Your replacement- do you feel it?

You have more and more competitors cropping up. Competitors who won’t make the same stupid mistakes- not balancing for the more faithful high leveled players and releasing updates riddled with bugs and sometimes game crashing oversights despite a literal testing period a month before release. Do you sense your end? I do.
I don’t want this game to end- I want you all to step up and do better. But you won’t unless given no alternative. Now, it seems, there are alternatives. Get your sht together BHVR, or lose your fan base. Hate and flame me all you want, but mark my words: it’s sink or swim now.
Talk about being melodramatic.
55 -
Cant wait for killer AI
6 -
DBD has competition? Would be new to me.
13 -
Call it what you will- melodramatic or. It it’s the truth- DbD, as much as I love it, has had it far too good for far too long. It’s allowed them to do the bare minimum and this game, which most of us love, is a complete nightmare even though it’s been 5+ years. Now they have to get their sht together or fail like Friday the 13th did.
they won’t, I think. They’ve had the potential most of this time to do right by their fan base but haven’t, because they didn’t have to. Now they do. And this is just the beginning.
They’ll reclaim their crown, I’ve no doubt, but in the meantime they’ll get serious and that’s all I’ve ever wanted.
3 -
Pay more attention buddy. It’s a crap game, but vhs beta has launched and coincidentally we have a blood hunt at the same time despite never having had one at this time of year beforehand. They shouldn’t be threatened, at least not by vhs, but they clearly are.
it’s a good sign. They’re smart and paying attention. Gotta put up or shut down.
go ahead and think I’m crazy- I’m not. Dbd will vastly improve soon or fade away. My money is on the first.
7 -
VHS is no competition. Not even close.
All the Killers who claim that they get "bullied" in DBD (which often just means that Survivors won the game...) will not have a good time in VHS if Survivors can fight back there.
VHS is just one of those asymmetrical games which is announced as a new DBD-Killer by the community and will then die like any other "competition".
17 -
it would be great if there was competition but there is none yet.
VHS won’t be the game that kills DbD. It may not fail like all the other attempts, undo think they have some stuff going for them. But it won’t replace DbD at all.
And the focus of the Ash vs Evil Dead game is also not where DbD is..
would be cool to see DbD step up their game and focus more on game Balance and health, maybe new/expanded mechanics etc though
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DbD will not die, not even close. It's way too popular and has way too many licenses to compete with. VHS is a cool alternative, but it won't affect DbD that much
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You ppl don’t see the end game. I already have admitted vhs won’t kill DbD. But it’s the first wave of an oncoming onslaught.
They have to step up now or fall to whatever pops up in the next year or two. And trust me, a true contender is on the rise.
mark my words- The devs ain’t stupid- they know. Thus the blood hunt. And DbD will finally get the TLC that’s been put off for far too long.
it ain’t about this specific low value threat it’s about the pattern.
1 -
They had competition for their entire 5 years. DbD was just better every time
Even if there was competition that succeeds, that doesn't mean DbD will die. Same as street fighter didn't die with tekken or mortal kombat. They will merely co-exist
I'm hoping VHS does well. Cause it really looks like a fun game with cool mechanics. Hoping VHS does well purelly so it might lead to DbD demise is just sad. Pathetic and sad.
6 -
VHS looks like another attempt at Last Year , a game with potential which didn’t do well.
I think you should pay attention to the fact that VHS doesn’t play like DBD AT ALL, nor does it have any of the licensed characters DBD does, which that in itself puts DBD on another level.
DBD has its problems but I swear some of you should just go play whatever game you think is “competition” because I feel like you would be happier if you did.
8 -
No. They haven’t. Name one. You can’t bc no game has come even close. Now, however, they’re getting scarily close. DbD has gotta step it up or fade away. If you don’t see the very likelihood of a potential contender within 18 months you’re just not paying attention. It’s that simple and it’s all I’ll say on the matter.
I assure you DbD devs know this to be true. Watch what happens within a year to prove me, and several p who are paying attention, correct
Ps learn to read- the last thing I want is for DbD to fail. I want them to step up and continue to dominate the genre. Which I’ve already stated. They haven’t been because they’ve had no true competitors and haven’t had to. Now, in the very near future, they do. That’s the point.
time to step it up and it’s long overdue
3 -
VHS is just like Last had the same style where the kids got weapons and they bullied alot in that game....yeah the killers and instant deaths were fun but they gave the kids a shotgun......
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If you think killers have it rough on DBD you won't like VHS at all. Seriously, I know some teams out there just want to make the person feel as miserable as possible, but VHS takes it to another level. If anything I predict some of these survivors leaving to play VHS, because that one is a real bully simulator.
It's actually just going to be another Home Sweet Home situation, seriosuly.
