Solid Hit

the hitting got worse every ping is around 40.Why the killer's internet is bad is a disadvantage for me.Dead hard is in animation and about to end but I'm getting damaged.You also removed the hit validation title from the forum.Find a solution now for killers with bad internet.


  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Sure, let's ban them because of something they can't do anything about.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    When I'm talking about finding a solution, you're talking about banning.Please don't pollute this matter more.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Yeah you said everything, find a solution, suggest something. You drop the problem and leave everyone like that.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2021

    This problem is something that has been around for a long time.Everybody knows the game is referencing the killer's screen. Has a system that does not reference the killer screen in very rare casesThey will move the game to the server and this problem will be over.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,220
    edited May 2021

    You ran head first into the killer, and he clearly swung his weapon before you used Dead Hard. You definitely didn't deserve to avoid that hit.

  • syain
    syain Member Posts: 440

    Yeah you pretty much already know what the issue there was - latency. Hits are at their best state in a couple of months and there's nothing much bhvr can do about players' bad connection.

    Also this was a terrible example to complain about, you'd just go down 2 seconds after this because you literally dead harded into nothing.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2021

    Could be a bad example as you mentioned.But under the title of hit validation, I showed an example of taking a video from a broadcaster playing a ping killer.Survivors beamed back on the killer's screen and the killer could damage them.And despite that many pings, the killer did not teleport back even once.(By the way, I disagree with you about hits, hits is getting worse day by day)

    Post edited by ProveKa on
  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    They already "solve" this problem by using the server as reference. You're wrong by saying the killer's screen is the reference, proof : cancel grabs. If the killer's screen is the reference for the game, the killer should ALWAYS grab if he has the situation. But cancel grabs happen a lot.

    And please, don't insult others, especially if you're misinformed.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2021

    Here the person with the ping is the killer and has a ping of around 300.When the killer hits the hit, actually survivor's position is behind the pallet.but the ping the killer has gives him advantage and the survivor teleports back.I cannot see the server. I see a game referencing the killer screen.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    I want you to watch the video first.When he lifts her gun, I use the dead hard and go into animation.My animation continues and hits me where I'm not

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,037

    Posting a reminder in here; please keep your responses civil and respectful. There is no need to insult people weighing in on this thread.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793
    edited May 2021

    I don't care man about what you see in this video, server referencing has been put in the game for several months, you can tell me this is killer's refering, this is not the case, and that video is old, maybe a game that happened before the change.

    EDIT : on the video you just posted in your answer. But the video you posted in the main message of the topic, it's after the change for sure. Anyway, the game isn't perfect, but I can say for sure and without a doubt that the game takes as reference the server.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    The killer client is the authority on hit registration and that is one of the biggest problems still plaguing this game. Killers benefit from latency completely one-sidedly on hits, no matter whether that latency stems from a survivor's or their own connection. The hit validation system either does not work at all or is only enabled at ridiculously high killer pings below which there is already more than enough room for bullshit hits.

    I really hope BHVR will at some point make the server the actual authority on hit reg, either by moving hit calculations to the server entirely, or applying hit validation regardless of ping.

    That said, this one was a very close call, even in a server authority environment this could have very well been a valid hit. There are much, much more ridiculous laghits that happen regularly.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    I'm talking about my experience, when I play very stable games with the same ping, I get ridiculous damage in another're talking about something you're not even sure about.The publisher in the video I posted came to my game and it was an incident I personally experienced.That's why I threw that video.I can also find you a lot of videos that got ridiculous hits after the last update.But I'm trying to talk through the events he experienced.Even when playing with my friends, while it's obviously not a hit on all survivors' screens.Why do we get those ridiculous damages? Is the game of 4 people lying?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,220
    edited May 2021

    Hit validation has to be on the killers side for the game to work at all. All competitive games validate the hit based on the hitter, not the hittee.

    If it favoured the survivor, then you wouldn't be able to hit anything as the killer, because you would never know where the survivors hit box 'actually' is. You can see the survivor on your screen, but you will know for a fact that they're actually in a different position on their screen, and thus hitting survivors will be reduced to flailing wildly in the dark hoping you land on something.

    If for example the survivor has latency and is actually 0.5s behind where they should be, then you as the killer will need to be swinging 0.5s ahead of where the survivor is at any point. This would require you to walk through the survivor in order to swing at where they're going to be in 0.5s time. Collision doesn't allow that.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    Hit validation can be and is usually done from the most neutral perspective, which is the dedicated server. Games a lot more fast-paced, precise and competitively viable than DbD use server-side hit validation and even entirely server-sided hit registration altogether, and it does not render those games unplayable whatsoever.

    In fact, given that in DbD only 1 client does the hitting and 4 others are merely receiving, it is even more unfair that hit registration is done client-side than it already is in and of itself even in games where all clients hit each other. In those other games at least all clients benefit unfairly from latency, it is as such "equally unfair", but in DbD only the 1 client benefits from latency on hits, to the detriment of 4 others.

    Hit registration should not be survivor or killer-sided, the server should judge whether a hit happens. That would not only reduce the impact latency has on whether hits happen or not altogether and mean that bad connections would be to the detriment of the player that actually has the bad connection, but it would also allow for networking techniques like lag compensation to be used to further even the playing field.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,220

    Hit validation IS server sided, but it favours the killer. Just as every other game validates the hit of the player making that hit, on the servers. because as I've just explained, anything that doesn't validate the hit according to the player making that hit, becomes unplayable.

    There is no such thing as 'neutral', it's a binary equation. It's either survivor sided or killer sided, and survivor sided doesn't work.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934
    edited May 2021

    Hit validation does not favour anyone, that is the opposite of what it is by definition designed to do. Client-sided hit registration favours the client, hit validation is then meant precisely to combat the unfair advantage a client derives from latency due to this fact, by comparing the positions of all clients from a neutral - or, indeed, at least much more neutral - perspective, namely the server perspective. Validating a hit "according to the player making that hit" is a contradiction in itself: that would be a confirmation of a hit, not a validation.

    Hit registration in DbD is done on the killer client authoritatively and exclusively, BHVR have stated this multiple times. The server is supposedly now used to employ hit validation to help, but as BHVR themselves have also stated, it is only enabled at high killer pings, and from my experience and experiments, that ping limit is either set absurdly high, or their hit validation implementation does not function at all. Killers with bad connections (100+ms) would sometimes see hits that on their screen first register but then are overruled a split second later by the server, yet I have not ever seen just a single instance of as much. On the contrary, players in the 100+ms range get all the same ridiculous laghits they have always gotten. Ridiculous laghits are a constant occurrence in this game that the internet outlets are flooded by with evidence of. To an extent that players from remote regions are prohibited from participating in tournaments, for instance.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    ""Hit validation IS server sided, but it favours the killer."" what does it mean ?I'm neutral but I take the killer's side.What is the meaning of the server?I have not witnessed a game where the high ping has an advantage.Do we live in different worlds.We can simply try this in CS.You can really understand the meaning of ping and server

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    You're heavy man, didn't it works properly, maybe one of their changes broke the server decision, also the recent desync had probably messed it up, but officially it should be server referencing.... Read patch notes before saying wrong things.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    yeah patch notes etc.go and read just patch notes.enter the game and play your killer.I haven't met anyone like you who defends so many wrong.I will not answer you a single word from now on.