Why shouldn't I tunnel?



  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Use Leatherface and mow them and the unhooker down. Bonus points if you bring blood warden and go find the two other people teabagging at the exit gates. Gg ez.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075
    edited July 2021

    Because people like you can't take a loss, care only about winning and the pipping system indulges this, get to red ranks and think they're actually good when you're not, get matched against good survivors that destroy you and end up in the forum crying for survivor nerfs when in reality... Those survivors aren't op, you're just not as good

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The main question is: do you like to tunnel? If you do, everything is fine.

    If you dont like it, then you shouldn´t, for 2 main reasons.

    The first reason is a little survivor sided, because its the old "tunneling (and camping) arent fun"-reason.

    The second is way more important for you as killer, IF you dont like the camping and tunneling gamestyle.

    Since the devs base a lot of their descicions on the statistics they get through the game, you want them to have clear statistics.

    Tunneling and camping can lead to kills you otherwise would not have made, thus tainting these statistics, because it makes killers look better than they are, even though they just got their kills through tunneling in camping.

    The more kills you get through those tactics, the more you tip the balance to the killer side, telling the devs killers are fine, gen times are fine, and so forth. So they don´t need to change anything.

    If you dont like tunneling in camping, you shouldn´t do it. Your performance as a killer might go down, but it might then point to balance changes, that might again allow for other successful play styles.

    That might be a reason keys are not changed yet, if escape rates are comparable low, but get pushed by keys (which as far as i know only contribute to 3% of escapes anyway) to look like balanced, there is no reason to change keys. (thats why keys screw the survivor side of the equation.)

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    I'm consistently rank 1, not that that matters, now when I say tunnel I don't mean wait around for the unhook. But if I find you again still injured on a gen with someone else why wouldn't I go for you ?

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    Tunneling isnt always just waiting for the unhook I guess it's more focusing down one or two survivors and ignoring the rest. That always gets me more kills on average than going for 2 hooks on everyone before a kill

  • Wavy
    Wavy Member Posts: 162

    You Shouldnt tunnel because its unfun for the survivors. Simple.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    What’s the point of playing the game if you’re just going to stand around the hook, and down someone before they have a chance to move?

    Maybe you should try to improve, so that you don’t need to aggressively tunnel all the time to win. You won’t learn anything playing like this.

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214
  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    If BT is activating then you are proxy camping lol, it literally only works for 12 seconds max

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    The problem is there are vastly different definitions of tunneling.

    The most extreme and egregious situation is a killer that focus entirely on one survivor, ignoring others and objectives just to kill one person, facecamping then hitting from the hook while gens pop.

    While this happens, and its not fun, more often when people say tunnelling they mean "I got downed shortly after being hooked" which can be the killer deliberately playing "scummy" but more often than not they were making the best descions in that game to complete their objective. Or more often than not when survivors play badly, don't take hits and run straight out into a dad zone after being unhooked, when the healthy unhooker is going straight to safe pallet.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Because it only works against survivors you could have killed anyway and it is helping to strangle the life from the game, essentially being the closest thing to griefing that a killer can do without actually griefing.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387

    You can tunnel, camp do whatever you want. But this community don't want to see a post or any complaints about 'toxic killers/survivors'.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    edited July 2021

    It's not a bad strategy at all. Soft camp, wait for an inevitable save by a survivor, count to 15, then down the hooked survivor again. It's pretty much a guaranteed win.

    Now if you don't want to be a douche and have more fun, you don't soft camp/tunnel.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    theres no reason NOT to tunnel gameplay wise. Its more about being empathetic towards other players and their experience with the game. After all, they're living beings trying to have fun just like you.

  • femotek820
    femotek820 Member Posts: 119

    You don’t need to have friends also. There’s good and bad people out there, and you can be what you want

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Do what you want to do - not my style, but I couldn't care less how you play.

    I play 50/50 and come across plenty of tunneling killers - it usually doesn't work too well for them. Tunneling reduces gen pressure on the other survivors - so yeah go ahead and tunnel. I had a red rank killer Monday chase me for over 4 minutes... then he had the nerve to come to my stream and 1. Rant about me being in a SWF - which I wasn't and he quickly saw when he looked at my stream and 2. Called the other survivors gen rushers - which they weren't - he just wasted 4+ minutes chasing me.

    FYI I love when killer mains say things like "Most survivors play bad" when they freely admit their experience playing survivor is limited to a few hours here and there - It takes more skill imo to try to coordinate with 3 random players and still try to get gens/totems/rescues/chases than it does to be killer. I truly wish more players actually played both sides - I think you would see a drastic reduction in the inane threads on these forums from both killers and survivors. FYI... I consider this an inane thread - which has been repeated over and over and over and is simply a way for people to circle jerk each other's play style.

