Yeah uh, about the stranger things perks

Wasnt i supossed to keep the old names? They seem to have just changed. I got told i would be able to keep them with the old names and icons, only icons part seem to be true
They'll change icons later as well
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Looks like it's just the icons that we keep. Probably will be less confusing if the names are the same for everyone honestly.
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Kinda sad. Not sure why they had to change the names to beggn with.
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Its a contract thing even if the names were somewhat generic they are still tied to the license agreement and thus had to be changed in order to comply
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People who own the DLC should keep the old names.
Even the quotes are still there.
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I really, really, really hope we at least get to keep the icons if we own the Stranger Things DLC. There's precedent for it.
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Devs probably thought it'd be less complicated to just switch the perk names for everyone (and soon to be perk icons too). That way there aren't an additional 9 duplicate perks that do the same thing that the developers would have to deal with.
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Maybe, just like many other things, it's bugged right now.
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Bhvr is known for its overall dishonesty
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The icons do stay, already saw it.
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Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
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Why not both tho?
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Wait, when did they say we would be able to keep the old names? I thought I read the names were changing for everyone, lol.
Who exactly told you that you would get to keep the names? A forum user? A Dev? A friend?
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The names will be changing to generic names for all of the perks (whether you own the DLC or not) - this is to make it less confusing for players old and new. The icons should remain the same if you own the DLC as well as the written text. Waiting for clarification on a few things and then I'll update the FAQ with all the information.
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Eh, good enough