General Discussions

General Discussions

Except For What We Know, What Do People Want To Be Announced At The 5th Year Anniversary Stream?

Member Posts: 7,525
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

The things I'd like most are

1. More Character Rework Preview

2. In-game Challenge Tracking

3. Ability To Have Killer & Surv Challenges Active At Once


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  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Oh, I think I remember them briefly talking about more things to come to KYF or the frustrations around doing tournaments with it, maybe I'm making that up, it's not my thing but I'll be happy for those that get it when it comes, if it comes.

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    Please keep the discussion civil and on topic, thank you.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited May 2021

    Eh, I was about to mock the grammar guy whose replies you've just removed :/

    That sounds like something that's gonna lagg a lot on my PC, I'd prefer less sophisticated maps.

    RE should come with a map of its own, I suppose.

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    New feature: Breakable vaults.

    For real though, I'm not expecting anything. I'm content with knowing the contents of the chapter.

  • Member Posts: 334

    I know it will never happen, but I would like for them to announce a separate swf que and a solo que for killers and survivors. So if killer or survivors don't want to go up against with a swf they don't have to.

    Oh and also the start game collapse. They talked about. Making the early game stall. Yah that's about it. Pipe dream I know.

  • Member Posts: 405

    Updates on that early game collapse.

  • Member Posts: 75

    60 or at least 30 stable fps on base console..

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    A relatively well working MMR.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Reworking or carefully buffing unused perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Updating survivor motion to be more realistic (something similar to what they temporarily tried during Twins chapter) even if it means no moonwalking or 360.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Reducing survivor wait times by encouraging playing killer during survivor peak times (e.g. by giving a blood point bonus to killers).

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited May 2021
    • Reduced Bloodweb Costs
    • New Addition to Shrine, able to select one perk and contribute a daily cap of 100k Blood Points to it, for a cost of 1 million blood points.
    • A perk that allows you to pick up a totem and place it anywhere 1 / 2 times.
    • More randomized map layouts , enough that someone can't memorize certain loop locations or totem spawns. (Something like the random world generator from Don't starve game but smaller scale.)
  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Removing perk tiers. There are 89 survivor and 81 killer perks at the moment. To level them all up you need around 1 million bloodooints per killer or survivor and this is not counting all the other stuff you need to buy in the bloodweb, which makes it easily 8 times more expensive.

  • Member Posts: 42
    • More perks in Shrines since there are alot of perks now
    • Reduce the grind. This will help alot of new players that just got the game
    • Better MMR
    • Fun mode, e.g 8 vs 2
  • Member Posts: 2,203

    MMR. I'm tired of ranking up because a teammate carried us the whole game. They deserve to rank up, not me. I'm not good enough to run the Killer to be red rank...

    I consider myself being top green/low purple. The game likes to see me suffering at red rank.

  • Member Posts: 14,889

    More accessibility options to come.

    Bots/training mode.

    The Grind - bloodweb rework, bloodmarket (with Carl the cashier).

    What ever evolved from that Early Game Collapse.

    Alien chapter.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    An announcement to change Hex: Devour Hope's 2 Token thingy.

    Oh, and a cul-de-sac map for Haddonfield. (Years have gone by, @mcote, and i still haven't forgotten!)

  • Member Posts: 6,335

    An update on that goal of 60fps minimum for all platforms from spring '19.

    A full and thorough optimization.

  • Member Posts: 21,675


  • Member Posts: 16,646

    More Character-Reworks - especially Nea, because I main her.

    Also, I would like to hear something about Prestige Rewards and Devotion Rewards. I have every Character prestiged and Devotion 27, would be nice to get something for this.

    (For real, there should be a Devotion-Reward. Players with high Devotion are those who play the game for a long time, would be nice to give something back to them. Just a small thing, which would be more than a number going up without any effect)

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    I expect it to ######### run, without that much bugs, and a decent killer. keep your expectations low and you'll never be dissapointed

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I want firecrackers to have 2 uses per game rather than one, considering how weak, and awkward they are to use.

    More features to KYF

    Maybe a nerf or full rework of Hag 🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 588

    A nurse rework

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    I'm not hoping for much of any of the things I want because realistically I know they won't happen. They haven't all through these years.

    But MMR and server hit authority are two really very important things BHVR have at least said they are working on, so I hope they can be improved upon and finalized this year. But it's already been more than a year for these too, so not holding my breath either.

