Anyone know why Fungoose dropped DBD?
Almost without exception all great or longtime dbd players play both side to some extent. He has videos on both. I personally saw him as a survivor main, but it could have just been the youtube algorithm feeding me that info.
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He used to dedicate sperate days for both killer and survivor, so definitely flex
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Yea for sure, I think the majority of his skill was in survivor comparatively, contrasting Otz, who is better at killer, for instance. that is all I mean... to help them decide if he is the best killer main to watch.... because I would say no... both for information and from a skill level. He and Truetalent are one in the same.... Very strong, way better than me, but not phenominal at killer when compared to Dowsey, Otz, Umbra, Ralph, etc. people like that.
Tofu is one of the most mechanically even on both sides, as far as I see it. I love his gameplay, sometimes he gets a bit cringey for me because he repeats stuff a lot (to be entertaining and silly) but I hate repeating, its all on me, but sometimes I FFWd his vods to gameplay.
I would advise staying away from people that are overly negative and toxic like Angrypug and at times truetalent (who blames the game a lot) and even though scott jund is an amazing player, he is (rightfully so) critical of a lot of game design, but it overtakes his stream.
Sorry for a mini-rant. I love most of those streamers for diff reasons. the only one I cant watch anymore is pug. he used to be funny with his play but now all he does is talk down on the game and his viewers.... or more accurately ... the majority of his content is negative, in my opinion. He changed a lot, I was sub of his for over 2 years, but I cant anymore. Brings my mentality down on things.
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He was most definitely a killer main. He played more survivor later on when he got together some very good teammates to SWF with.
Well, I was trying not to go there...
Anyway, regarding the last bit, he was going to play survivor in Hexy's tournament (killer was going to be DeviB iirc). Then the team was excluded due to ping.
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Again, my opinion was based off of the footage I have seen of him that is worth watching at a high level.
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He stopped playing? Thank god. That man had to go.
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Otz would 100% be fine without DBD. His RE8 steams did really well.
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Bad influence on new players and lying about inventing builds
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BHVR needs and deserves some negativity for their consistent thick-headed refusal to listen to their community time and time again. I have actually lost count of the number of times people have waited months or years for a change, even a simple one and had them ignore it, put it on the backburner or outright mock people affected by it. So screw their feelings; I'm a customer and I will be served.
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You were almost on a good path, then you devolved into petty negativity. They have a product and you can choose to use it as is, or not. That is the counter to you being a customer. Do not digress, but assist progress. I am not saying to not be critical, but how you approach things is as important as what you are trying to have fixed.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
We tried being reasonable. You're new; you don't know how hard a lot of OG players tried. Positivity didn't work. But what we did see was whining working very well (for one side). BHVR made this situation. They can deal with it and I won't be told their customers are unreasonable for expecting better.
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At least noob3 and hybrid panda made a return so that's cool ")
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You can go ahead and lock it. I think we had enough insight :) plus extra talk might just be arguments