General Discussions

General Discussions

Am I doing something wrong?

Member Posts: 140
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

I have 415 hours in this game. That's a lot of hours.

I have not prestiged any survivor or killer, I have unlocked only half of the teachable perks for killer and only the "meta" perks for survivor. But the thing is, even when I have unlocked these perks, they NEVER show up in bloodwebs! The game keeps putting Slippery Meat in my face every single ######### time, and when a teachable perk does show up it's something I don't even want, like Calm Spirit or something.

I have gone over 80 bloodwebs for Jane Romero and I have gotten none decent perks. 80 bloodwebs, about ~50k per bloodweb, that's literally four million bloodpoints. And every game, I earn about an average of ~20k bloodpoints, I played 200 MATCHES of DBD just to waste it on Jane Romero and the terrible perks this game puts into my bloodwebs.

I have seen my friends and people on youtube, with half the hours I have, with fully prestiged characters with any perk they want.

Hell, my survivor that I consider has the "best" perks available has a brown Dead Hard and brown Windows of Opportunity. That's it.

I can't try out fun builds I saw online. I struggle every match as killer at high MMR as I have no meta perks unlocked and have to play with Whispers, Deerstalker, Bitter Murmur and Sloppy Butcher every time. I can't play Basement Bubba since I have no Insidious for some reason.

So you're telling me that I have to grind this game like it is a full-time job, until I have a few thousand hours, then I can start having fun??

I am convinced I am doing something wrong, since people with much less hours than me have any perk they want to play with unlocked, at the highest tier. I play the game normally, do tome challenges, do rift challenges, redeem bloodpoints codes. Is there a more efficient way to earn bp that I'm not aware of?


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  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Oh, you don't use BBQ, that's why you don't have that much...

    I have 1,5k hours and have 1 prestige survivor, 1 prestige killer, 1 survivor with all perks, all killer perks unlucked, half killers with all perks (working on all). But like 90% of my games are killers with BBQ..

    This game has insane grind, but they said they are working on fix for that, so we will see.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I used BBQ during the fifth anniversary with all the cakes. I am JUST devotion 2 and basically have almost everything for most of the killers. No prestige, however. And Nancy is the only survivors who has perks. The rest are just the base ones. I never got any new ones.

    It really does make such a big difference.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Yeah, when you could get 200k per game, it was easy to unlock things... but without BBQ and offering stacking? That is going to take a long time to unlock everything...

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I have 1500 hours, and I still didn't prestige any Killer. I prestiged a dozen of Survivors but only one of them have all the perks available to me. (I don't own Ash, Quentin nor Tapp.)

    It's a long process. If I'm not mistaken, the developpers said in a recent stream that the grind (or it was only about prestige...) will be less hard soon. But that is what I remember, I could have a bad memory there.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    It was about both, mainly about new prestige system, but also about grind.

    I hope they will just give you more BP based on prestige.

    Veterans don't need help, new players do...

  • Member Posts: 567

    ..why'd you unlock perks that you don't want on characters?

    i avoid doing that if i can at all prevent it (thanks bloodweb for the predator unlock force or else wraith = bricked), thought it'd be obvious it'd bite you

  • Member Posts: 9

    Pick up every perk in the bloodwebs when it shows up, as well as you can.

    Maybe you need to concertrate at the same survivor.

    I have played 4XX hours, 1 or 2 hours one day, since two years ago.

    When I get new survivor or killer, I play him from LV.1, and this is a way that let me know how the perks work.

    Relax, you are playing a game, enjoy it, to win the game is not the only way.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Well, I first unlocked everything and got valid build for every killer. So now I just unlock every perk on every killer, so I can test whatever I want, when there are some changes...

  • Member Posts: 3,387
    edited October 2021

    If you are offered Slippery Meat on every bloodweb, pick Slippery Meat.

    Unfortunately this means that on the very next bloodweb, you will be most likely be offered the new and improved Slippery Meat II, but this is just how the bloodweb works, I don't know if it is by design, but the bloodweb is not perfectly random.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    This is really good news Mady but I have a question. What about the players who have been with us for a while? After all, we've put millions of blood points into all those characters to prestige them. I don't want that to be in vain. Can or may you say something about this ?

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I almost always run bbq or wglf. I tend to save any bp bonus offerings for events. I have 1k hours into the game. I have 2 survivors p3ed, like 5 killers p3ed but only the perks i want on them. I have all killer teachables but im missing 3 survivors. I dont feel they are worth unlocking. Really the bloodweb needs to be removed. Or remover perk tiers. Theres way too much crap perks you have to unlock just so it wont show up again.

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