Next killer help

ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

I want to level up and learn new killer now but I cannot choose out of these 3 -Traper, Oni and Blight

I already know how to play most M1 killers so I was thinking someone strong like Oni or Blight would be good to learn next.

However Trapper seems fun too but he also seems very weak.

I am also on controller so Blight would be probably very hard to master. Dunno how hard Oni is on controller

Any advice?


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    There were some recent improvements made to Blight, especially for controller users - so that might be a good option!

    I think it's a tough call between Oni & Blight tbh for me personally at least as I like both characters and enjoy playing against them - although I am awful with Blight, because of the movement...I am definitely more of an M1 killer myself. I tend to play mostly Legion & Wraith, with a bit of Ghostface and Myers thrown in now and again.

    I've played Trapper in the past and he's not difficult to learn, knowing where to place traps etc is game experience and not that difficult imo but I wouldn't say he's weak, he can snowball quite well if someone steps in a random trap etc. But he takes set up time, and it can be demoralising when 2 gens pop before you've gotten into a proper chase as you really do rely on late game a lot with him.

    I think, go with a character that suits your playstyle and that you enjoy playing - don't worry about what seems weak etc, there are many people that do incredibly well with Trapper for example despite you seeing that killer as weak, EntitysLeftHand, Otz etc both are incredible Trappers. A lot is dependent on your own playstyle and what you feel is enjoyable.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    I main Blight on console and i can tell you it is definitely not hard to play blight anymore on console

    He's really fun and is rewarding to play, oni and trapper are also fun so it is a win for you no matter who you choose i think.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Blight might be the best option IMO. His ability is fun to use and he has the highest ceiling of the 3. He also works well with a lot of perk combos so he will never feel boring to play.

    Oni is all right, he is an M1 killer until his power is activated. Powerful, yet faces challenging matches. He can turn a match around in a few moments. I tried Oni on controller and he felt a little laggy when I activated his ability. I don't know how it is now tho since I've been playing on PC the last 6 months.

    Trapper will provide you with another form of understanding the game and reading/predict survivor behavior. Though he might be considered weak and boring in the long run for some people. He can feel frustrating when facing a good SWF-group that nullifies his traps in an instant. He is add-on dependant and corrupt intervention should be a mainstay in your builds.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Blight is an awesome option, but if you get into him you have to understand that you'll have to spend time learning how his collision functions at different structures. You can do some sick plays with him, he is definitely my favourite killer by far.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    Oni and blight are both limited on controller. Doesn't mean you can't play them well, but you can't flick as well as you can on Mouse and Keyboard. You said you already know basic m1 knowledge, so Oni might be for you, as he relies on basic mindgames in the early game. However, if you're looking for a challenge you might want to go for Blight. He has a steep learning curve, and while he is still somewhat limited by controller, you can still play him well. Blight has better teachables as well.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Before my current break I started to play Blight and he is very fun. Regardless of the recent changes there is still a learning curve on lethal rushes at high rank at least but the good news unlike learning nurse at this rank he moves at 4.6 so you can hit them anyway. You really can't go wrong with ONI or Blight both are worth having in your arsenal and IMO ONI is still one of the scariest killers in the game and can end a game in seconds. They both once learned can take down swf's much easier than other which is why I said you should have them in your arsenal. Trapper is one of my personal favorites put is heavily add-on/corrupt dependent but also very satisfying. He does have some very powerful add-on combos once trap placement is mastered.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    personally, i'd go for Oni then Blight and then, if you really have no other choice left, Trapper.

    Oni is a Killer who isnt extraordinarily hard - that doesnt mean he'd be an easy Killer (far from it), but he also isnt someone you'd have to spend months training with. In addition to that he is a very strong Killer to play as and can very quickly turn the tides in your favor. You should definitely consider running Monitor & Abuse and Infectious Fright on him, should you chose to play as him.

    Blight is probaply the hardest Killer out of these three. Now, i am not too educated on how good Blight CAN be on the highest level, but he does seem pretty strong, somewhere around Onis level i'd say. However, Blight is much more punishing than Oni is. He is not capable of dealing quick mass damage like Oni could and smaller mistakes with him get immediately punished. That said, once you did master him, he could be on par with Oni, if not better. As for Perks, pretty much any map pressure Perks are great on him. BBQ & Chili, Tinkerer, Pop Goes The Weasel, Hex: Ruin, etc - Perks that allow you to learn about the Survivors whereabouts and then quickly push them off of gens while inflicting heavy damage on them in the process.

    Trapper you really shouldnt bother with for the time being - and im saying this as a former Trapper main. While he is most definitely the easiest out of those three, he is also, by far, the weakest. While Oni and Blight are both Killers I'd personally rank somewhere in A-Tier (so only surpassed by S-Tier Killers like Nurse or Spirit), Trapper would easily fall all the way down to whatever the lowest available Tier is. He is just terrible and unless there is going to be a Trapper update in the future that manages to address all his shortcommings and issues, he will, sadly, stay that way. As for Perks, Corrupt Intervention is pretty much a must have. Then something like NOED so you at least have a chance at getting more than one kill by the time the gens are done?

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Thanks everyone. Oni it is. I will pour BP into other 2 as well but now I will focus on Oni. And since MMR is on, it might be the best timing for it as well.