  • Morpheus_7_
    Morpheus_7_ Member Posts: 348

    actually if you notice, tunneling and camping don't penalize the killer's bp much ... if you are the unfortunate survivor targeted first, you will go out with a maximum of 10000 bp ... the killer after the game is over with others 2 hooks, it will have 25,000

  • Morpheus_7_
    Morpheus_7_ Member Posts: 348
    edited July 2021

    in reality, in my opinion, it always depends on the skill of the participants! an average killer, versus 4 average survivors, with tunneling will, if he is right, only one death. then there are different types of tunneling! I ask you a question: if I save a partner of mine from the hook after a second that he has been hung, why should the killer avoid getting a free hook? second question: due to inactivity, I am in the green rank. I often understand that the killers chase me for a while, and then, failing to catch me, they abandon me because they are wasting too much time. it even happens to me that, if I meet them by chance, they don't chase me so as not to sweat. this is the opposite of tunneling! the French is: it is not tunneling or camping that is toxic! but the way to play! am I wrong? I want to point out that I only play as a survivor!

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    IF they are all good then playing normally will net the same result.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Not tunneling and playing nice are not mutually exclusive concepts. Not tunneling doesn't mean go stand on the other side of the map for 30 seconds. It just means giving the unhooked survivor a actual chance to leave the hook.

    By all means punish mistakes, but don't justify tunneling by saying it's only logical to go for the already injured survivor. If you happen upon the unhooked survivor again after giving them a chance to leave the hook, slug them for extra pressure. Gets survivors off gens and you can get hits in on a healthy survivor.

    If they want to bodyblock with BT, or they try to blind you, then by all means rehook them.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    What I think is interesting is that the Killers that tunnel are actually horrible at the game. They actually aren't able to play a level that Killers who don't tunnel are. Not tunneling is magnitudes harder than tunneling, as a strategy. So, if you are seeing a Killer who is tunneling, just know that Killer is boosted by a crutch strategy.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    Ever played survivor? Ever been relentlessly tunneled?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Yes, yes I have. I'll share the story again.

    It was either a Billy or Bubba, I can't remember which. It was on The Shape's map.

    The dude found and downed me seconds into the match; I just had the bad luck of walking right towards him. It happens.

    He hooked me and stood in my face, revving his chainsaw nonstop. My friend is literally poking him with the 'point' emote & being ignored.

    The two other players realize what's happening and start fast vaulting and popping gens nonstop. Just all the noise. And are ignored until I almost hit second stage.

    The Killer finally turns to attack one of the other players, and my friend unhooks me. The Killer immediately drops his chase to find and re-hook me.

    Commences sitting in my face, revving his chainsaw again. I, of course, struggle, so I'm wasting as much of his time as possible, as the rest of the team is now just doing gens to escape.

    I'm laughing so hard, tears are in my eyes. This guy wanted so badly to ruin my day, and I don't know why. I don't stream DBD. I don't have 'YT' or 'TTV' in my name. I was Dwight, for hekking sake! Everyone loves Dwight!

    But he wanted so, so badly to ruin my day, and all I could do was laugh at how absurd he was being. He threw the entire match to chainsaw-revv in my face. And I laughed.

    Because getting angry is what he wanted.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562
    edited July 2021

    I'm sorry; what? 'You have people playing this game that are too young to handle that kind of [BAD WORD]'

    This is an M-Rated game. And the Killer is not responsible for kids who break the rating or parents who ignore it.

    Same with people who may be mentally disabled. And I speak as both an autist and developmentally disabled person because I was born 3 months premature and nearly died. Also worth a mention; having been beaten for 6 years until I now have memory issues. So I speak from personal experience with what I say next:

    While I am against victim blaming in all forms, I do have to say; If you can't handle an opponent trying to win; THAT IS ON YOU.

    Your opponent CANNOT EVER be expected to play different or badly because 'getting camped/tunneled might make someone feel bad'.

    You're seriously saying it's the Killer's job to not play 'scummy' because their opponent MIGHT be 'too young' or have a mental disability?

    Now you're reaching for excuses to blame Killers, and demand they play sub-optimally because 'something, something, feelings' 🙄

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Yeah, sure. I'll stop trying to win...I mean 'stop playing like a jerk' (Let's be honest; Survivors call ANYTHING 'scummy' if it kills them) on the off chance that I happen to run into a child playing an M-Rated game, or someone with issues. Sure.

    And let's remove the killing, and the blood, and the screaming, because children and people with issues may be distressed by all that! Just change it to hugs and kisses and candy! Because game ratings mean nothing!

    JFC 🙄

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827
    edited July 2021

    Im sorry if you can't win without tunneling my dude. Maybe put in some more hours and you'll get there.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,380

    It's funny when people say killers who tunnel aren't good, because the complaint is followed by how the killer won by tunneling.

    Like if the Killer was bad and you lost to them, that says more about your own skill.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562
    edited July 2021

    Maybe, one day, you will realize it's a game, and your opponent has as much right to win as you do. And they don't need to ask your permission to use tactics and strategies, on the off chance that you get tilted by losing. 🤷‍♂️

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    There are killers who can do quite well without playing like scumbags. I think everyone respects them. Then there are turbo sweatlords that just make you want to gag. I was playing solo queue yday, tunneled per the norm during the event, after d strike use, when I was second hooked, in 2 separate games I had randoms farm me right in front of the killer, killer downs me before I can even move, and hooks me. Couldn't even dead hard. How is that a skilled killer? I had absolutely no say in those idiots farming me, and they knew my only possible defense had been exhausted. I messaged one of the sruvivors and said what are you a complete idiot, and they apologized. Fair enough mistakes are made. But those killers were dirtbags, it's the equivalent of spawn camping in the old fps games. You would spawn in and die to some twit camping a spawn point with a rocket launcher. Totally bs strategy and pathetic, tunneling and camping is no different, trying to take out the defenseless because you fear losing if you don't play like a dirt bag, and Noone respects that.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562
    edited July 2021

    You say you're not tilted but you're here on the forums, trying to insult and shame people into following your made up honor system as if you know better than everyone else.