6 -
You ppl just focus on the extreme and completely ignore or miss the important points.
is what you’re saying true? Absolutely.
is what you’re saying the whole story? Not at all.
it’s about the simple fact that these attempts are getting closer and closer to the DbD formula. It’s a threat. Look how many streamers are getting hyped for literally anything else that comes close. Step outside your bias and see the big picture.
you think VHS is the end? Lol. No. It’s just come close enough to prove that DbD has to try harder now or be replaced. It’s really that simple.
2 -
HsH, Last Year, Fridaythe13th, Hide or Die, Resident evil had one and was so forgetable i don't even remember the name, Predator also had an assymetrical 1v4, even Phasmaphobia was told it would kill dbd while not even being the same damn genre.
Short story there are always doomsayers. And they have never been right. Even if DbD gets a competitor. It won't change anything.
They will just co-exist. Most likely even have a large portion of their community playing both games.
8 -
And none of those have even come close to replicating DbD’s niche genre. Unlike VHS. Am I speaking Ancient Greek here? Is vhs better? God no. Is it closer to DbD than any other? Yes. Yes it is.
that’s the whole point.
2 -
Can I also get the lotto numbers while you're at it?
15 -
In my opinion DBD is a huge success because of three things:
- It is a game with a huge skill ceilling, meaning even after hundreds or thousands of hours you still have things to learn;
- It has gameplay variety. Even if meta exists, the game still has more than 50 characters with almost 200 perks and ~35 maps at this point;
- Licenses. I'm on a Silent Hill Discord and when the chapter came out last year A LOT of them bought the game to try it out. Even if most of them already quit the game, BHVR still made money on them.
VHS has not a single one of the these. It doesn't seem to have a high skill ceilling, it still has very few characters and not even a single license. It might make some success unlike HSH or RE: Resistance, but if you believe it will even touch DBD you're very delusional.
"Look how many streamers are getting hyped for literally anything else that comes close". Most streamers who are hyped for VHS are not hyped for the game itself, they just want DBD to have competition so the devs are forced to make better changes. Most of them will still stay playing DBD, because that's where their revenue lies.
3 -
Last point before I’m truly done- what keeps DbD on top besides no true competitors and their many licenses? Don’t worry I’ll wait…
let one, just ONE contender arise, which it absolutely will before long, and let that contender start accruing licenses of their own- well that will become a problem.
you ppl tunnel focus on the now to the point you don’t see the future. I do. And I bet the devs do as well. That’s my whole point.
when these contenders arise the new players will become less of a priority and the faithful players will finally get the attention they both deserve and have paid money for. DbD won’t go down without a fight.
I’m done for real with my commentary, you birds can cluck amongst yourselves if you want I’ll step back in within 18 months once I’m proven correct.
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I don’t see VHS being that close to DbD tbh. Just the very fact that the teens have to kill the monster makes it such a different experience. HSH: Survive was as far as I know closer even though you could kill the Killer you also had the escape stuff etc. Even gens, items. The same for Hide or Die and Last Year. I don’t see those attempts further away from DbD than VHS.
the only difference is that VHS is in its hype phase (as those were too at some point).
2 -
After watching some VHS gameplay, I don’t think they’re gonna be as successful as DBD. This game is being too hyped up but it’s not even something special.
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I'm almost tempted to put this post in my agenda a year from to actually see the results.
I would look forward to be proven wrong
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I wish I had such an optimistic take on the future of DbD and the whole asymmetric horror game genre…
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Vhs looks like fun to watch on a stream but I don't feel like I want to actually play it myself. It's not the same as dbd, it's asymetrical but thats the only real similarity. Seen some of vhs recently and if the "teens" are organised I can really see them becoming real bully squads. They have multiple weapons and monsters have to run from them.
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Except it's been said before that they plan things like bloodhunts months in advance.
2 -
VHS has the potential to be Esport ready / good toward balance.
This is what makes it a threat.
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Thats the purpose of the game. Kill or get killed, for both party. There is no escape. The goal is to kill the other party.
Which makes it instantly "competitive", since both have the same objective.
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Look I’m hyped to play VHS but It won’t kill dbd
2 -
Oh no, the 8th DBD killer, whatever will we do? :(
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I'm pretty much only gonna try those games out if they come to gamepass. I'm not invested enough to go outta my way to fork out money for similar games coz this is just a party game to me. I wonder how many other xbox people feel the same though
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DBD is not balanced around high lvl play. If that were true then there would be more than 3 viable killers at high mmr. If anything it's balanced around new players with all the hand holding bhvr does. There have been many competitors before and they all flopped for one reason or another. I hope we finally get a good competitor because bhvr won't work harder if they have a monopoly. They don't have to keep us happy because there's no one else.
