Stop making posts about the fog whisperer drama!!!!!

This isn't fair on Mandy and other mods who have to close these for breaking forum rules. You're creating unnecessary work for them as well as stressing points that have already gotten old. Stop.
- Define "irony"
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I'm not making additional work for the mods as I'm not breaking forum rules.
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As far as I can tell, it's actually not against the forum rules. The rules clearly state we are not to discuss people's bans or name-and-shame, which I haven't actually seen yet since no-one is banned or naming anyone for the purposes of shaming.
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Mike i tried to reply to you on the other thread but it got completely removed :/
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I'm just kind of playing with you. "Quit making threads about the drama", says a thread about the drama.
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Don't mean nothing by this, just explaining
This thread's kinda baiting out people who care about the drama to come and say why they keep making threads
Which would in turn make this a thread the mods would probably end up closing
Hence the irony.
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If people want their voices heard, they're not gonna stop.
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That comes as part of being a moderator Is it their fault no but it is their job so unless words are being directed at them it happens
To Clarify this happens
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Yes, people also don't want to listen to this drama when they just want to talk about the game itself. I just want to discuss things about the game and not have to see all of this stuff that is unnecessary.
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Oh, I see. You are actually right about this, and now I feel like an #########
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Meh you meant well, can't really blame you.
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Well this is a serious matter, you cant expect everyone to just ignore it
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Okay, thanks for trying. Don't bother trying again, it's obviously a very sensitive subject. I can always try to find out more elsewhere.
I can tell from the number of threads and the general tone that this is, for reasons I can't personally understand, a very big deal, and having been a mod before (again, not here, but on another gaming forum) I know that it's incredibly exhausting and frustrating having to delete a bunch of stuff which just leads to other people being upset about the previous deletions, etc. It snowballs, so better you and I not contribute to it.
Thanks for the info, I think I have the gist. I'll just do some reading and watch the video you mentioned if I need more details. Don't get yourself in trouble over this, whatever it is I'm sure it's not worth it.
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Oh, knowing this community there have probably been at least 50 posts insulting mods
And your logic is also not exactly fair. That's like saying it's fine to intentionally make a huge mess all over the floor of a business, just because it has a janitor whose job is to clean up said messes.
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No, it's not. The person in question should've been kicked a while ago.
He just got kicked for the wrong reasons.
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Yes but that's how life works if that janitor refuses to work they get a warning and then layed off dosent mean it's fair
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I mentioned this somewhere a few minutes ago (I've popped into a few similar threads so I can't recall which) but I've been a moderator on a professional gaming forum, I understand (to an extent, as I don't know the whole story yet) what they're going through. Moderators aren't just there to delete specific instances of rule-breaking, they have to also generally keep the peace. Whatever's going on right now is obviously a big blustery deal and they're just trying to chill things out. I've been where they are, it's a thankless job that a lot of people don't fully understand. Try not to be too angry with them or take deletions personally. They're just doing what they were put in their positions to do.
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Ok but you can't expect everyone to just be quiet about it and pretend it didnt just happen
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Still though. It isn't OK to create extra work for people who don't deserve it, especially since mods probably don't even get paid.
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I do feel bad for the mods rn.
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Its like they really don't want to talk about it, and act like it everything is fine when it isn't
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I don't actually think this one is in the mods. Really, the best thing to do is let it play out so everyone blows off steam and stops giving a shite, deleting and banning as needed. This reeks of following policies that weren't intended for such... times? Controversies?
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They need to keep the peace, which means shutting down extremely controversial subjects like this one.
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"Stop making posts about the fog whisperer drama."
Proceeds to make post about the fog whisperer drama...
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Tine to head over to the reddit to discuss this issue I guess because they are closing all the threads, sigh
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But they are mods they shouldn't have to attempt to silence the community because of an action someone above them made
They are mods to prevent bad things not deny people's speech when someone else messed up
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no one hasn't done anything yet. You expect me to have a peaceful argument about this subject somewhere else?
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I was making this post about the people making extra work for the mods. I would've and will do this for other topics that may come up.
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Aww Mandy has to click delete on a few threads.. so sad. Much sadder than cyberbullying
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Yes. Take it to somewhere like reddit.
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I don't have Reddit
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The person who made that decision should explain themselves, not depend on the mods to do extra work.
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Whilst I appreciate the intentions of this post, I am going to close it.
As is inevitable with these threads they turn into a he said/she said and naming and shaming people involved is not acceptable on our platforms.