    I'm really rather excited for the RE chapter though. We haven't had a wholly new map in quite a while, and the last two chapters while not bad, weren't particularly exciting for me personally whatsoever. I'm really hoping for cool, iconic RE characters with interesting new and engaging abilities and perks, as well as a map that feels like RE. Nemesis is on top of my wishlist - he's certainly one of the coolest and most iconic characters from the RE universe, and he has a whole set of features that could each in their own right as well as in any combination make for unique and intriguing special abilities: tentacles that can pull survivors in and/or sling Nemesis around, screams that can stun survivors, a flamethrower that could do a whole bunch of stuff like AOE damage, residual on-object damage, burning pallets, breakable walls, windows and gens, a rocket launcher that would be an adventure to balance but not at all impossible either, mutations... and that all is of course on top of his speed and strength that could make for interesting passive as well as active abilities too. Apart from the gameplay mechanics, there's his height and stature that could break the boundaries of what we have seen in the game thus far, which would also be cool to see. His sound design could be spectacular too if they take it directly from what Capcom has done.

    Mr. X and a good bunch of other RE foes are also not at all uninteresting, and ultimately I will care more about the gameplay they yield than anything else, but Nemesis would make me excited for the content even just on the basis of his persona alone. There have been some speculations that this could even be the first multiple-killer chapter, and that would truly have me on the edge of my seat, but I just can't at all see that happening. I think my hopes for the chapter will already end in some form of disappointment as it is, multiple killers is decidedly beyond the scope of what I think is feasible.

    For survivors I'm mostly hoping for Jill, Leon and Ada, but more than that I care about perks. Survivor perk releases have been pretty mediocre (at best) for more than quite a while now. The protagonist characters in RE are known to fight back hard, so I'm hoping for strong, impactful perks that ideally even play precisely on this idea of fighting back, i. e. make for directly interactive mechanics. Hell, maybe they will even finally bring new items with them? Like an actual handgun or something.

    BHVR have even alluded to there being new ways to sacrifice and survive with this chapter, so maybe the entire gameplay loop will change in interesting ways whenever the RE killer is in play.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    A new game mode. "New ways to sacrifice and survive" makes me excited.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    There are countless things I would like to see, but the option to play as Old Freddy again easily takes the crown for me.

  • Member Posts: 3,703
    edited May 2021

    This and that.

    Post edited by Dr_Loomis on
  • Member Posts: 22

    A recycle button/mashine for items we dont need. For example: 10x fog bottle -> 1x partysnakes;)

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Getting rid of all the low tier bp offerings would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    One small thing I hope for is the removal of the perk tires. Grinding out for all tier three perks on characters is just crazy. Plus, I think it would be a much better playing field for any newcomers into DBD, that they don't have to worry about all the different tier attributes if they were removed.

    A couple more things I'm hoping to see are the early game collapse(I know it's evolved into a entirely different thing internally but we don't know the actual name yet) very interested to see what becomes of that and I'm just hoping to see some rank and devotion rewards to come in.

    My big pie in the sky wish is a new gamemode but, honestly, not getting my hopes up too much for that one.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    a Shrine of Secrets rework.

    honestly, i think thats more than due at this point. We have so many teachables and so many of them are extremely powerful and needed (e.g. BBQ) that we gotta make them more accessable.

  • Member Posts: 600

    I'd like to see perks that actually allow survivors to lose the killer in chase, preventing tunneling. I'd like to see Spirit removed completely, Trickster made viable and a map for him. Oh, and frame issues gone forever (console).

  • Member Posts: 423

    Dead by daylight 2

  • Member Posts: 405
    edited May 2021

    During the last anniversary I believe it was. BHVR advertised that they were working on something akin to the end game collapse for early game to help killer with how bad the early game feels for the majority of them.

    If anything I think it would spice up the meta if done well.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    Not a whole lot because this game doesn't get massive changes very often truth be told.

    Perk rework. Seriously, I can't play anymore because anytime I get to high ranks, I know what I need to be using and what the survs are using.

    Killer power variety is not enough anymore.

  • Member Posts: 14,889

    They later on explained that their concept evolved and now is supposed to affect the whole game and not only the early game. But they have been silent on this other than that.

  • Member Posts: 333

    new gamemodes,legendary skins with new VO/VA,and some lincensed characters graphical reworks

  • Member Posts: 6,819

    so if this happens, does that mean matches are gonna be timed?? I'm just trying to get better understanding of it.

  • Member Posts: 14,889

    We literally don’t know anything about it..

    i don’t think it would be timed completely, but it is a possibility I guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,063

    All killers do a Default 10% damage to generator progress when kicking them.

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    A fix for the ingame freezes/rubber banding

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