Same. I hope the game does well but I doubt it will kill dbd.
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I have no idea why, but now I have Down With The Sickness stuck in my head now...
Also - competition is never a negative. There is room for more than 1 horror based APVP game.
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I would hardly call “replicating” in a game where you are creating weapons to KILL the killer.
Like, I think VHS looks fun but it is nowhere near the same as DBD.
6 -
As much as people rightfully complain about DBD and criticise the developers, making an asymmetrical PvP game is unbelievably hard to do, and there's a reason why almost all asymm PvP games died off really early.
I don't see a lot of people wanting to risk an attempt on this market and I don't think there's much that can really hinder DbD's control of it. Short of them fully torpedoing their own game, DbD is just here to stay.
2 -
It's good that there is competition coming, and with luck it will stay the distance to push BHVR to make significant changes to their game. VHS may be successful, or may fade like the others, but it has potential. Although its art-style puts me off, the devs are putting a lot of effort in.
VHS may suffer from over-exposure though. So much pressure to be "better than DBD", when all people should be thinking at the moment is simply: "Is this game fun to play?". That is the one thing that works strongly against its success.
Personally, this genre needs more emphasis in favour of the "killer" whilst still being fair on the "survivors" for a new game developer to make a good rival, and to grow at its own pace than have people push it too much.
OP has some good points, but please enough with the amateur dramatic's society posts! It's video games, not the-end-is-well-and-truely-#########-nigh doctrine!
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I'll believe it when I see it. And trust me, I'm a veteran of "This game will totally kill <game>!", as I've played TF2 for well over a decade 😂
Don't get me wrong, I hope VHS does well because it seems interesting in its own way and more good games is an objectively good thing if you ask me, but it has very blatant differences that means it won't be a direct replacement, just like Overwatch is a fun game in its own right but not a replacement for TF2.
For starters, DBD is sorta unique in the way it doesn't allow "survivors" (whatever they're called in the given game) to fight back in the kinda way we've seen in F13 and Last Year.
It just seems far more likely it might be a game someone plays alongside DBD, as another game in the same general genre but one that scratches a slightly different itch.
0 -
I'm always surprised when I read these sorts of threads, especially as so many games have come and gone.
Personally, I hope VHS does well - people have put a lot of time and effort into the game and knowing how much work has gone into a game makes me sad that they had so many issues with their Beta launch, I wished the same thing for Last Year.
The genre is plenty big enough to have more than one game in it. It won't change DbD - we don't work our game around other games, the decisions that are made are made purely because the people that make these decisions believe they are right for the game, that's not going to change. We're a Live game, things will (and do) change as they have always done.
28 -
I feel the exact same.
I originally was more into Friday since that was released for free, and I only jumped ship after that game died.
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Isn't it funny though how so many people complain about getting bullied in DBD where the survivors can't attack the killer. There must be a reason behind it that's beyond just bad killer players crying.
Maybe it's true that survivors being able to fight back the killer might never work for making a succesful game, but this conversation doesn't really matter to you guys who essentially live in DBD because any other asymmetrical game will be shoved off regardless.
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I want competition. BHVR became too greedy for my taste and already build up a good amount of white knights to defend them even with the most dumb decisions from them.
1 -
redacted comment removed since I was fooled and am now sad.
‘the fog reborn’ patch should be a thing though. Someone hire that man.
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They need to stop balancing around an unsustainable experience. Gimmicks based off New player mistakes don't carry on with time or the knowledge and experience players gain.
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All i wznt is for DBD to have competition so the devs finally start working on their game and on the bugs, instead of leaving an unfun mess
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Same, but like I said, VHS isn't going to kill DbD
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These threads remind me of those old "New MMO XYZ is going to be the WoW Killer!" posts.
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Can't wait for VHS tbh, dbd is old and very dated now, with greedy clueless devs, VHS got more steam wishlists than dbds peak players record, thats kinda telling of what people really think about this dump
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VHS is free when it releases
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Do you know if it's definitely coming to xbox? I've been trying to find out but can only find info about it coming out on steam
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Well let’s be honest, none of the competition will dethrone DBD.
Is that to say DBD is a great game? Absolutely not. DBD in my honest opinion is a bad game overall, plagued by fundamental design issues, terrible balance philosophy, relentless bugs and broken content, with minuscule updates for years on end.
However, it’s a unique offering with a large, masochistic fan base, many difficult to obtain licenses and it has been around for years which counts for a lot.
So no, games like VHS won’t topple DBD, but they will be vastly superior products for many people, and many people will jump ship or play both.
I’m looking forward to DBD finally getting some decent competition and the complacency of the devs will surely be interrupted at least for a time.