - maybe even survive and escape!
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I'm so happy with this change. ❤️
I play on PC with controller, and my old method was that I had to drop my controller and start scrolling the mouse wheel because that was the best way to guarantee I didn't accidentally die, but it also hurt my wrist. This is so much better.
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Is there any chance, due to having to now wait for two skill checks that the death sequence could be slightly sped up to compensate? As it stands if the killer knows where hatch is, and so does the survivor, the killer will always make it there due to the survivor not being able to insta die and also having to wait the (roughly 7 seconds?) for the death animation to happen.
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I'm pretty sure the point of the change wasn't to address hook suiciidng but to prevent people with serious wrist injuries from making it worse (hey) by playing their game. Some people physically couldn't play survivor due to this mechanic.
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I know but since they changed it they might as well have resolved the suicide issue at the same time, you know?
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Nope, no perks work on the hook skill checks.
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So I gave negativity earlier.
And I want to say the hook change is amazing! I have problems in my fingers that prevent me from performing repetitive motions and now it feels nice and yet still interactive. Noobs also get help with their skillchecks! Great all around change.
...But... I still want my Bloodpoints back. 😉
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It feels really good to play with normally when I play with my friends I stay rather quite while on second hook since i wanna hit the A button enough to just wait it out and even then sometimes it didn't even register and I died from it but this, this is nice I can relax and its not hurting my wrist to press the button too fast. Overall good change good job.
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Definitely agree.
i don’t wanna go back to button mashing. Ever.
but the bloodpoints shouldn’t be missing as they are Survival points, which are already hard to get (except for the 5K that you only get when escaping)
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I honestly feel like there should be a 'Block being unhooked' button because I get so fed up of being unhooked right in a Killer's face (only exception to this is if I am literally about to die but it's usually done when there is PLENTY of time left on the meter). It's incredibly frustrating to have been hooked, get unhooked in their face and then insta-downed and it's so unnecessary 99.9% of the time, but it's entirely outside of your control and I hate that.
If the survivor who did it is also on Xbox I usually send them a message afterwards along the lines of "Please don't unhook people in the killer's face in future" and if I get any response at all it's usually abusive or something like "I'll do what I want."
Don't understand the mentality of survivors who actively do detrimental things to their teammates.
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I hate spamming space too, sometimes i spam and i still dies on hook, same with my friends
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The skillchecks should just give 100bp each and a fixed number of 10 should appear. Also they should give more passive bp like boldness points when the killer is in camping distance during all hook stages.
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I made a perk proposal in the past "Not like this" when a survivor tries to unhook you, you can resist and kick the survivor. That in itself is sadly abusable to grief survivor going for a normal save unhook. So maybe they should make it like the overhauled bt and killer proximity based. If the killer is in x distance you can resist the unhook attempt to not notify the killer. And make it Basekit, perk based solutions are not the final answer.
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ikr. i always get a finger cramp if i play dbd for like 2 hours. this is definitely one of the better changes
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There should honestly be more ways to get survival points. I’d like if opening chests counted for survival, rather than objectives which is already an easy category to get Max in.
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Yeah honestly this change is really welcome, there has been times where I have had a slight latency spike or something for a second and it kills me. This skillcheck on the hook is so much better.
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Hell ya no more killing there salfs on hook. Now make more mettle of man plays.🥳🥳🥳
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Hi, thanks for your feedback on this. I've taken this back to the team and mentioned about the bloodpoints!
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Agreed! This new struggle system along with new coldwind are my favorite changes.
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Many thanks to the developers for including this change, it's such a better alternative!
My scroll wheel will live to scroll another day.