Pinhead is Great!
Let me start with this. Those of you who know me, know that I can be very sarcastic. Note now this is NOT a troll post, nor sarcasm.
Pinhead is genuinely good. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun in DbD, even with the bugs, I am seriously enjoying myself.
The possessed hook is hard to use, sure, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes an excellent tool for multiple situations. Though he is slow, I can really see how its justified.
Having both Survivor and Killer interactions with an item is very unique, which I really appreciate. His animations are top tier, and though I'm sad that I can't loudly proclaim to my survivors that I CAME, playing him still has massive giggle factor to it.
So yeah, Behavior? You did a genuinely excellent job this time. Thank you for a fun chapter.
Now that thats out of the way, I will say that his basic attack looks like it should be going a lot farther than it actually does.
Another thing to consider is that I don't think survivors should be allowed to leave through a gate while holding the box. They know what it does, and they spam it in egc just like they teabag, which is poor sportsmanship. Besides it only makes sense that it should be like Victor in that respect.
P.S. Thank you so much for fixing the lag from Deadhard. DbD is now a properly smooth experience for me once again.
Survivors get a 2500 BP score for Seeker of Pleasure when they carry the box out the gate. Kind of a nice little bonus, although I'm not sure what category, if any, it goes into.
Same as Pinhead getting a Lament Guardian (think that's the right name) score of 2500 BP if he manages to keep it in the map. Not sure where that goes either, cause every time it popped up, there wasn't the usual red bar showing fullness of anything in terms of BP.
Really enjoying him as well, btw. He feels pretty well balanced from both sides, although I'm sure they'll tweak him a bit once they get a look at his performance.
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Yeah I honestly love him. I've played him for most of today, he's actually quite strong.
His gameplay is interactive on both sides, and is unique compared to what we've gotten in the past. Trickster and Nemesis were basically clones of killers we've already gotten, and although Pinhead is similar to Nurse, Clown, and Old Doctor, his gameplay is very different compared to them.
Bugs aside, BHVR did a really good job here, and I'm proud of them.
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What are the multiple uses for his chain, in your experience? I only really like the chain itself to make unsafe loops guaranteed hits. Other than that, I am struggling to figure out when to use it.
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This is mostly where I was using it yesterday. Especially when Survivors drop pallets early, you can hit them with a chain and not lose much, if any, ground in a chase.
I used it a bit to scout as well, rather than walking over to a gen. It helped to scare Survivors off, much the same as tossing a hatchet with the Huntress. It "can" be useful sometimes in the open with longer shots, but decent Survivors will get the chains off and you won't gain much ground at all. If it's a longer shot, and there's objects around, don't bother. They'll just break the chains on them and you'll actually lose ground. I'm pretty sure it's primary purpose is anti-loop, or shortening chases when Survivors try to stick in a loop too long.
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Long pallet only loops are also great for his power. Generally, places without windows are great for him. The long loops on the game seem to be rendered useless.
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I got to say that, even with the unfortunate removal of voice lines, PinH is really great and fun. Animations are amazing too.
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While I think his chains could use some adjustments to make them a bit more reliable. Pinhead doesn't feel that far off from being a decent killer after the games I played today. IMO Hoarder and an addon to increase the time it takes to solve the box are the best to run since it allows you to snatch the box from survivors allowing chain hunts to keep going throughout the game.
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The ways Ive been using it are as follows:
Scouting: I use the open portal action, then aim it to get a good look around through walls and levels, then cancel.
Perk Shutdown: Clever use of the hook can keep people from using Sprint Burst and Dead Hard.
Loop Shutdown: Pretty self explanatory.
Misc Uses: In addition to the above, you can use it to buy time away from flashlighters, scare people off gens and totems, and even hold people in place while you break pallets and walls.
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If a survivor is near 2nd phase or death on the hook, you can use the chains to slow down the rescuer from making it to the hook on time.
This can also apply to exiting the gate before Endgame Collapse timer ends, but the odds of that situation being possible is extraordinarily slim.
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Stopping people from opening the box is the best use i don't often see people do.
With the extra range addons you can stop them from miles away. Then just go down the box holder and you mess the whole team up
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They got everything right with the character in this chapter, I agree. WELL, except one minor thing, and it's their weakest area as a company - balance. They fail at this consistently and never learn from previous lessons. The level of stubbornness/arrogance is actually astounding from these developers.
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I dont feel like he's terribly unbalanced. What makes you say that?
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He's pretty weak unless chain hunt is up.
His standard chains are pretty much useless.
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I over all like him very much.
His power is fine (please give players time to get the hang on it befor you buff/nerf something), his chase music is good, his animations are on point and he has just the right feeling. I had fun chases with him and against him, his Lament Configuration is a good mini-game and the only thing bother me are his missing voicelines (yes, I can live with disconnection bugs, but not announcing that I came is a serious issue!).
Finaly I hope for more cosmetics from him. There are a few Cenobites left and I would especialy appreciate a female one: Kristy Cotton as Pinhead.
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The animations are top tier with this guy. I hope we get more quality killers like this one in the future. GJ devs!
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His chains are great. At short loops. That are already unsafe.
You can't get value from them when they are faraway.
For better or worse, his chain hunt IS his power. The best thing I've found is to maximize that.
Hoarder, Franklin's, Ruin, PGTW with his two slowing down Lament Configuration solving add-ons.
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When I got his Adept I think I used his standard chains once if that.
They're too easy to counter for clued up players.
But with a couple of complimentary perks and add-ons, Pinhead can be fun.
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He's quite fun but far from strong, chains break far too easily, breaking on the environment instantly, or taking 3 seconds to manually remove them (of which you spend 2 seconds as the Killer playing catch-up.) His strong passive is also countered quite easily, requiring very little effort from a Survivor to disable it for a long period of time.
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Also, tips for maximizing his real power, ie, Chain Hunt.
Run Hoarder, Ruin, PGTW and Franklin's. Run two slowdown Lament Configuration add-ons. Pinhead's box, from what I can see, spawns in the same places that Hatch does. It won't spawn anywhere it can't, I've never seen it spawn 2nd floor on Midwich.
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Adept is currently busted on Xbox so RIP
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As in 0% have it?
I heard the PS4 Punch Drunk (oblivious x 30) trophy was busted, but I noticed 0.01% of users have it on PSN.
The latest batch of trophies are a headache.
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It's actually just not on the Achievement list,
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Really? Wow.
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Imagine my surprise when I 2 pip my first game and don't get it.
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I wish I was a streamer or youtuber because holy ######### typing out my thoughts is hard.
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That absolutely sucks.
I got Merciless for my second Pinhead match but only had two of his perks equipped.
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I won't lie, I laughed at this, lol.
Well done.
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It's just because I have a hard time putting my thoughts out in a readable manner.
It's a struggle.
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Oh, I thought you made a joke: "I wish I was a youtuber or streamer because then people might actually read, understand, and consider what I type."
Something like that. Darn.
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Nah, it's actually just because I probably have ASD. Trouble expressing my thoughts has always been an issue. They are so organized in my head, not so much when they come out.
I can't imagine people taking what I have to say seriously. I say a lot of stupid #########.
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This is true. They need to be just a bit harder to break out of.
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I'm guessing it's a bug and they're supposed to go in a category but are treated like they're in a special 5th category. Seeker of Pleasure probably belongs in boldness since generally boldness is the category used when interacting with killer items and Lament Guardian probably goes in Deviousness since that's category is used generally for score events related to the killers power.
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Its like when u repair a gen during the anniversary.Extra points in a extra category.