Would you like a change to daily rituals?

This is something I really think needs changing. Just a few tweaks.
Make it so you can opt for what rituals you want- make it vague, and just have it in the settings so players can opt if they want only killer rituals, only survivor rituals, or both.
OR make it so that you can earn more bp from them (but can't opt if you want killer or survivor). Honestly I'd prefer both of these changes but maybe it might be a bit much.
Thoughts? Do you want them to be changed?
I want to have 2-3 rerolls each day and not single one. And it would be even better if it checks my killer/survivor lvl so i don't get dailies to play character i don't invest in.
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Feel like there should be 4 rituals, 2 for killers & 2 for survivors, you can replace 1 ritual for each side each day. Just simple as that.
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I would like 3 rituals for each side. There's enough killers and survivors to do that now i think.
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yeah this is kind of what I'd like to see as well tbh. I think that way it would keep encouraging people to play both sides, and give rewards.
I'd also like to see more BP for the rituals in general.
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3 rituals for each side? I'd be down for that.
Maybe give 50,000 BP for each daily, instead of what it's currently at. (With the harder ones being upped from 60k to 100k)
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I want the rewards back to 80k - 120k
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I would also like more diverse challenges, maybe even perk related like some challenges work.
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Copy-paste dbd mobile system.
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Just let us have 6 and every day fill in the blanks to keep it at half. Let it just auto fill to 3 each side but stack up to 6. Choosing which side you get will only jack up the queues, since there's plenty of players who just don't play the opposing side.