    Either you're tilted, or you're trying to under-handedly peer pressure Killers into avoiding tactics you don't like. Either way does not look good for you.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827
    edited July 2021

    Nope, just nope lol. You're trying to glorify and justify tunneling. It's a losing argument, because it's a trash way to play. If you need to tunnel to get anywhere in this game, switch back to spirit training wheels and stop tunneling. You win some you lose some, no reason to sacrifice your dignity over it.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,037

    A reminder to keep this thread civil and respectful, please. You are free to disagree with others in regards to the topic of tunneling, but please do so without being disrespectful to one another.

  • TheDappaScrappa
    TheDappaScrappa Member Posts: 103

    I mean to me if you need to tunnel it just shows you are kinda bad at playing killer? I know play to win blah blah who cares about survivors fun or who cares about killer's fun, DBD us vs them mentality. But as somebody who plays both I just never understood the want to tunnel somebody. You aren't going to get good in the long run by just tunneling, same as camping. So what you lose a few games but at least you can learn and get better. That's just my thoughts. I'd rather lose than to tunnel....well unless they are just being toxic to you for no reason then camp and tunnel all you want lol

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I don't get this mindset.

    Tunneling, when done tactically (IE: Not to ruin someone's fun) is a way to slow down gen speeds via removing someone from the match.

    People complaining about it is like Killer's saying 'Stop genrushing! If you see an 80% completed gen; go do a 0% gen! Give the Kilelr time to play!'

    It's just doing your goal efficiently as possible, both sides.

  • TheDappaScrappa
    TheDappaScrappa Member Posts: 103

    Game starts, you find one survivor, hook him/her and a gen pops. You walk away and a survivor unhooks, you go back and see the fully healed survivor and ignore them and just run around the map looking for the one who was just unhooked. Why? That's what I don't get. Like 4 gens need to get fixed and you are tunneling actively ignoring everybody in your LoS? Why? It'd be different if its like 1 or 2 gens are left or the gates are opened cool thats tactical I understand that, I'm all for that. Even then personally I'd just knock him down again and slug them.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    You open yourself up to getting DS'd, in addition to the fact that tunneling usually confines you to one part of the map. Survivors will just do gens in SafetyLand™ and it can easily turn into a net loss for a killer

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    I wouldn't ignore someone who is in front of me but if it's a choice of someone who's dead on hook and someone on first hook it's a waste of time chasing the 2nd.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    For me tunneling cheapens my gameplay, even when I have to do it, it doesn’t feel right.

    I truly believe developers should find a way to make it fair for both sides. So either survivors have extra options outside of perks to deal with tunneling or give killers a universal map traveling ability. Problem right now is that even those who really didn’t need to tunnel do. The game has left it pretty open for anyone to do it regardless of how necessary it is for their game.

    More options would mean that you we would see leas DS less BT and perhaps more variety of builds.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    As it has been stated, no player can have the knowledge / resources / rights to attribute negative connotation on an intended game feature with logical basis.

    So it's on you to allow other's opinions to influence your playstyle.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Tunneling is the best option really. Same as we survivors are tunneling gens. If killer chases you of the gen you go back to that gen and finish it instead of start working on new gen. Same for killer if you have hooked the survivor once you need to finish that survivor also instead of going after another one. The faster four survivors gets to three survivors the better.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Yeah but Survivors will claim 'The Killer doing his objective efficiently (tunneling) is knocking someone out of the game! *Shocked Pikachu*' and act like this means Killers should not be allowed to play well.

    Then, they will use insults and peer pressure (you don't want to be a scrub right? Only scrubs do <insert every good tactic here, plus 99% of the Killer roster, plus any & all Killer perks>) in an attempt to bully Killers into following a completely Survivor-invented honor system. Because apparently the Killer 'knocking people out of the game' is wrong and bad and evil.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2021

    It's a video game. You can play however you want. If you're going to change the way you play because someone insults you, or tells you using x perk makes you bad, or it's overpowered and you suck without it, who cares? They'll tell you it no matter what you do. "That's not fun" "That's a boring killer to play against as a survivor" Who cares? Lol

    Stop caring about the meaningless respect that other people will have if you play a certain way and play how you want, because they sure will. That doesn't really change that how you may be playing is really pathetic, or bad, or just something you really shouldn't be doing, but again, you do you, friend. If it was such a problem it wouldn't exist in game.

  • Switzerland44
    Switzerland44 Member Posts: 19

    I honestly wish Dev's would look at posts like this and rethink how perks like BT don't need a nerf...